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How To: Minimal Oni Configuration

Amadeus Folego edited this page Apr 25, 2018 · 19 revisions

Oni by default overrides some configurations to provide an IDE-like experience, here follows a method to strip Oni to make it behave more like vim:

// .config/oni/config.tsx

const activate = (oni) => {
  oni.input.unbind("<c-g>") // make C-g work as expected in vim
  oni.input.bind("<s-c-g>", () => oni.commands.executeCommand("")) // You can rebind Oni's behaviour to a new keybinding

module.exports = {
  "oni.hideMenu": true, // Hide default menu, can be opened with <alt>
  "oni.loadInitVim": true, // Load user's init.vim
  "oni.useDefaultConfig": false, // Do not load Oni's init.vim
  "autoClosingPairs.enabled": false, // disable autoclosing pairs
  "commandline.mode": false, // Do not override commandline UI
  "wildmenu.mode": false, // Do not override wildmenu UI,
  "learning.enabled": false, // Turn off learning pane
  "achievements.enabled": false, // Turn off achievements tracking / UX
  "editor.textMateHighlighting.enabled": false, // Use vim syntax highlighting
  "editor.typingPrediction": false // Wait for vim's confirmed typed characters, avoid edge cases

Since we're not loading Oni's init.vim defaults, prepend and adjust these lines to your init.vim:

" init.vim

set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " required

set number
set noswapfile
set smartcase

" Turn off statusbar, because it is externalized
set noshowmode
set noruler
set laststatus=0
set noshowcmd

" Enable GUI mouse behavior
set mouse=a

If you share a config file between vim versions, you may use the following to check if you are in Oni or not. This will allow you to enable or disable features in Oni specifically.

if exists('g:gui_oni')
    " Statements here
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