- Whenever you see the logos:
- Sign-In With Google+
- Login With Facebook You Should Know That the Web App is using OAuth to authenticate users on its system
- I Sign Into The Platform
- My browser makes a request to the server to access a specific path
- The server responds with a Yes/No Response depending on the credentials
- If The Credentials are correct I am granted access
- Else I am told to create a new user
- When I create/sign in as a user it queries the db
- A unique cookie based session is created
- The browser stores the cookie
- I decrypt the encrypted information stored inside the cookie to retrieve the user data
- Express to create My Web App
- EJS For the templating engines
- localhost:3000/auth/google
- localhost:3000/auth/facebook
- localhost:3000/auth/github
- localhost:3000/auth/login
npm install passport
npm install passport-google-oauth20
To be able to use google OAuth in your application You must register your app with google
We do not want to store our credentials in the file here within the config folder inside the passport-setup.js
Instead I create a file within the config folder called keys which I DO NOT COMMIT TO the repository instead I
store it on my local machine
I add the file I do not want to be uploaded to my .gitignore file so that it is not tracked in my case it would be the keys file