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Jayesh Jawale jayeshjawale95
Principal Software Engineer

Pune, India

Ewa Krajewska Sentini4 Seaworthy House LONDON, SW11 3NG, UK, SW11 3NG, GB

Abraham Bormate abormate
🇵🇭 Filipino Catholic 👨🏼‍🔧 techie wookie dork snorlax embraced prayer, healing and learning 🧰 loves food, fresh coffee ☕, & most furry pets ☮️ Peace 🕊️

hey, if you folks are hiring, please let me know. thanks. peace be with you, my friends. a large cluster of islands 🏝️, with good, hard-working, and optimistic people, called the Republic of the Philippines 🇵🇭

OJB Crypto ojbcrypto

Winterthur, Switzerland

Hexzilla Hexzilla
Python, AWS SAM, Lambda, RDS, DynamoDB, Java, SpringBoot, Smart Contract, Solidity, Rust, Javascript, Typescript, React, NextJS, Angular, NodeJS, Express
Howard Lee howardleejh
[Frontend Dev] Solidity | Typescript | NodeJS


Buwei Chiu bu
I craft things that work elegantly.

@hax4 Singapore

jeff ngugi jeffngugi
Software Developer. Web | Mobile apps React | React Native | Typescript | Laravel


Nishant Ghodke iamcrazycoder
Senior Software Engineer - Web3. Previously @ExodusMovement, @bloominstituteoftechnology

Dubai, UAE

Aniruddha Shevle aniruddhashevle
I enjoy coding. Software Developer.

@CakeDefi Singapore

Udara Karunarathna udarapathmin
Full Stack Developer


Hans Yulian hansyulian

@zynesis Indonesia

Apo afxal

@ordlify Kuala Lumpur

DeFiChain on Raspberry Martin8617
I believe in Bitcoin and I believe in DeFiChain ...und ja ich mache die netten DFI-Avatare


marcelkb marcelkb
Crypto Enthusiast and Developer
Niven sieniven

@okx Singapore, Singapore

Sumanth Krishna 🕵🏻‍♂️ sumanth-krishna
Crafting Careers 🏆 | Scaling Elite Teams 🚀 on Earth 001 🌏 Mentoring | Branding | Web3 / AI / Tech StartUps 🔥 | OSINT 🕵️‍♂️

🚀 ✨ Cosmos 👨🏻‍🚀

AndiyNW AndiyNW
not a programmer unfortunately 😢

self Austria

Makoto Sunakawa sunakawa
Development engineer & Contents Provider

MPA Kanagawa,Japan

Matthew Jacobus andyrobert3
EVM dev | Learning Solana + Rust 🦀


0ptim 0ptim
Web App Dev - Blazor, Webflow, Crypto

Watosoft AG Switzerland

juinqqn juinquok
Platform Engineering | Cloud Native | Solution Engineering


Supun Sashika supunsashika123
Software Engineer @ Bake | ReactJs, React Native, NodeJs


Isaac Yong infinia-yzl
Diego dcorral
UTXO expert
