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Ryo Hikaru RyoHikayu

CRM Works Kyoto

Reese Fujimoto basketcase2

Fujitsu Minato City, Tokyo, Japan

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


芳心縱火范特西 cocob0i
Builder & Hacker since 2015.


Camille Charmant CharmCam
Astrophotographer and optical engineer. Developing cutting-edge camera tech for capturing celestial wonders.

Lumière Optics Lyon, France

Sumo Lee DogActor
An Invited Expert

Lehi, Utah

Ryugyong Dong RyugyongDong

Printful Riga, Latvia

/dev/random Orcheste

Boom Supersonic Pittsburgh, PA

张作相 Dachaulied
Ensure success from the start.


Ra ra Rasputin Rasputin02
Russia's greatest love machine!

Российский университет дружбы народов Russian Empire

Loren Jia GameOra
Full-stack developer with a passion for open-source, collaboration, and creating intuitive user experiences. Love hiking! ⛰️

SendGrid Denver, Colorado

Yuto Nakamura neverfi
Software architect - Open source enthusiast 🚀 - Robotics & automation expert 🤖 - talk is cheap, show me the money. ⛰️

Tenga Fukuoka, Japan

程楠 powerclear
Dedicated to open-source and building software solutions that transform industries and improve people's lives.

Baidu, Inc. Beijing, China

Beau McCarthy BitFact
When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven't.

Intuit Phoenix

Sean Yan LooongArch

Northwestern University

Yencatx ComputerNPR
That Cool Geek Gopher!

true == false GiteeMonkey
Passionate about open source and committed to developing cutting-edge software solutions.

Kim Min-joon & OpenCode Seoul, South Korea

几米 onlyrice
Life is a vibe & rice.

University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Xiao² Duan xiao2duan


Kavya Mathur GunRyu
UI/UX Designer @ Zoho. Coffee lover, amateur painter. ☕🎨

Zoho Corporation Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

entrepreneur dares to dream hyperjumpin
An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream the dreams.

Boom Technology Seattle, WA

Grace Wu Aie73hek
Game developer @ea, creating immersive virtual worlds 🎮. Love theme parks 🎢 & exploring Florida's beaches 🏖️. Living the Orlando dream!

Electronic Arts Orlando, FL

Mirai MiraiRails

Coders' HJ Inc. Asia

Code Monkey MonkeyCodeCoder
Software engineer @LockheedMartin. Passionate about robotics 🤖 & space exploration 🚀. Disney fan 🏰 & beach lover 🏖️.

Lockheed Martin Orlando, FL

wannature wannature
Actually, science is my lady.

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

Zhang Chao agoclover
Data Science Engineering


Dodge DodgeHo
I am not just a C++ developer, but also capable of writting algorithm in digital signal processing, and able to use a bit of machine learning in data analysis.

Hong Kong, SAR

David Qiao qtw1998
love programming since I was a little boy 🇨🇳 Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU) 🇬🇧 University of Bristol (UoB) Robotics

University of Bristol, UK

charlieJ chaizwj
Keep moving forward, life is full of hope

ShangHai MariTime University ShangHai

安琪 AnneLau
I'm fond of art and coding.


iacker iacker


Francis Bai BottomBook
Take Your Temperature 💐

Intuit Inc. Mountain View, California