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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Nilam El Amrani 46orionis
Robotics & AI engineer student

Euromediteranian University of Fes Fes, Morocco

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Antonio Gagliardi antoogagliardi
Hi everyone! I'm a Bachelor's Degree Computer Science Engineer, currently attending my Master's in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at Sapienza University

Sapienza, University of Rome Rome, Italy

Binnur Gorer binnurr
SWE @microsoft , AI&ML researcher, Roboticist

Microsoft Istanbul

Lisa J. Miller lizajane999
Assistant Professor of Information and Computer Sciences, ICS program coordinator at Kapi'olani Community College

Kapiolani Community College Honolulu, Hawaii

rithishsamm rithishsamm
amateur programmer and life long learner. Solutions Architect - AWS by profession, Designer and developer by passion.


Abdelhadi Hireche aeh1707
I'm currently studying full-stack web development at Microverse, HTML, CSS, JS, SASS, WEPACK, I love hiking and playing chess.

Front End Web Developer Chlef, Algeria

Johann Petrak johann-petrak
Researcher at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and former Research Fellow at University of Sheffield (NLP Group)

@sheffieldnlp, @GateNLP, @OFAI Vienna, AT and Sheffield, UK

Msc in Mechatronics Engineering & Phd Candidate in Mechanical Engineering

Ege University Izmir,Turkey

Sougato Bagchi sougato97
ML Engineer at Cozeva

University at Buffalo Seattle, WA, USA

Daniel Fazzioni Fazzioni
Artificial Intelligence student - Federal University of Goiás

Goiânia, Goiás - BR

Yachen Zhang zyc1155

Hiroshima University Japan

Simone Finelli simonefinelli
“ Talk is cheap. Show me the code. ” ― Linus Torvalds