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Controlling openHAB with your voice

peuter edited this page Nov 26, 2014 · 9 revisions

Controlling openHAB with your voice

This page should give an example how you can control openHAB via natural language without having to write code for every single item you want to control with your voice.


Voice Recognition systems

You need a working voice recognition system, that sends the recognized text to the VoiceCommand item in openHAB. The easiest way of doing is by using HABDroid, which works out of the box.

Other possible solutions are Tasker together with AutoVoice of Jasper (on Linux systems).

Item structure

Your items should follow this naming convention:

<purpose>    = Shutter, Socket, Light, Temperature,...
<floorlevel> = GF, FF, SF,...
<room>       = Bed, Living, Kitchen,...
<detail>     = Door, Window, ...`

Additionaly there should be one "root"-group which contains all items that should be controllable by voice commands. In the given example this group is named "All"

And you need one String item named VoiceCommand

String VoiceCommand

Natural language processing rule (german)

This rules processes german voice commands and should be easily translatable to other languages. Basically the rule trys to read the state, the room (and the floorlevel of the room) and the purpose of the item to be changed. Based on this findings the item group "All" is searched for an item named "purpose_floorlevel_room_detail" which accepts the new state.

An additional feature in this rule is the possibility to give responses by TTS (currently only used when the temperature is changed in a room).

rule "Voice control"
	Item VoiceCommand received command
			var String command = VoiceCommand.state.toString.toLowerCase
	logInfo("Voice.Rec","VoiceCommand received "+command)
	var State newState = null
	// find new state, toggle otherwise (if possible)
	if (command.contains("grad") || command.contains("prozent") || command.contains("dimme")) {
		// extract new state (find the digits in the string)
		var Pattern p = Pattern::compile(".* ([0-9]+) (grad|prozent).*")
		var Matcher m = p.matcher(command)
		if (m.matches()) {
			newState = new StringType(
	else if (command.contains("aus")|| command.contains("ausschalten") || command.contains("beenden")) {
		newState = OFF
	} else if (command.contains("an") || command.contains("ein")|| command.contains("einschalten") || command.contains("starten")) {
		newState = ON
	} else if (command.contains("runterfahren") || command.contains("runter") || command.contains("ab") || command.contains("schließen")) {
		newState = DOWN
	} else if (command.contains("hochfahren") || command.contains("hoch") || command.contains("auf") || command.contains("öffnen")) {
		newState = UP
	} else if (command.contains("rot")) {
		newState = new HSBType(new Color(255, 0, 0));
	} else if (command.contains("blau")) {
		newState = new HSBType(new Color(0, 0, 255));
	} else if (command.contains("weiß")) {
		newState = new HSBType(new Color(255, 255, 255));
	// find room
	var String room = null
	var String roomItemPart = null
	var String roomArticle="im"
	if (command.contains("wohnzimmer")) {
		room = "Wohnzimmer"
		roomItemPart = "FF_Living"
	} else if (command.contains("schlafzimmer")) {
		room = "Schlafzimmer"
		roomItemPart = "SF_Bed"
	} else if (command.contains("badezimmer") || command.contains("bad")) {
		room = "Badezimmer"
		roomItemPart = "FF_Toilet"
	} else if (command.contains("arbeitszimmer") || command.contains("büro")) {
		room = "Büro"
		roomItemPart = "FF_Office"
	} else if (command.contains("küche")) {
		room = "Küche"
		roomItemPart = "FF_Kitchen"
		roomArticle = "in der"
	// purpose
	var String itemType=null
	var String itemSubType=""
	var String reply=""
	if (command.contains("licht")) {
		itemType = "Light"
		if (newState instanceof HSBType) {
			if (room=="Schlafzimmer") {
			} else if (room=="Wohnzimmer") {
	} else if (command.contains("rolladen") || command.contains("jalousien")) {
		itemType = "Shutter"
		if (newState instanceof StringType) {
			itemType = "Shutter_Pos"
		if (room=="Wohnzimmer") {
			// Unterscheiden zwischen Tür/Fenster
			if (command.contains("tür")) {
				itemSubType = "_Door"
			} else if (command.contains("fenster")) {
				itemSubType = "_Window"
	} else if (command.contains("temperatur")) {
		itemType = "Temperature"
		itemSubType = "_Target"
		reply = "Ok, Temperatur "+roomArticle+" "+room+" auf "+newState+" Grad gesetzt"
	if (itemType!=null && (roomItemPart!=null || command.contains("alle")) && newState!=null) {
		logInfo("Voice.Rec", "sending "+newState+" to "+itemType+"_"+roomItemPart+itemSubType)
		if (command.contains("alle")) {
			if (roomItemPart==null)
			val String itemName = itemType+"_"+roomItemPart+itemSubType
			val State finalState = newState
			logInfo("Voice.Rec","searching for  *"+itemName+"* items")
			All?.allMembers.filter(s | && s.acceptedDataTypes.contains(finalState.class)).forEach[item|
				logInfo("Voice.Rec","item  "+item+" found")
		} else {
		if (reply!="")


Please feel free to translate this rule into english. If you have a working and well tested solution, please add/replace the rule above.


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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