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File metadata and controls

252 lines (173 loc) · 8.73 KB


Unified guidelines for writing and formatting the Onedata documentation.

Some of the formatting guidelines are automatically cared for with proper workspace configuration — make sure to set it up as described in the README.

Source file structure

The source files reside in ./docs/ and the images reside in ./images/, with the mirrored directory structure (the image path should correspond to the markdown source path where it is used - see below).

To add a new page:

  • create a new Markdown file, placing it in a sensible location in the structure, e.g. ./docs/admin-guide/onezone/,
  • add appropriate entry in ./docs/.vuepress/config.js, in the sidebar object.

To add an image:

  • place the image to be referenced by a .md file in its corresponding directory, i.e. for the above-mentioned page, it would be: ./images/admin-guide/onezone/installation/first-step.png,

  • embed the image into the Markdown page: ![image](../../../images/admin-guide/onezone/installation/first-step.png)

Writing tone

  • Always use the second person and imperative mood to address the user. Don't be overly polite (avoid using please when giving commands).

    ✅ To upload a file, click on the corresponding button in the top toolbar.

    ❌ Files can be uploaded by clicking on the corresponding button in the top toolbar.

    ✅ You can find the transfer statistics below.

    ❌ The transfer statistics can be found below.

    ✅ For more information, see this chapter.

    ❌ For more information, please see this chapter.

    ✅ Note that the log size can get substantial.

    ❌ Please note that the log size can get substantial.

Code style


  • Do not exceed 80-120 characters per line, unless necessary (e.g. with long links or tables).

Enumeration & itemization

* Use only the wildcard (`*`) character for bullet points — do not use the hyphen (`-`).

* For multiline points, indent the content to
  align with the first line content.

* Consider adding blank lines between points in lists that have a lot of content.

* Add proper punctuation — each entry should end with a period if it is a sentence.
* for short entries, that are not full sentences, but for instance single items,
* one,
* two,
* three,
* add a comma, but for the last one, add a period.

Code blocks

Use the three backticks notation to create a multi-line code block. Whenever possible, specify the language for nice syntax highlighting. More tips and the list of supported languages can be found in the VuePress docs.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',
  // ...

Custom blocks/containers

Avoid using the default markdown blockquote, but use the VuePress custom containers.

::: tip
This is a tip

::: tip NOTE
This is a note, reusing the same style as the tip container

::: warning
This is a warning

::: danger CUSTOM TITLE
This is a dangerous warning

::: details
This is a details block, which does not work in IE / Edge

::: details Click me to view the code
console.log('Hello, VuePress!')

Links & references

Below are some examples of how a link or reference can be introduced:

  • For more information about X, refer to [this page](path/to/
  • For more information about X, see the [Y](path/to/ section/chapter.
  • See [this](path/to/ chapter for more details.

Referring to GUI elements

Use consistent naming of structural GUI elements, as shown below:

GUI elements

To refer to a named GUI element, use bold text style. You may also use the italic style to express a placeholder (some meta information), e.g.:

  • Navigate to the **Data > *Space name* > Files** view.
  • Click on the **Consume** button in the **Tokens** tab.
  • Open the **Tokens** tab and click on the **Consume** button.
  • Choose the **Tokens** tab from the navigation bar and click on the **Consume** button.
  • In the **Tokens** tab, click on the **Consume** button.
  • Navigate to the **Data** tab and select the *Space name* in the left submenu.
  • Choose the **Remove** action from the share's actions in the sidebar.
  • Choose an action from the actions menu for the desired row.
  • Open the actions menu on the right and choose **Remove**.
  • Open the context menu for the file and choose **Information**.
  • Select the **Metadata** tab in the right-side panel.


  • Crop as much as possible; leave just enough context so that the user can locate the region of interest in GUI, but focus on the discussed feature. This typically does not apply to the first screenshot in a section. It's generally a good idea to have a broader context in the first screenshot, e.g. with the navigation bar and sidebar visible, so it's easy for the user to reproduce the steps. Consecutive ones can be then cropped.

  • When taking screenshots, use browser zoom to get better-quality images. Satisfying zoom level depends on the screenshot region size, but quite often is about 125% for a 1920x1080 window. Verify the quality of screenshots in the docs preview; if the image is not clear, try different zoom levels.

  • Don't overdo it; avoid screenshots of obvious steps such as a confirmation modal; it's enough to describe it in the text, e.g.:

    Confirm deletion of the file when prompted.
    You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the file.
  • Always add the screenshot class to all screenshots:


REST API examples

In general, avoid including REST API call examples in the docs — this is what the API (swaggers) docs are for. There are some exceptions to this rule though. If the REST API is complicated, it may be a good idea to include one or two examples to give the reader a kickstart.

Do include useful links to the REST API, typically at the end of a section. Make sure to link the section with the guide on how to use the REST API of the corresponding service. Below is an example of how to do that.

You can interact with the LUMA DB using the Onepanel's REST API — see [this section](./ 
for a guide on how to get started.

Below are some links to the REST API documentation of commonly used operations:

| Operation                             | Link to the API docs |
| Get LUMA DB configuration             | [API](|
| Clear LUMA DB                         | [API](|
| Lookup default display credentials    | [API](|
| Lookup default display credentials    | [API](|


  • Use the hyphen (-), en dash (), and em dash () characters appropriately.

    The hyphen (-) is used for compound terms and word division.

    Onedata is a state-of-the-art system.

    The en dash () is used for ranges, scores and conflict, connection, or direction:

    The years 2021–2022 brought rapid improvement of the POSIX–CEPH transfer performance.

    The em dash () is a versatile punctuation mark that can take the place of commas, parentheses, or colons, depending on the context. Always put a space before and after the em dash.

    Authentication is carried by access tokens — bearer tokens that allow acting on behalf of the token subject.

    For more tips, see the punctuation guide.

  • To abbreviate the word identifier, stick to the ID notation rather than Id.

  • Use the term provider when referring to a Onedata provider in most contexts, except when talking about a service or a piece of software — use Oneprovider then. For example:

    You may choose between the supporting providers in the top menu.

    The data is distributed between three providers.

    As an admin, you should install the Oneprovider cluster to expose your storage system via Onedata.

  • Use the term storage backend to refer to an instance of a storage system, do not use the legacy name (storage, storages).

Custom routes

Can be placed in ./docs/.vuepress/enhanceApp.js.