Composability example/advice #306
Hi, any good composable example? I mean, Then someone program P had to integrate all Continuations in "main loop" |
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All continuations can be treated as type As far as examples go, I think what you're wanting is something that uses disparate /~ This is example code from a development branch which doesn't work, fully, but it illustrates the point, and you can compile it with cpsDebug defines to examine the transform and confirm the type erasure. ## Telegram example of Flow-Based Programming
## In computer programming, flow-based programming (FBP) is a
## programming paradigm that defines applications as networks of black
## box processes, which exchange data across predefined connections
## by message passing, where the connections are specified externally
## to the processes. These black box processes can be reconnected
## endlessly to form different applications without having to be
## changed internally. FBP is thus naturally component-oriented.
## FBP is a particular form of dataflow programming based on bounded
## buffers, information packets with defined lifetimes, named ports,
## and separate definition of connections.
## FBP components often form complementary pairs. This example
## uses two such pairs. The problem described seems very simple as
## described in words, but in fact is surprisingly difficult to
## accomplish using conventional procedural logic. The task, called
## the "Telegram Problem", originally described by Peter Naur, is to
## write a program which accepts lines of text and generates output
## lines containing as many words as possible, where the number of
## characters in each line does not exceed a certain length. The words
## may not be split and we assume no word is longer than the size of
## the output lines. This is analogous to the word-wrapping problem in
## text editors.
## this example exhibits the following features:
## - backpressure controls flow of data
## - lock-free mailboxes move data
## - components run in their own threads
## - component communication is asynchronous
import std/strutils
import pkg/cps
import insideout
IP = ref string ## Information Packet in Flow-Based Programming parlance
Port = Mailbox[IP] ## Port in Flow-Based Programming parlance
proc ip(s: string): IP =
## create a new Information Packet
result = new string
result[] = s
proc logAs(name: string): proc(text: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## create a debugging function to output thread/name
result =
proc(text: varargs[string, `$`]) =
var output: string
for s in text.items: output &= s
debugEcho "$# $#: $#" % [$getThreadId(), name, output]
proc reader(filename: string; output: Port) {.cps: Continuation.} =
## reads `filename` line by line and sends each line as an IP to `output`.
let debug = logAs"reader"
debug "(start)"
let stream = open(filename, fmRead)
for line in stream.lines:
debug "-> ", line
output.send(ip line) # blocks if the port is full
close stream
disablePush output # close the port to signify end of data
debug "(stop)"
proc decomposer(input: Port; output: Port) {.cps: Continuation.} =
## splits each IP from `input` into words sends each as an IP to `output`.
let debug = logAs"decomposer"
debug "(start)"
while true:
var ip = input.recv() # blocks if the port is empty
debug "<- ", ip[]
for word in ip[].split:
debug "-> ", word
output.send(ip word) # blocks if the port is full
except ValueError: # input port is closed
disablePush output # close the port to signify end of data
debug "(stop)"
proc recomposer(input: Port; output: Port; size: Positive) {.cps: Continuation.} =
## receives words of IP from `input` and reassembles them into lines of
## <= `size` characters, sending each line as an IP to `output` port.
let debug = logAs"recomposer"
debug "(start)"
var line: string
while true:
var ip = input.recv() # blocks if the port is empty
debug "<- ", ip[]
if line.len + ip[].len + 1 > size:
debug "-> ", line
output.send(ip line) # blocks if the port is full
line = ""
if line.len > 0:
line.add " "
line.add ip[]
except ValueError: # input port is closed
if line != "":
debug "-> ", line
output.send(ip line) # blocks if the port is full
disablePush output # close the port to signify end of data
debug "(stop)"
proc writer(input: Port; filename: string) {.cps: Continuation.} =
## receives lines of IP from `input` and writes them to `filename`.
let debug = logAs"writer"
debug "(start)"
let stream = open(filename, fmWrite)
while true:
var ip = input.recv() # blocks if the port is empty
debug "<- ", ip[]
stream.writeLine ip[]
except ValueError: # input port is closed
close stream
disablePop input # close the port to signify end of data
debug "(stop)"
proc network(components: varargs[Continuation]): auto =
## spawn each component and return a running thread pool
result = newPool ContinuationRunner
for component in components.items:
# create a mailbox to deliver the component to the thread for dispatch
var transport = newMailbox[Continuation]()
# put the component into the mailbox so the thread can receive it
# spawn a thread to run the component, using the transport as input
result.spawn(ContinuationRunner, transport)
proc wrap(inputFile: string; outputFile: string; size: Positive = 80) =
## perform word-wrapping on a multi-line `inputFile`, writing the
## result to `outputFile`. `size` is the maximum number of characters
## per line.
let debug = logAs"wrap"
# create ports with backpressure
let rseq_dc = newMailbox[IP](1) # one input line at a time
let dc_rc = newMailbox[IP](30) # many words at a time
let rc_wseq = newMailbox[IP](1) # one output line at a time
debug "setting up network"
# setup and run the network in a thread pool
var pool = network(whelp reader(filename = inputFile, output = rseq_dc),
whelp decomposer(input = rseq_dc, output = dc_rc),
whelp recomposer(input = dc_rc, output = rc_wseq,
size = size),
whelp writer(input = rc_wseq, filename = outputFile))
debug "network is running"
debug "network is complete"
when isMainModule:
let input = "data/input.txt"
let output = "data/output.txt"
proc dumpFile(name: string) =
## dump the contents of `name` to the debug output
debugEcho "\n\t$#:\n" % [name]
for line in name.lines:
debugEcho line
# perform word-wrapping on input file; deliver to output file
wrap(input, output, size = 40)
dumpFile input
dumpFile output |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
All continuations can be treated as type
and will work as expected under any agnostic dispatcher, such as the one supplied in cps astrampoline
. If you want to perform custom dispatch on your customContinuation
types, you can do that instead, by bouncing each continuation yourself and implementing any custom logic at that time. This doesn't need to be a main loop, necessarily. You can run continuations as little or as much as you please, at any point in the program.As far as examples go, I think what you're wanting is something that uses disparate
types, but in fact, all of our continuations vary in underlying type -- this is an implementation detail of our tra…