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Raphael Fabeni raphaelfabeni
A Brazilian developer who loves sports.

@RedVentures Charlotte, NC

Vincenzo vincenzorm117

Red Ventures Remote

Eddie Herbert edwardofclt
I build Platforms to reduce toil for other engineers.

@RedVentures Charlotte, NC

Elijah Kroener rv-ekroener
It's a feature, I promise.

@RedVentures Fort Mill, SC

Francisco Debs ciscodebs

Charlotte, NC, United States

Kyle Denton ky13d3nt0n
Senior Front End Developer

@dfds-frontend København, Denmark

Jason Rich jrich8573
Chief Engineer at Booz | Allen | Hamilton and lifelong 👨‍🎓 of data and business. Currently a student at Williama and Mary's Mason School of Business.

Booz | Allen | Hamilton United States