You've may have heard developer singing praises about how wonderful GraphQL is. Maybe you thought it was looking into. I like to learn new technologies by using them so this article is a simple example of using GraphQL.
GraphQL is a language for describing an applicaiton API. It holds a similar
position in the development stack as a REST API but with more
flexibility. Unlike REST, GraphQL allows response formats and content to be
specified by the client. Just as SQL SELECT
statements allow query results
to be specified, GraphQL allows returned JSON data structure to be
specified. Following the SQL analogy GraphQL does not provide a WHERE
but identifies fields on application objects that should provide the data for
the response.
GraphQL, as the name suggests models APIs as if the application is a graph of data. While that description may not be how you have viewed your application it is a model used in most systems. If your application is object based then the objects refer to other objects. These object-method-object define a graph. Data that can be represented by JSON is a graph as JSON is just a directed graph. Thinking about the application as presenting a graph model through the API will make GraphQL much easier to understand.
Enough of the abstract. Lets get down to actually building an application that uses GraphQL by starting with a definition of the data model or the graph. Last year I picked up a new hobby. I'm learning to play the electric upright bass and about music so a music related example came to mind when coming up with and example.
Keeping it simple the object types are Artist and Song. Artists
have multiple Song and a Song is associate with an Artist. Each
object type has attributes such as a name
. Pretty basic and simple.
GraphQL uses SDL (Schema Definition Language) which is sometimes refered to as "type system definition language" in the GraphQL specification. GraphQL types can, in theory be defined in any language but most common language agnostic language is SDL so lets use SDL to define the API.
type Artist {
name: String!
songs: [Song]
origin: [String]
type Song {
name: String!
artist: Artist
duration: Int
release: String
Pretty easy to understand. An Artist has a name
that is a String
that is an array of Song objects, and origin
which is a String
array. Song is similar but with one odd field. The release
field should
be a time or date type but GraphQL does not have that type defined as a core
type. To be completely portable between any GraphQL implementation a String
is used. The GraphQL implemenation we will use as added the Time
type so
lets change the Song definition so that the release
field is a Time
type. The returned value will be a String
but by setting the type to Time
we document the API more accurately.
release: Time
The last step is to describe how to get one or more of the objects. This is
referred to as the root or for queries the query root. Our root will have just
one field or method called artist
and will require an artist name
type Query {
artist(name: String!): Artist
Ruby will be used write the application. There is more than one implemenation of a GraphQL server for Ruby. Some approachs require the SDL above to be translated into a Ruby equivalent. Agoo uses the SDL defintion as it is and the Ruby code is plain vanilla Ruby so that will be used for this example.
By having the Ruby class names match the GraphQL type names we keep things simple. Note that the Ruby classes match the GraphQL types.
class Artist
attr_reader :name
attr_reader :songs
attr_reader :origin
def initialize(name, origin)
@name = name
@songs = []
@origin = origin
def song(args={})
# Only used by the Song to add itself to the artist.
def add_song(song)
@songs << song
class Song
attr_reader :name # string
attr_reader :artist # reference
attr_reader :duration # integer
attr_reader :release # time
def initialize(name, artist, duration, release)
@name = name
@artist = artist
@duration = duration
@release = release
Method match fields in the Ruby classes. Note the method all have
either no arguments or args={}
. This is what the GraphQL APIs expect
and the Agoo GraphQL implementation
follows suit. Agoo offers
additional options that are available based on the method
signature. If a method signature is (args, req)
or (args, req, plan)
then the request object is included. The plan, if included, is
an object that can be queried for information about the query. (It has
not been implemented as of version 2.12.0.)
The initialize
methods are used to set up the data for this example
as we will see shortly.
The query root class als needs to be defined. Note the artist
method which
matches the SDL Query
root type. An attr_reader
for artists
was also
added. That would be exposed to the API simply by adding that field to the
type in the SDL document.
class Query
attr_reader :artists
def initialize(artists)
@artists = artists
def artist(args={})
The GraphQL root, not to be confused with the query root sites above the query
root. GraphQL defines it to optionally have three field. The Ruby class in
this case implements on the query
field. The initializer loads up some data
for an Indie band from New Zealand I like to listen to.
class Schema
attr_reader :query
attr_reader :mutation
attr_reader :subscription
def initialize()
# Set up some data for testing.
artist ='Fazerdaze', ['Morningside', 'Auckland', 'New Zealand'])'Jennifer', artist, 240, Time.utc(2017, 5, 5))'Lucky Girl', artist, 170, Time.utc(2017, 5, 5))'Friends', artist, 194, Time.utc(2017, 5, 5))'Reel', artist, 193, Time.utc(2015, 11, 2))
@artists = { => artist}
@query =
The final hookup is implemenation specific. For
Agoo the server is initialized to include a
handler for the /graphql
HTTP request path ad then it is started.
Agoo::Server.init(6464, 'root', thread_count: 1, graphql: '/graphql')
The GraphQL implementation is then configured with the SDL defined earlier
) and then the appliation sleeps while the server processes
Agoo::GraphQL.schema( {
The code for this example is in (/~
A web broswer can be used to try out the API as can curl
The GraphQL query to try looks like the following.
artist(name:"Fazerdaze") {
The query asks for the Artist named Frazerdaze
and returns the name
and songs
in a JSON document. For each Song the name
and duration
of the Song is returned in a JSON object for each Song. The output should look like this.
"name":"Lucky Girl",
After getting rid of the optional whitespace in the query an HTTP GET made with curl should return that content.
curl -w "\n" 'localhost:6464/graphql?query=\{artist(name:"Fazerdaze")\{name,songs\{name,duration\}\}\}&indent=2'
Try changing the query and replace duration
with release
and not the
conversion of the Ruby Time to a JSON string.
Hope you enjoyed the example. Now you can sing the GraphQL song.