Currently, theos on Linux does not support arm64e.
You can write theos settings to ./theos/.nicrc
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker exec -it theos /bin/bash
sdks and toolchains are stored under ./tmp
Only run for the first time because ./tmp
is mounted.
root@theos:/tweaks# ./
root@theos:/tweaks# $THEOS/bin/
NIC 2.0 - New Instance Creator
[1.] iphone/activator_event
[2.] iphone/activator_listener
[3.] iphone/application_modern
[4.] iphone/application_swift
[5.] iphone/cydget
[6.] iphone/flipswitch_switch
[7.] iphone/framework
[8.] iphone/library
[9.] iphone/notification_center_widget
[10.] iphone/notification_center_widget-7up
[11.] iphone/preference_bundle_modern
[12.] iphone/theme
[13.] iphone/tool
[14.] iphone/tool_swift
[15.] iphone/tweak
[16.] iphone/tweak_with_simple_preferences
[17.] iphone/xpc_service
Choose a Template (required): 15
Project Name (required): Test Package
Package Name [jp.nanato12.testpackage]:
[iphone/tweak] MobileSubstrate Bundle filter []:
[iphone/tweak] List of applications to terminate upon installation (space-separated, '-' for none) [SpringBoard]:
Instantiating iphone/tweak in testpackage/...
root@theos:/tweaks# cd testpackage/
root@theos:/tweaks/testpackage# make package
> Making all for tweak TestPackage…
==> Preprocessing Tweak.x…
==> Preprocessing Tweak.x…
==> Compiling Tweak.x (armv7)…
==> Compiling Tweak.x (arm64)…
==> Linking tweak TestPackage (armv7)…
rm /tweaks/testpackage/.theos/obj/debug/armv7/Tweak.x.m
==> Linking tweak TestPackage (arm64)…
rm /tweaks/testpackage/.theos/obj/debug/arm64/Tweak.x.m
==> Merging tweak TestPackage…
==> Signing TestPackage…
> Making stage for tweak TestPackage… building package `jp.nanato12.testpackage:iphoneos-arm' in `./packages/jp.nanato12.testpackage_0.0.1-1+debug_iphoneos-arm.deb'