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Lunc Turkish community
Davide Segullo DavideSegullo
Hello, I am a computer science enthusiast. My goal is to contribute to the migration from web2 to web3. Co-Founder | Lead Developer @nabla-studio

@nabla-studio Milano

Chad Ostrowski chadoh
Hello friend! I'm a bipedal mammal doing my thinking in an Indo-European language!

@AhaLabs Chesapeake Bay Water Shed

Giacomo Encicliati Rhaki
Just a bored developer
Larry larry0x
Interested in blockchains
Long Nguyen eledra89
Tech guy building in public ⊂(▀¯▀⊂) Interested in: Applied cryptography, Blockchain and Information Security.

@tentou-tech Hanoi, Vietnam

may g3tl0st
print("gudbye world")

somewhere on earth

Zeus retipuj1
dev. cats. space. brain. love. music. language.


Sascha1337 sascha1337
prof. in WASMology & stable confusion .ckpt AI/ML Specialist Bleeding Edge R&D - Fullstack Dev - Advisor Web3 EVM COSM P2P Decentralization #IBCGang #IOTA


Marco Cecconi sklivvz
Chief R&D Officer @bax-energy. Hacker and computer enthusiast. Ex @StackExchange, @toptal, @intelligenthack

Bax Energy Europe

Etienne Napoleone etienne-napoleone

@initia-labs Lausanne

Rodrigo Gaona Gaonuk
digital quacks

Santiago, Chile.