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DD WRT Binding

wdesponts edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 13 revisions

Note: This Binding is available in 1.9.0 and later releases.

Documentation of the DD-WRT binding bundle


For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings, or you can add [this JAR] ( to your addons folder.

Adapt your openhab.cfg to your configuration:

  • IP address of DD-WRT to connect to

  • You need to configure the user and password of your DD-WRT

  • Interface for the 2.4 GHz wifi

  • Interface for the 5 GHz wifi

  • Virtuall-Interface for the guest wifi

Prepare your DD-WRT device

  • You have to activate the telnet connection in the DD-WRT web interface.
  • The changing of the telnet port in the DD-WRT web interface is not always working. Test it with a telnet command shell.

Generic Item Binding Configuration

In order to bind an item to the DD-WRT device, you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add some binding information in your item file (in the folder configurations/items).

Switching WIFI

The following items switch WIFI, GUEST_WIFI, and the NAME of the device as string:

String DEVICE_NAME {ddwrt="routertype"}
Switch WIFI_24     {ddwrt="wlan24"}
Switch WIFI_50     {ddwrt="wlan50"}
Switch WIFI_GUEST  {ddwrt="wlanguest"}

The guest network is usually a virtual network device. There is a bug in the DD-WRT firmware. The activation of this interface needs a workaround so it takes some seconds more as the native devices.

Tested with Archer V2 and DD-WRT v3.0-r30880 std (11/14/16)

Introduction - openHAB v2.x

The current version of this binding is not yet converted to openHAB 2.x formatting but it does work if you follow the instructions below. For those that want to help make it 2.x compliant, please feel free to edit these instructions.

Step 1 - Prepare Router

  • Activate the telnet interface via the web interface (Services -> Services Telnet Section -> Enable).
  • Make note of the port number (Services -> Services Secure Shell -> Port).
  • Connect to the router's command line using Telnet (using your favorite telnet client).
  • Get a list of active interfaces using the ifconfig command.
  • Make note of the different interface names. (ath0, br0, eth2, wl0.1 etc).

Step 2 - Install the dd-WRT binding JAR files

Step 3 - Create your ddwrt.cfg file

  • In your preferred text editor copy and past the following:

############################### DD-WRT Binding ####################################
# IP address of DD-WRT to connect to. Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with your routers Local IP address.
# Please note that the router and openHAB server should be on the same network.
# Port Number for the Telnet connection. Replace YYYYY with the port number. #
# Connection information for to access the routers command line.
# Only needed if Password Login is activated on the router.
# Replace USERNAME and USERPASSWORD fileds below with your connecton details.
# Interface 1. Normally assigned to the 2.4 GHz wifi physical interface (ath0 or wl0).
# Replace INTERFACE1 with the name of the interface you want to trigger.
# Interface 2. Normally for the 5 GHz wifi physical interface (ath1 or wl1)
# Replace INTERFACE2 with the name of the interface you want to trigger.
# Interface 3. Normally used for Virtual-Interface such as guest wifi (ath1.1 or wl0.1).
# This interface switch triggers additional reset commands on the router.
# Replace INTERFACE3 with the name of the interface you want to trigger.

  • Save the file as ddwrt.cfg to the /conf/Services folder.

Step 4 - Add dd-WRT Items to openHAB

  • In your preferred text editor copy and past the following:

// DD-WRT Binding //
String DEVICE_NAME "NAME OF ROUTER" <signal> (GROUP1, GROUP2) {ddwrt="routertype"}
Switch INTERFACE1_NAME "INTERFACE1 NAME" <signal> (GROUP1, GROUP2) {ddwrt="wlan24"}
Switch INTERFACE2_NAME "INTERFACE2 NAME" <signal> (GROUP1, GROUP2) {ddwrt="wlan50"}
Switch INTERFACE3_NAME "INTERFACE3 NAME" <signal> (GROUP1, GROUP2) {ddwrt="wlanguest"}

Customize the Item Names

  • Ensure they are unique througout your openHAB instalation

Customize the Item Descriptions


Customize the Item Icons

  • Replace or Delete the "" fields

Customize the Item Group Membership

  • Replace or Delete the "(GROUP1, GROUP2)" fields

Save the file to openHAB

  • Save the file as ddwrt.cfg in the /conf/Items folder

Step 5 - Follow-up

  • Please remember to backup your router before activating and using this binding. Turning off the wrong interface may result in the loss of network access, therfore preventing openHAB from turining them back on.
  • Your routers chipset and configuration will determin the interfaces you can control. Any of the interfaces listed when the ifcomand was run can be attached to the binding.


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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