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Reza vivithemage

Wootzano Ltd Darlington, England

Seren Sıla Uysal optimistprime21
Istanbul Technical University - Electronics and Communication Engineering || @itu-auv
Ben benjamin-nicholls
I use GitLab more

University of Lincoln United Kingdom

Vlad Mosoiu vladmosoiu98
Robotics Software Engineer Passionate about Deep Learning and Simulation

Agora Robotics Bucharest, Romania

Nektarios NekSfyris
Senior Robotics Engineer - making autonomous aerial/ground robots.

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abdul Sami MalikSamiAwan
Flutter and Laravel Developer

ArcInfo Consulting Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan

Zachary Claret-Scott hcaz
Senior PHP developer based in Lincoln UK! Over 10 years experience creating bespoke software solutions. Founded @enhost

@claretscott Lincoln, uk

Kalhan Boralessa kalhansb
PhD student in Robotics and AI at Nottingham Trent University

United Kingdom

Ismet Erdogan ismeterd
Control Eng. student, a person who trying to learn the robotic

@iturake İstanbul

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Ndi-tah Samweld Nditah
7+ Experience as a developer in Elixir, Golang, Java, Python, R, Rust, SQL, Typescript Enugu, Nigeria

LucianZhong lucianzhong


Ibrahim Hroob ibrahimhroob
Research Software Engineer at University of Lincoln - L-CAS.

University of Lincoln UK

we3ew we3ew

若恋相亲APP 中国浙江杭州

Sebastian Sansoni Seba-san
Ph.D. Candidate in Robotics

UNSJ - CONICET San Juan, Argentina


China Agriculture University China

Leonardo Guevara LeonardoGuevara
Senior Lecturer in Agri-Robotics

University of Lincoln Lincoln

Emlyn emlynw
University of Leeds Mechanical Engineering BEng & MEng graduate
hanliming hanliming08
Omro omroali
PhD University of Lincoln - Human Robot Interactions


Qingzhao Liu lyd00116

TianJin University China

Diego Tiozzo Fasiolo diegotiozzo21
Mechanical Engineering Degrees @ University of Padua | Ph.D. candidate @ University of Udine | Mobile Robotics enthusiast.
James Hardy YammyToast
Python, Rust, C

Badley-Ashton Lincoln, UK

Mohamed H. H. Abdelwahab mhhabdelwahab
Marine Robotics Autonomy Research Lead

Khalifa University Abu Dhabi, UAE

Marc Hanheide marc-hanheide
coding prof, robotics, director of @LCAS #ROS #HRI #AI personal website for details:

@LCAS @UoL-SoCS @jabasai Lincoln, UK

Süleyman Batuhan Vatan Sbvatan
Bilgi BSc. ME grad. of class '20, Currently: Boğaziçi University, System & Control Engineering MSc. student
Maz Gudelis TheMemoryDealer
PhD research student @ UEA. AgriFoRwArdS CDT member. Contact me on I'm always open to collaborate on interesting projects!

United Kingdom

Rob Lloyd rwlloyd
Mechatronics Engineer for Agriforwards CDT (@LCAS @LAR) and Digital maker of many things.

University of Lincoln Lincoln, UK