- GH-90 gridfs now allows multiple files with the same name
- GH-96 cursor.forEach ignores cursor.map()
- major bugfix release
- GH-77,GH-86 fixed authentication regression from 0.1.15
- GH-82 unit tests
- GH-83 avoid buffer reuse bug with updated buffalo
- GH-84 pass number of updated/deleted rows to update() and remove() methods
- GH-87 catch Query Failure and Cursor Not Found errors and return them as errors
- GH-72 - fixes Buffer is not large enough exception
- removed mongodb-native dependency, now using node-buffalo (/~https://github.com/marcello3d/node-buffalo)
- GH-69 - exceptions in user callbacks should now bubble up correctly
- GH-59 - fixes ensureIndex throws error about key name
- GH-28 - tweak for mongos support from yosefd (I haven't personally tested a sharded setup yet)
- GH-61 - getLastError -> getlasterror compatibility fix
- GH-63 GH-64 GH-65 - update to latest mongodb-native socket handling code (thanks to xcoderzach)
- peg mongodb@0.9.7-2-2 to avoid untested version conflicts
- GH-46 - Rewrote cursor.forEach to use nextBatch instead of next, fixes stack overflow
- GH-60 - upgrade to new mongodb@0.9.7 socket connection code
- new test framework (using nodeunit instead of vowsjs)
- new index tests
- tweaks to ensureIndex/createIndex
- other code style changes
- GH-53 - regression if save has no callback
- GH-24 - Remove hack for mongodb-native bug
- GH-31 - Save callback gets no data
- GH-34 - updated taxman dependency
- GH-37 - mapReduce wasn't converting optional finalize function to bson.Code instance
- GH-41 - Add collection.distinct (Filirom1)
- GH-51 - support for mongodb://-style url (mschuetz)
- GH-52 - migrated from x instanceof Function to typeof x === 'function'
- logging/error tweaks
- documentation tweaks
- removed broken/unsupported server.closeWhenDone method
- error in url parsing error message (the irony!)
- added collection.runCommand
- renamed db.queryCommand -> db.runCommand, matching mongo shell syntax
- gridfs tweaks
- fixed collection._indexCache creation (bug caught by dvv) and improved ensureIndex return value consistency
- GH-21 - collection.drop() and db.dropDatabase() not checking if callback is valid
- GH-22 - EventEmitter error
- GH-15/GH-29 - more robust error catching!
- GH-24 - temporary workaround for (mongodb 0.9.4-4 ~ incompatibility
- more tests
- added replicaset support (automatically finds primary and detects secondaries)
- removed keepAlive functionality (GH-19)
- added collection.findAndModify
- added db.eval (GH-12)
- renamed db.drop to db.dropDatabase
- renamed cursor.mapper to cursor.map
- fixed BSON type exports (GH-18)
- various documentation/error message tweaks
- couple more tests