Group 1 - "Walk It Off"
Date: Sept 19, 2021
Group Members: Aiden Halili, Sean Krienke, Nickolas Maxwell, Jake Borneman, Justin Stouffer, Michael Fletez
There are a lot of people who want to have a better and more consistent sleep schedule, but making that change can be difficult. WalkItOff is an Android application that can help facilitate that change with an alarm that the user must shut off by walking a set distance. Users can even accumulate points and level up based on the distance they have walked, which can help them to stay motivated. The user can even use their points to unlock new alarm sounds. For best accuracy, the app will be using location services to calculate the distance walked as opposed to a step-counter in order to minimize cheating.
Initial Value Proposition:
- Walkitoff is a location based alarm app that helps users wake up by walking a set distance.
Initial Consumer Segments:
- Busy people
- People with inconsistent sleep schedules
- People who struggle to wake up early
- Fitness-oriented people
Summary: He is unsatisfied with his sleep schedule. Usually gets up when he plans to, but likes to rest for a few more minutes. Alarm is most important. Other features are a bonus. Would like to choose alarm sound.
Interviewer: Aiden Halili
Interviewee: Nick Boticelli
When: 9/10/2021
Consumer Segments: People with inconsistent sleep schedules
Key Insights:
- Level-up system would give a sense of accomplishment
- Has little energy upon waking up
- Rarely uses timer or stopwatch on his phone's default alarm app
Representative Quotes:
- "If I had to go through that much effort [to disable alarm], I would feel bad going back to sleep"
- "I would like to wake up earlier for breakfast at the dining halls. Also it would morally make me feel better."
- "I don't know the words to describe my sleep schedule. Unsatisfactory."
Hypotheses that were validated:
- A level-up system gives motivation
- Choosing an alarm sound is important
Assessment: Nice to have
Summary: This app conflicts with personal preferences, although it does seem to be a good idea for those it interests, incentivising wakeup is a good motivator
Interviewer: Nick Maxwell Interviewee: Courtney Maxwell When: 9/11/2021 Consumer Segments: Parents, and college students
Key Insights:
- need to be able to control distance
- need to be able to control alarm sound
Representative Quotes:
- "Coffee will motivate me, make it bring me coffee"
- "My 4 year old is my alarm clock"
Hypotheses that were validated:
- level-up concept has interest
- the app would be effective, desirability seems to be a case by case basis
Assessment: Nice to have.
Summary: Different generations face different morning difficulties some good
Interviewer: Nick Maxwell Interviewee: David Maxwell When: 9/13/2021 Consumer Segments: Senior Citizens(55+)
Key Insights:
- Age plays a role on mobility in the mornings
- Older individuals tend towards a stronger circadian rythm.
- Possible value of maintaining mobility (used as an alarm to "get a walk in")
- Possible value in helping adolescents with mornings.
- Peaceful wakeup has value ( slow gradual process )
Representative Quotes:
- "Nothing, i wake up at 6am everyday whether i want to or not" ("What do you use to wake up?")
- "Waking up is painful at my age"
Hypotheses that were validated:
- Mute function, or similar courtesy. "Snooze"
- Some users may prefer a different task, other than physical activity
Assessment: Nice to have.
Summary: This app isn't something that anyone would completely depend on to wake up, although it does help with creating structure and starting the day actually feeling awake
Interviewer: Aiden Halili Interviewee: Trevor Rapp When: 9/10/21 Consumer Segments: Non-morning person
Key Insights:
- Alarm sound doesn't matter as long as it can awaken someone
- Level-up system would help stay motivated
- Other features can be nice, but the alarm is most important
Representative Quotes: -"Typically the first hour Im awake, Im pretty relaxed i guess. Not very active." -"I've been mostly happy without an alarm because my work schedule is consistent."
Hypotheses that were validated:
- Those with consistent daily schedules see less of a need for this app
- Even people who can get themselves up at the same time everyday still feel somewhat tired in the morning
- The alarm should take precedence over anything else
Assessment: Nice to have
Summary: This isn't a necessity to have if you have a consistent sleep and wake up schedule.
Interviewer: Jake Borneman Interviewee: Tanner Borneman When: 9/16/21 Consumer Segments: Non-morning/Night-owl worker
Key Insights:
- Possible annoyance due to walking a certain distance and the noise following with
- If someone who is consistent already migth not need it
- alarm focused but needs to possibly have other options for turning off that involves activity other than walking
Representative Quotes: -"I already have a consistent sleep schedule. I also try to make sure that I do something productive first thing in the morning" -"I think an alarm that remains active unless you move around would be annoying for me and anyone around to hear."
Hypotheses that were validated:
- There is no need for people with good sleep scedules and habits
- Need some possible noise control
- Needs possible other solutions to turn an alarm off
Assessment: Don't care
Summary: Someone who isn't active in the morning would like this as a motivator to move around
Interviewer: Jake Borneman Interviewee: Sam When: 9/18/21 Consumer Segments: Early sleeper/early riser college student
Key Insights:
- Interested due to the unique way of turing the alarm off
- Level-up system can be a good motivator
- Doesn't think it is too important to have but sees that it can be used to force a good sleep practice
Representative Quotes: -"That is a unique way for an alarm. Maybe it can kick my butt awake" -"Personally, I don't have much motivation other than having to go to school."
Hypotheses that were validated:
- Motivation would be helpful to get out of bed
- Force a good sleep schedule if followed correctly
- Become active/productive in the morning if followed.
Assessment: Nice to have
Summary: The app would be cool to have as a type of game to boost productivity, but it's not necessary for people who regularly get up themselves.
Interviewer: Sean Krienke Interviewee: Gabe Brand When: 9/16/21 Consumer Segments: Morning person
Key Insights:
- Some people don't have time to do tasks
- Other features can be nice, but the alarm is most important
Hypotheses that were validated:
- People who are more of a morning person don't need this app
- People would feel accomplished to check off their tasks from the app
Assessment: Nice to have, but not necessary
Summary: Has a good morning routine, but likes the idea of walking around to stay awake. Doesn’t want the walking distance to be too long.
Interviewer: Michael Fletez Interviewee: Rosny Fletez When: 9/13/2021 Consumer Segments: Busy person
Key Insights:
- Wakes up early for work
- Tries to move around to stay awake
- Uses an alarm in the morning
Representative Quotes:
- “I hate feeling groggy and lethargic in the morning. When that happens, my eyes feel droopy and it’s difficult to stay focused on work.“
- “When I wake up in the morning, I try to stay focused on what to complete for the day and try to move around to stay awake.”
Hypothesis that were validated:
- A leaderboard of your distance could be beneficial
- Different kinds of alarm sounds
Assessment: Nice to have
Summary: Sound doesn’t wake them up fully but moving around does.
Interviewer: Michael Fletez Interviewee: Emily Pinkoski When: 9/16/2021 Consumer Segments: Struggles to wake up sometimes.
Key Insights:
- Doesn’t use an alarm in the morning
- Add a variety choice of different sounds
Representative Quotes:
- “Waking up is important because it determines your feeling for the rest of the day.”
- “I dislike feeling tired even after waking up and getting up.”
Hypothesis that were validated:
- Sound is important
- This app would be effective
Assessment: Nice to have.
Summary: Would not personally use it, but could see it being useful for those who automatically snooze the alarm when it goes off.
Interviewer: Justin Stouffer Interviewee: Megan Murphy When: 9/12/21 Consumer Segments: People who are morning people
Key Insights:
- Point System/Level up would be nice, but not as incentivizing as say redeeming points for a giftcard or coffee
- Alarm could get annoying after a while, make sure to include pleasant sounds/music for when walking
Representative Quotes: -"The process of actually getting up out of bed is the worst part of waking up" -"I personally would not find this useful but I imagine many other people would who struggle to get up"
Hypothesis that were validated:
- This app is really only for people who have a hard time getting up on time or always snooze their alarms. Regular alarms work well for most people.
- Having an incentive to get up and walk is a good idea, but the point system might not work for everyone.
Assessment: Don't Care
Summary: Would be very useful for people that get up at the first alarm, not so useful for people who sleep through their alarms.
Interviewer: Justin Stouffer Interviewee: Victor Stoj When: 9/15/21 Consumer Segments: People who struggle waking up in the morning
Key Insights:
- Getting up and walking is the best way to wake up, it forces you to move around
- The only issue is that the person first has to wake up to their alarm; make sure it is loud enough
Representative Quotes: -"Getting and walking around wakes me up the fastest, I would like to walk around for a while before the alarm shuts off
Hypothesis that were validated:
- Getting up and walking around is an effective solution to waking up in the morning
- People who struggle waking up would find this app useful
Assessment: Nice to have
Final Value Proposition: WalkItOff is both an alarm clock and fitness app that motivates people who struggle to get out of bed to actually do so in order to break bad habits and live a more productive and healthier life.
Consumer Segments:
- Those who feel tired after getting up
- Fitness-oriented people
- College students
- People with inconsistent sleep schedules