diff --git a/test/e2e/serial/tests/configuration.go b/test/e2e/serial/tests/configuration.go index 06ac4228d..157f3f4b4 100644 --- a/test/e2e/serial/tests/configuration.go +++ b/test/e2e/serial/tests/configuration.go @@ -1184,11 +1184,7 @@ var _ = Describe("[serial][disruptive] numaresources configuration management", By("verify degraded condition is found due to node group with multiple selectors") Expect(fxt.Client.Get(ctx, nroKey, &updatedNRO)).To(Succeed()) - cond := status.FindCondition(updatedNRO.Status.Conditions, status.ConditionDegraded) - Expect(cond).NotTo(BeNil(), "condition Degraded was not found: %+v", updatedNRO.Status.Conditions) - Expect(cond.Reason).To(Equal(validation.NodeGroupsError), "reason of the conditions is different from expected: expected %q found %q", validation.NodeGroupsError, cond.Reason) - expectedCondMsg := "must have only a single specifier set" - Expect(strings.Contains(cond.Message, expectedCondMsg)).To(BeTrue(), "different degrade message was found: expected to contains %q but found %q", "must have only a single specifier set", expectedCondMsg, cond.Message) + Expect(isDegradedWith(updatedNRO.Status.Conditions, "must have only a single specifier set", validation.NodeGroupsError)).To(BeTrue(), "Condition not degraded as expected") }) It("[tier1] should report the NodeGroupConfig in the NodeGroupStatus with NodePool set and allow updates", func(ctx context.Context) {