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153 lines (117 loc) · 3.75 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (117 loc) · 3.75 KB

Fortran OOP Interface to the netcdf fortran library.



This repository is an simple Fortran package to using netcdf library.

Using one open sources code from : fortran-container


Unidata netcdf-fortran library


A CMake-Setup is provided.



int2      int4      int8      real4      real8


program write_demo

  use easy_netcdf

  type(netcdf_type)    :: F
  type(variable_type)  :: TMP
  type(dimension_type) :: LON
  type(dimension_type) :: LAT

  call F%add_file("./", "w")

  LON%name = "lon"
  LON%xtype = int4
  call LON%attribute("long_name", "longitude")
  LON = [1, 2]

  LAT%name = "lat"
  LAT%xtype = int4
  call LAT%attribute("long_name", "latitude")
  LAT = [1, 2]

  TMP%name = "TMP"
  TMP%xtype = int4
  call TMP%dimension([LON, LAT])
  call TMP%attribute("units", "K")
  call TMP%attribute("range", [-100, 100])
  TMP = reshape([26, 27, 28, 27], [2, 2])

  call F%add_variable(variable=TMP)
  call F%add_variable(variable=LON)
  call F%add_variable(variable=LAT)
  call F%attribute("author", "onepieceze")

  call F%write()

end program write_demo

Setting unlimited dimension:

  time%unlimited = .true.


program read_demo

  use easy_netcdf

  type(netcdf_type)    :: F
  type(variable_type)  :: TMP
  type(dimension_type) :: LON
  type(dimension_type) :: LAT
  integer              :: LON_value(2)
  integer              :: LAT_value(2)
  integer              :: TMP_value(2, 2)
  integer              :: range(2)
  character(30)        :: lon_long_name
  character(30)        :: lat_long_name
  character(30)        :: units
  character(30)        :: author

  call f%add_file("./", "r")

  LON%name = "lon"
  call LON%attribute("long_name", lon_long_name)
  LON = LON_value

  LAT%name = "lat"
  call LAT%attribute("long_name", lat_long_name)
  LAT = LAT_value

  call F%attribute("author", author)

  TMP%name = "TMP"
  call TMP%dimension([LON, LAT])
  call TMP%attribute("units", units)
  call TMP%attribute("range", range)
  TMP = TMP_value

  call F%add_variable(variable=TMP)
  call F%add_variable(variable=LON)
  call F%add_variable(variable=LAT)
  call F%read()

  print*, "lon_long_name:  ", lon_long_name
  print*, "lat_long_name:  ", lat_long_name
  print*, "author       :  ", author
  print*, "units        :  ", units
  print*, "lon          :  ", LON_value
  print*, "lat          :  ", LAT_value
  print*, "data         :  ", TMP_value
  print*, "range        :  ", range

end program read_demo


 lon_long_name:  longitude                     
 lat_long_name:  latitude                      
 author       :  onepieceze                    
 units        :  K                             
 lon          :             1           2
 lat          :             1           2
 data         :            26          27          28          27
 range        :          -100         100

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