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Deployment of ShinyProxy operator

This directory contains a set of bases that can directly be used to deploy the ShinyProxy Operator. It also contains some example deployments in the overlays directory.

Component and dependencies

Before showing how to deploy the operator, this section describes the components and dependencies of the operator.

  • Operator: the operator itself which manages the different ShinyProxy servers.

  • ShinyProxy: the ShinyProxy servers, these host the Shiny apps. You do not need to create these servers manually, since these are created by the operator. Instead, you define which servers to create, and the operator creates all necessary Kubernetes resources, without affecting any existing server or causing downtime.

  • Redis: Redis is used by ShinyProxy (not by the operator) to implement session and app persistence. This ensures that when a ShinyProxy server is replaced, the user is still logged in and all apps remain active. Redis is always required when using the operator. When deploying Redis on the Kubernetes cluster, we advise to use Redis Sentinel such that Redis is run in a high-available way. It is also possible to use a Redis server provided by cloud providers.

    Note: when deploying to production, it is important to change the password used to secure Redis. Each example (see below) already changes the password to mySecurePassword12. For an example see the overlays/1-namespaced/patches/redis.secret.yaml file. Make sure to change the password before deploying, see changing Redis password for instructions on how to change the password after deploying.

Tutorial using minikube

This section provides a step-by-step tutorial on the basic deployment of the ShinyProxy operator on minikube.

  1. This tutorial requires that you install some tools:

  2. Start minikube:

    minikube start --kubernetes-version='v1.30.3'  --addons=metrics-server,ingress --container-runtime=containerd
  3. Clone this repository and change the working directory:

    git clone /~
    cd shinyproxy-operator/docs/deployment/overlays/1-namespaced
  4. Apply all resources

    kustomize build .  | kubectl apply -f - --server-side

    Note: this command may not finish successfully from the first attempt, for example, you could get the following message:

    unable to recognize "STDIN": no matches for kind "CustomResourceDefinition" in version ""
    unable to recognize "STDIN": no matches for kind "ShinyProxy" in version ""

    In this case, just re-run the command. The resources should then get created. (there is no way to specify the order of resources or the dependencies between resources in kustomize, re-running the command is the only workaround)

  5. Wait for all the resources to startup. At this point the operator should start. It is now time to configure web access to the cluster. First get the IP of minikube using:

    minikube ip

    Next, add the following entries to /etc/hosts, replacing MINIKUBE_IP by the output of the previous command;

    MINIKUBE_IP       shinyproxy-demo.local
    MINIKUBE_IP       shinyproxy-demo2.local
  6. Once all deployments are finished, you can access ShinyProxy at shinyproxy-demo.local. You will get a security warning from your browser because if the invalid (self-signed) certificate. You can safely bypass this warning during this example.

  7. Wait until the ShinyProxy instance is fully started. (before you will see a Not Found page).

  8. Try to launch an application and keep this application running.

  9. Change something in the resources/shinyproxy.shinyproxy.yaml file. For example change the title property and instruct the operator to create two ShinyProxy replicas:

    kind: ShinyProxy
      name: shinyproxy
      namespace: shinyproxy
      # ...
        store-mode: Redis
        stop-proxies-on-shutdown: false
        title: ShinyProxy 2 # <- MAKE THE CHANGE HERE
      # ...
      replicas: 2 # <- ADD THIS LINE
      image: openanalytics/shinyproxy:3.1.1
      imagePullPolicy: Always
      fqdn: shinyproxy-demo.local
  10. Apply this change using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f resources/shinyproxy.shinyproxy.yaml

    The operator now deploys a new ShinyProxy instance. The old instance will be kept intact as long as a Websocket connection is active on the old instance. The old instance will automatically be removed once it no longer has any open Websocket connections. New requests will immediately be handled by the new server as soon as it is ready. Try going to the main page of ShinyProxy and check whether the change your made has been applied.

  11. Try the other examples. The following commands first remove the current example, next you can open another example (e.g. 2-clustered) and deploy it using kubectl:

    kubectl delete namespace/shinyproxy
    kubectl delete namespace/shinyproxy-operator                 # may fail
    kubectl delete namespace/shinyproxy-dept2                    # may fail
    kubectl delete namespace/my-namespace                        # may fail
    kubectl delete namespace/redis                               # may fail
    cd ../2-clustered
    kustomize build .  | kubectl apply -f -

Overview of examples

The Operator is designed to be flexible and fit many type of deployments. This repository includes examples for many kinds of deployments:

  • 1-namespaced:

    • Operator-mode: namespaced
    • Operator-namespace: shinyproxy
    • Redis-namespace: shinyproxy
    • ShinyProxy-namespace: shinyproxy
    • URLs: https://shinyproxy-demo.local

    This is a very simple deployment of the operator, where everything runs in the same namespace.

  • 2-clustered:

    • Operator-mode: clustered
    • Operator-namespace: shinyproxy-operator
    • Redis-namespace: redis
    • ShinyProxy-namespace: shinyproxy and shinyproxy-dept2
    • URLs:
      • https://shinyproxy-demo.local
      • https://shinyproxy-demo2.local

    In this example, the operator runs in clustered mode. Therefore, the operator will look into all namespaces for ShinyProxy resources and deploy these resources in their respective namespace. This example also demonstrates how the Operator can be used in a multi-tenancy or multi-realm way. Each ShinyProxy server runs in its own namespace, isolated from the other servers. However, they are managed by a single operator.

  • 3-namespaced-app-ns:

    • Operator-mode: namespaced
    • Operator-namespace: shinyproxy
    • Redis-namespace: shinyproxy
    • ShinyProxy-namespace: shinyproxy
    • URLs: https://shinyproxy-demo.local

    Similar to example 1, however, the 01_hello app will now run in the my-namespace namespace instead of the shinyproxy namespace. In addition to the change in the shinyproxy.shinyproxy.yaml file, this configuration requires the definition of the extra namespace and the modification of the ServiceAccount of the ShinyProxy server.

  • 4-namespaced-multi:

    • Operator-mode: namespaced
    • Operator-namespace: shinyproxy
    • Redis-namespace: shinyproxy
    • ShinyProxy-namespace: shinyproxy
    • URLs:
      • https://shinyproxy-demo.local/shinyproxy1/
      • https://shinyproxy-demo.local/shinyproxy2/
      • https://shinyproxy-demo.local/shinyproxy3/

    Based on the second example, this example shows how multi-tenancy can be achieved using sub-paths instead of multiple domain names. Each ShinyProxy server is made available at the same domain name but at a different path under that domain name.

ShinyProxy CRD

The CustomResourceDefinition of the operator can be found in the bases/namespaced/operator/crd.yaml directory (the CRD is equal for clustered and namespaced deployments). The following sections of this file are important:

  • spring: config related to Spring, such as the redis connection information
  • proxy: the configuration of ShinyProxy, this is the same configuration as if you were manually deploying ShinyProxy
  • kubernetesPodTemplateSpecPatches: allows to patch the PodTemplate of the ReplicaSet created by the operator (see the example)
  • kubernetesIngressPatches: allows to patch the Ingress resources created by the operator (see the example)
  • kubernetesServicePatches: allows to patch the Service resources created by the operator (see the example)
  • image: the docker image to use for the ShinyProxy server ( e.g. openanalytics/shinyproxy:3.1.1)
  • imagePullPolicy: the pull policy for ShinyProxy Image; the default value is IfNotPresent; valid options are Never, IfNotPresent and Always.
  • fqdn: the FQDN at which the service should be available, e.g. ` shinyproxy-demo.local
  • additionalFqdns: (optional) a list of additional FQDNs that can be used to access this ShinyProxy server
  • appNamespaces: a list of namespaces in which apps will be deployed. This is only needed when you change the namespace of an app using the kubernetes-pod-patches feature. The namespace of the operator and ShinyProxy instance are automatically included
  • antiAffinityTopologyKey: the topology key to use in the anti-affinity configuration of the ShinyProxy pods
  • antiAffinityRequired: if enabled, the anti-affinity configuration rules are required instead of preferred

Modify the Ingress Resource

The ShinyProxy Operator automatically creates an ingress resource for each ShinyProxy resource you create. This ingress resource points to the correct Kubernetes service (which is also created by the operator). The created Ingress resource contains everything that is needed for a working ShinyProxy deployment. However, in some cases it is required to modify the resource. This can be achieved using the kubernetesIngressPatches field. This field should contain a string which contains a list of JSON Patches to apply to the Ingress resource. The above examples already include the following patch:

kind: ShinyProxy
  name: shinyproxy
  namespace: shinyproxy
  # ...
  kubernetesIngressPatches: |
    - op: add
      path: /metadata/annotations
      value: "128k" "true" 300m
    - op: add
      path: /spec/ingressClassName
      value: nginx
    - op: add
      path: /spec/tls
        - hosts:
          - shinyproxy-demo.local
         # secretName: example # uncomment and change this line if needed
  image: openanalytics/shinyproxy:3.1.1
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  fqdn: shinyproxy-demo.local

The first patch adds some additional annotations to the ShinyProx resource. For example, in order to set up a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. The second patch changes the ingressClassName to nginx. Finally, the last patch configures TLS for the ingress resource. In a production environment, you can uncomment the line with the secretName to refer to a proper secret. Any patch is accepted, but make sure that the resulting Ingress resource still works for the ShinyProxy Deployment. The ShinyProxy Operator logs the manifest before and after applying the patch, this can be useful while creating the patches.

Note: the previous section only applies to version 2 of the operator. Version 1 behaves differently since it used Skipper as (intermediate) ingress controller.

Modify the ShinyProxy Pod

The Operator automatically creates a ReplicaSet for each ShinyProxy resource you create. This ReplicaSet contains a PodTemplate, which contains all necessary settings for creating a proper ShinyProxy pod. In a lot of cases, it can be useful to adapt this PodTemplate for the specific context in which ShinyProxy is running. For example, it's a good idea to specify the resource requests and limits, or sometimes it's required to add a toleration to the pod. These modification can be achieved using the kubernetesPodTemplateSpecPatches field. This field should contain a string which contains a list of JSON Patches to apply to the PodTemplate. The above examples already include the following patch:

kind: ShinyProxy
  name: shinyproxy
  namespace: shinyproxy
  # ...
  kubernetesPodTemplateSpecPatches: |
    - op: add
      path: /spec/containers/0/env/-
        name: REDIS_PASSWORD
            name: redis
            key: redis-password
    - op: add
      path: /spec/containers/0/resources
          cpu: 1
          memory: 1Gi
          cpu: 0.5
          memory: 1Gi
    - op: add
      path: /spec/serviceAccountName
      value: shinyproxy-sa
  image: openanalytics/shinyproxy:3.1.1
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  fqdn: shinyproxy-demo.local

The above configuration contains three patches. The first patch adds an environment variable with the password used for connecting to the Redis server. The second patch configures the resource limits and requests of the ShinyProxy pod. Finally, the last patch configures the ServiceAccount of the pod.

Note: it is important when using this feature to not break any existing configuration of the pod. For example, when you want to mount additional configmaps, use the following configuration:

kind: ShinyProxy
  name: shinyproxy
  namespace: shinyproxy
  kubernetesPodTemplateSpecPatches: |
    - op: add
      path: /spec/volumes/-
        name: myconfig
          name: some-configmnap
    - op: add
      path: /spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/-
        mountPath: /mnt/configmap
        name: myconfig
        readOnly: true

In this example, the path property of the patch always ends with a -, this indicates that the patch adds a new entry to the end of the array ( e.g. spec/volumes/).

The following patch breaks the behavior of the ShinyProxy pod and should therefore not be used:

# NOTE: this is a demo of a WRONG configuration - do not use
kind: ShinyProxy
  name: shinyproxy
  namespace: shinyproxy
  kubernetesPodTemplateSpecPatches: |
    - op: add
      path: /spec/volumes
        - name: myconfig
            name: some-configmnap
    - op: add
      path: /spec/containers/0/volumeMounts
        - mountPath: /mnt/configmap
          name: myconfig
          readOnly: true

This patch replaces the existing /spec/volumes and /spec/containers/0/volumeMounts arrays of the pod. The ShinyProxy Operator automatically creates a mount for a configmap which contains the ShinyProxy configuration. By overriding these mounts, this configmap is not be mounted and the default (demo) configuration of ShinyProxy is loaded.

Modify the Service Resource

The ShinyProxy Operator automatically creates a Service resource for each ShinyProxy resource you create. The created Service resource contains everything that is needed for a working ShinyProxy deployment. However, in some cases it is required to modify the resource. This can be achieved using the kubernetesServicePatches field. This field should contain a string which contains a list of JSON Patches to apply to the Service resource. For example:

kind: ShinyProxy
  name: shinyproxy
  namespace: shinyproxy
  # ...
  kubernetesServicePatches: |
    - op: add
      path: /metadata/annotations
        my-annotation: my-value
  image: openanalytics/shinyproxy:3.1.1
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  fqdn: shinyproxy-demo.local

This example patch adds the annotation my-annotation: my-value to the Service resource created by the operator.


Starting with version 2.1.0, the operator automatically adds anti-affinity rules, such that Kubernetes will try to not schedule multiple ShinyProxy replicas on the same Kubernetes node. Note that this only has effect when running multiple replicas of ShinyProxy. If Kubernetes is unable to satisfy the requirement, it will still schedule multiple replicas on the same node. This behavior can be changed by setting antiAffinityRequired to true in your ShinyProxy configuration. It is also possible to change the topology, by setting the antiAffinityTopologyKey, e.g. to not run multiple replicas in the same availability zone you can set this property to .

Changing Redis password

Each example changes the password to mySecurePassword12. It's important to change this password in your environment. Ideally, the password must be changed before deploying Redis for the first time, since changing the password after initial deployment requires deleting all data.

In order to change the password after deployment:

Note: during this process ShinyProxy will be stopped and all apps and users are stopped!

  1. change the password in the yaml file (e.g. in overlays/1-namespaced/patches/redis.secret.yaml)

  2. stop ShinyProxy by removing the ShinyProxy resource (pods of running apps are not automatically removed):

    kubectl delete shinyproxy -n shinyproxy shinyproxy
  3. delete all Redis related resources:

    kubectl delete statefulset -n shinyproxy redis-node
    kubectl delete pvc -n shinyproxy redis-data-redis-node-0
    kubectl delete pvc -n shinyproxy redis-data-redis-node-1
    kubectl delete pvc -n shinyproxy redis-data-redis-node-2
  4. wait for all related pods to be stopped and all resources to be removed

  5. check that the PersistentVolumes of Redis are removed using kubectl get pv

  6. re-deploy Redis and ShinyProxy:

    kustomize build .  | kubectl apply -f - --server-side