- Merge pull request #7 from kagux/master
- allow rails 4.2
- update gemspec to allow rails 4.1
- Merge pull request #3 from sandfox-im/master
- Merge pull request #4 from rianrainey/patch-1
- Merge pull request #6 from rianrainey/master
- Add English translations.
- Update README
- Bumped version to 0.0.6
- Merge branch 'master' of /~https://github.com/aderyabin/active_admin-awesome_nested_set into aderyabin-master
- Allow both old and new rails
- Allow both old and new rails
- Update active_admin-awesome_nested_set.gemspec
- rails4 compability
- Enhancement: Added changelog
- Bumped version to 0.0.5
- Fixed: Helper not being found on show views.
- Added indented column helper (thanks to Winton DeShong for this one) Added basic specs
- Added index as tree.
- Initial commit.
- Fixed: Helper not being found on show views.