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Directives for binding Angular Reactive form controls and arrays to Firebase references.

Demo Site | Demo Code


npm i @nowzoo/ngx-fire --save

This library depends upon Firebase and the Angular Reactive Forms module. It's up to you how you create Firebase references: a good option is angularfire2.

Quick Start

Import NgxFireModule and ReactiveFormsModule.

import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { NgxFireModule } from '@nowzoo/ngx-fire';
// other imports...

  imports: [
    // etc..

export class SomeModule { }

Bind a control with [ngxFireControl]="ref"...

  placeholder="How's it going?"

Bind a numerically indexed array with [ngxFireArray]="ref"...

<div formArrayName="tags" [ngxFireArray]="ref" #tagsFa="ngxFireArray">

See the demos (site, code) for concrete examples.



Binds a FormControl to a reference. Must be used in conjunction with FormControlDirective ([formControl]="ctl") or FormControlName (formControlName="myName".)

selector: [ngxFireControl] exportAs: ngxFireControl


  • ngxFireControl: Reference Required.
  • debounce: number Optional. Default: 0. The amount of time in milliseconds to debounce form control changes before saving. Useful for text controls.
  • trim: boolean Optional. Default: true. If true, and if the control value is a string, the value will be trimmed before saving.


  • save(): void Saves the current control value to the database. Rejects if the control is not valid or if there is a Firebase error.


  • error: Observable<Error> Populated if the Firebase ref throws an error either reading or writing.
  • saving: Observable<boolean> True if the control value is being saved to the database.
  • value: Observable<any> The current database value.
  • ref: Reference The reference you passed in via ngxFireControl


Binds a FormArray to a reference. Must be used in conjunction with FormArrayName (formArrayName="myName".)

selector: [ngxFireArray] exportAs: ngxFireArray


  • ngxFireArray: Reference Required.
  • controlFactory: () => FormControl|FormGroup Optional. A function that returns a group or control for each element of the array. By default this is a function that returns a FormControl with the required validator. Note that you should only pass an empty group or control: the value is set from the database.


  • push(value: any): void Pushes value to the end of the array and saves to the database.
  • remove(i: number): void Removes the element at i and saves the array to the database.
  • move(from: number, to: number): void Moves the element at from to to and saves the array to the database.


  • error: Observable<Error> Populated if the Firebase ref throws an error either reading or writing.
  • saving: Observable<boolean> True if the array value is being saved to the database, i.e. when pushing, removing or moving.
  • value: Observable<any> The current database value.
  • ref: Reference The reference you passed in via ngxFireArray
  • addControl An unattached FormGroup or FormControl, created with controlFactory() that you can use to push new elements to the array.
  • length: number The length of the FormArray.
  • controls: (FormGroup|FormControl)[] The child controls.


Contributions and suggestions are welcome.

Get started...

git clone
cd ngx-fire
npm i
ng build ngx-fire --prod

The library code is found in projects/ngx-fire.

The demo site code is in src/app.

This library was built with the Angular CLI, so...

# test the library...
ng test ngx-fire

# build the library...
ng build ngx-fire --prod

# serve the demo site locally...
ng serve

Note that changes to the library code are not automatically reflected in the locally-served demo site. You must run ng build ngx-fire whenever you make changes to the library. But the local server does watch for changes to the built library -- so you don't need to restart the server.

If you use Wallaby to run unit tests, select the projects/ngx-fire/wallaby.js as your config file.
