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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


Ferdous Ahamed ferdous6443
#Lifelong Learner #Tecnology enthusiast eagar to learn more about computer

United International University Dhaka,Bangladesh

Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.
Liao yinan liaoyinan
Aspire to be Xiao Fei Xia

Shenzhen, Guangzhou, China

Andrew Nemov sanvew

Belgrade, Serbia

HuangHaiFeng haifenghuang
C, Perl, Go, Objective-C

Dxc technology Dalian, China

Yung-Hsiang Yang costoxff
“Knowledge isn't free. You have to pay attention.” - Richard P. Feynman


Jim Huang jserv

@BiiLabs Taipei City, Taiwan

Alexander Zizzo elzii
Hybrid for ~20 years. Design Engineer, UX Prototyper, Tooling & Infrastructure, Full-Stack Dev.

Previously @Netflix, now @Ford California

daryaserova DaryaSerova

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Dmitry Rumyantsev acopalypse
Frontend Developer

Softmotions Tbilisi

Then I recited two lines of poetry: "Were it to benefit my country I would lay down my life; What then is risk to me?"
Ajay Mathews ajaymathews
Techie | Student | Neophiliac | Solivagant

Student @ TU Chemnitz Chemnitz,Germany

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
TANG ZhiXiong district10
Vim user under dvorak. (Hiring for SLAM/GIS/C++/Python talents)

Momenta Suzhou, China

Mikael K. Aboagye JailbreakPapa
Some dude who works loves C++, and has an unhealthy obsession with Game Engines.

@WatchDogStudios United States

Martial Chartist


Dmitry Atamanov data-man
35+ years in programming. My IT way: Elektronika MK-52➡GW-BASIC➡FoxPro/Clipper➡Clarion➡Turbo Pascal/Delphi, a bit of Asm➡C/C++➡D➡Nim➡Zig➡C3➡Swift➡⁇

Palearctic realm