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File metadata and controls

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Journey configuration

The journey configuration is an array of objects that contain the following. See the examples directory for more... examples of the files. Configuration is stored in AccountStorage.

Name Valid Values Required by Parent Description
id numeric or uuid true Unique identifier for the Journey Config object.
title string true The label that appears in the drop down in the upper left of the Journey Config Nerdlet.
accountId numeric true The New Relic account identifier, used for scoping NRQL queries, etc.
funnel JS Object true Specifies the event and measure for the NRQL funnel queries that make up the steps (rows) of the FunnelComponent visualization.
funnel.event string true NRDB event used in the FROM portion of the NRQL query of the funnel.
funnel.measure string true The attribute that is the focus of the NRDB funnel query. ex: session in FROM PageView SELECT funnel(session, <WHERE clause>, <WHERE clause 2>)
kpis JS Array of Objects false List of performance measurements tied to the stats array by the ref value.
kpis[].ref string true Reference that matches one of the values from the stats[x].ref values.
kpis[].label string true Name of the KPI.
kpis[].description string false Text describing the KPI.
kpis[].value numeric true Value of the measurement.
kpis[].bound [higherViolation, lowerViolation, higherTarget, lowerTarget, percentage] true Rule that governs the way the KPI is calculated, interpretted, and displayed in the UI.
series JS Array of Objects true/false The series of columns (or cohorts) that are to be compared with one another in the rows (steps) of the visualization.
series[].id numeric or uuid true Unique identifier.
series[].label string true Label/name of the series.
series[].nrqlWhere string true NRQL WHERE clause that defines this series / cohort.
series[].altNrql JS Object dependent on Stat configuration A JS Object keyed by the name of an NRDB event. This data allows Stats to be configured (below in the stats array) that do not come from the primary NRDB event. For instance, if you're calculating Error Rate, you might need to consult the JavaScriptError event, even though much of the funnel focuses on an event like PageView. See the examples for further interrogation.
series[].altNrql.key string false Refers to stats[].value.eventName which is NRDB event.
series[].altNrql.value string false NRQL fragment used in WHERE clause.
steps JS Array of Objects true The set of rows that comprise the NRQL Where clauses of the funnel query.
steps[].id numeric or uuid true Unique identifier.
steps[].label string true Label/name of the step.
steps[].nrqlWhere string true NRQL WHERE clause that defines this step.
steps[].altNrql JS Object dependent on Stat configuration A JS Object keyed by the name of an NRDB event. This data allows Stats to be configured (below in the stats array) that do not come from the primary NRDB event. For instance, if you're calculating Error Rate, you might need to consult the JavaScriptError event, even though much of the funnel focuses on an event like PageView. See the examples for further interrogation.
steps[].altNrql.key string false Refers to stats[].value.eventName which is NRDB event.
steps[].altNrql.value string false NRQL fragment used in WHERE clause.
stats JS Array of Objects true The individual measures for a given column (Series) and row (Step).
stats[].id numeric or uuid true Unique identifier
stats[].ref string true Think of this like the variable name for use through the application in things like the calculations feature. As such, it need to be unique within a given journey.
stats[].label string true Label/name of the measure.
stats[].type [percentile, decimal, integer] true This defines how the stat will be processed and displayed. Decimals are rounded to 2 decimal pts. Integers are formatted into thousands. Percentile receive specific rules in the processing as well as custom display
stats[].value JS Object true The object that contains the processing rules for a given Stat. It may be based on a NRQL query or a calculation based on other Stat objects.
stats[].value.nrql string false Full NRQL statement to calculate a single value.
stats[].value.eventName string false If this measure/stat is based on a different NRDB event then the one defined in funnel.event, this is where we declare that. This information is used to append the needed WHERE clauses from the series and steps to this stat.
stats[].value.display [integer, seconds, percentage] true How should the output be formatted.
stats[].value.calculation JS Object false If this Stat is a calculation - the mathematical result of two other stat values - this is where the rules for that calculation will be defined. First ref (numerator) value will be divided by the second ref (denominator) value.
stats[].value.calculation.numerator string false Refers to stats[].ref and is a numerator
stats[].value.calculation.denominator string false Refers to stats[].ref and is a denominator

About kpis

About kpis[].bound

About series

About steps

About stats[].value

About stats[].value.calculation