Pimatic Plugin for Johnny Five, a Robotics and IoT programming framework.
Thanks to Johnny Five, you can easily integrate a wide range of sensors and actuators attached to
- an Arduino board,
- an ESP8266 board,
- a Photon board, or
- your Raspberry Pi. Generally, it is possible to use multiple boards at the same time which may be local boards, i.e. the host running pimatic or a board attached via USB to the pimatic host, or remote boards connected via LAN, WiFi or some proxy device on the local network.
For Arduino, the universal Firmata library is used which implements a protocol for the communication with host computer. Thus, there is no need to modify the Arduino sketch when new sensors or actuators are connected to your Arduino. Johnny Five also supports a variety of I2C and 1-Wire devices.
Support for ESP8266 is experimental at the moment as it requires the "esp" development branch of Firmata.
This version supports the following devices
- ContactSensor, PresenceSensor, and ButtonSensor (digital input)
- Dimmer (digital output with PWM)
- Switch (digital output)
- Relay Switch (relay boards attached to digital output)
- Temperature Sensor (analog, I2C and 1-Wire)
- Temperature & Humidity Sensor (analog, I2C - sorry, no 1-Wire support, to date)
- Temperature & Barometric Pressure Sensor (I2C devices such as BMP180, MPL115A2, MPL3115A2)
- RGB LED (common cathode/common cathode LEDs and PCA9685, an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel LED controller)
The OLED and LCD display devices are incomplete and, thus, should not be used. They won't do anything useful anyway.
Board-support has been tested with "arduino", "raspi-io", "particle-io", "etherport" and "expander" board types. Support for "etherport-client" and "esp8266" is experimental.
If you like this plugin, please consider ★ starring the project on github. Contributions to the project are welcome. You can simply fork the project and create a pull request with your contribution to start with.
The plugin currently supports Arduino, Raspberry Pi boards, and tethering. More boards can be added on request. The Johnny Five project provides a detailed list of supported platforms with detailed information on supported features and how to set up the board.
You can load the plugin by editing your config.json
to include the following
in the plugins
section. You need to configure the boards you wish to use to control
your devices. Generally, a board is a control system as part of pimatic to drive the
hardware board you use, for example,
- your Raspberry Pi,
- an Arduino board attached to your Raspberry Pi via USB,
- an I2C Expander chip connected to to your Raspberry Pi or Arduino, or
- a remote board connected via etherport.
The following configuration is an example for pimatic with an Arduino Nano connected via USB on ttyUSB1 and an Expander connected to the Arduino:
"plugin": "johnny-five",
"boards": [
"id": "1",
"boardType": "arduino",
"port": "/dev/ttyUSB1",
"baudrate": 57600
"id": "2",
"boardType": "raspi-io"
"id": "3",
"boardType": "expander",
"port": "1",
"controller": "MCP23017"
The plugin has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
debug | false | Boolean | Provide additional debug output if true |
boards | - | Array | An Array of board configuration objects |
The configuration for a board is an object comprising the following properties.
Property | Default | Type | Description |
id | - | String | Unique identifier used as a reference by a device configuration |
boardType | "arduino" | String | The type of board, see supported types below |
port | - | String | Path or name of device port |
token | - | String | Particle token. Only required for particle-io board type |
deviceId | - | String | Particle device id. Only required for particle-io board type |
controller | - | String | Expander controller type (see below). Only required for expander board type |
address | - | String | Expander I2C address for expander board type or IP address/hostname for esp8266 or etherport-client board type |
Supported boardTypes
- "arduino" - see Platform Support
- "raspi-io" - works with all Raspberry Pi models (Zero has not been tested yet). Note, wiringPi must be installed
- "particle-io" - known to work for Particle Photon and Sparkfun Photon RedBoard
- "etherport" - works for Arduinos with ethernet or wifi shields, a software relay to integrate a remote Raspberry will be provided soon.
- "expander" - see supported controller types below
- "esp8266" and "etherport-client" - works for remote boards like ESP6266 which provide a listener socket pimatic needs to connect to
Supported Expander controller
- "MCP23017"
- "MCP23008"
- "PCF8574"
- "PCF8574A"
- "PCF8575"
- "PCA9685"
- "PCF8591"
- "CD74HC4067"
The address
needs only to be set if an I2C address other than the default
address is used.
Controller | Address Range | Default |
"MCP23017" | "0x20"-"0x27" | "0x20" |
"MCP23008" | "0x20"-"0x27" | "0x20" |
"PCF8574" | "0x20"-"0x27" | "0x20" |
"PCF8574A" | "0x38"-"0x3F" | "0x38" |
"PCF8575" | "0x20"-"0x27" | "0x20" |
"PCF8591" | "0x48"-"0x4F" | "0x48" |
"PCA9685" | "0x40"-"0x4F" | "0x40" |
"GROVEPI" | "0x04" | "0x04" |
"CD74HC4067" | "0x0A"-"0x0D" | "0x0A" |
Devices must be added manually to the device section of your pimatic config. For pin assignment conventions see the document on pin naming.
is based on the PowerSwitch device class. You need to provide
the address of the output pin
. The device is mapped to a JF "digital output" Pin.
"id": "jf-do-1",
"class": "JohnnyFiveSwitch",
"name": "Digital Output (pin 13)",
"pin": "13",
"boardId": "1"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
pin | String | Pin address of the digital output | |
boardId | - | String | Id of the board to be used |
The Digital Output Device exhibits the following attributes:
Property | Unit | Type | Acronym | Description |
state | - | Boolean | - | Switch State, true is on, false is off |
The following predicates and actions are supported:
- {device} is turned on|off
- switch {device} on|off
- toggle {device}
is based on the DimmerActuator device class. You need to provide
the address of the output pin
. The device is mapped to a JF Led.
"id": "jf-pwm-1",
"class": "JohnnyFivePwmOutput",
"name": "Digital PWM Output (pin 3)",
"pin": "3",
"boardId": "1"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
pin | String | Pin address of the (PWM capable) digital output | |
boardId | - | String | Id of the board to be used |
The Digital Output Device exhibits the following attributes:
Property | Unit | Type | Acronym | Description |
state | - | Boolean | - | Switch State, true is on, false is off |
dimlevel | % | Number | - | A percentage value of the PWM duty cycle |
The following predicates and actions are supported:
- {device} is turned on|off
- switch {device} on|off
- toggle {device}
- dim {device} to {value}
is based on the DimmerActuator device class. You need to provide
the address of the output pins
for red, green, and blue. The property isAnode
used to specify whether the LED has common anode or cathode.
The device is mapped to a JF Led.RGB.
"id": "jf-pwm-1",
"class": "JohnnyFiveRgbLed",
"name": "RGB LED",
"boardId": "2",
"pins": {
"red": "GPIO16",
"green": "GPIO20",
"blue": "GPIO21"
"isAnode": true,
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
pins | Object | The pins assigned to the RGB LED, defined by an object with the following properties. | |
pins.red | String | The pin for red | |
pins.green | String | The pin for green | |
pins.blue | String | The pin for blue | |
isAnode | false | Boolean | If set to true the LED is a common anode LED. Defaults to false, indicating a common cathode LED |
boardId | - | String | Id of the board to be used |
The Digital Output Device exhibits the following attributes:
Property | Unit | Type | Acronym | Description |
state | - | Boolean | - | Switch State, true is on, false is off |
dimlevel | % | Number | - | A percentage value of the PWM duty cycle |
color | - | String | RGB | A 6-digit RGB hex string starting with, or a CSS color name, or a variable reference |
The following predicates and actions are supported:
- {device} is turned on|off
- switch {device} on|off
- toggle {device}
- dim {device} to {value}
- j5 set color {device} to {value}
is a digital input device based on the PresenceSensor
device class. You need
to provide the address of the input pin
and the boardId
"id": "jf-cs-1",
"class": "JohnnyFiveContactSensor",
"name": "Digital Input (pin 4)",
"pin": "4",
"boardId": "1"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
pin | - | String | Pin address of the digital output |
boardId | - | String | Id of the board to be used |
invert | false | Boolean | If true, invert the presence sensor state |
The presence sensor exhibits the following attributes:
Property | Unit | Type | Acronym | Description |
presence | - | Boolean | - | Presence State, true is present, false is absent |
The following predicates are supported:
- {device} is present|absent
is a digital input device based on the ContactSensor
device class. You need
to provide the address of the input pin
"id": "jf-cs-1",
"class": "JohnnyFiveContactSensor",
"name": "Digital Input (pin 4)",
"pin": "4",
"boardId": "1"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
pin | String | Pin address of the digital output | |
boardId | - | String | Id of the board to be used |
invert | false | Boolean | If true, invert the contact sensor state |
The presence sensor exhibits the following attributes:
Property | Unit | Type | Acronym | Description |
contact | - | Boolean | - | Contact State, true is opened, false is closed |
The following predicates are supported:
- {device} is opened|closed
The Button Device is a digital input device based on the ContactSensor device class. You need
to provide the address of the input pin
"id": "jf-b-1",
"class": "JohnnyFiveButton",
"name": "Button (pin 2)",
"pin": "2",
"boardId": "1"
The Button Device has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
pin | - | String | Pin address of the digital output |
boardId | - | String | Id of the board to be used |
pullUp | false | Boolean | If true, activate the internal pull-up. As a result, a high signal will be read if push-button is open |
invert | false | Boolean | If true, invert the button state |
holdTime | 500 | Number | Time in milliseconds that the button must be held until triggering an event |
controller | "" | String | Controller interface type if an EVshield is used. Supports 'EVS_EV3' and 'EVS_NXT' shields |
For wiring examples, see:
The following predicates are supported:
- {device} is opened|closed
The Relay Device represents a single digital Relay attached to the physical board. You need
to provide the address of the output pin
controlling the relay.
"id": "jf-r-1",
"name": "Johnny Five Relay",
"class": "JohnnyFiveRelay",
"boardId": "1",
"pin": "12",
"type": "NO"
The Relay Device supports two wiring options:
- "NO", Normally Open: When provided with any voltage supply, the output is on. The default mode is LOW or "off", requiring a HIGH signal to turn the relay off.
- "NC", Normally Closed: When provided with any voltage supply, the output is off. The default mode is LOW or “off”, requiring a HIGH signal to turn the relay on.
For wiring examples, see:
The Relay Device has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
pin | - | String | Pin address of the digital output |
boardId | - | String | Id of the board to be used |
type | "NO" | String | Whether the relay is wired to be normally open ("NO"), or normally closed ("NC") if pin output is LOW |
The Temperature Sensor is an input device based on the TemperatureSensor device class. It currently supports 4,7k NTC thermistors ("TINKERKIT"), various I2C sensors, and the DS18B20 1Wire sensor. Depending on type of sensor different properties are required.
"id": "jf-t-1",
"name": "Johnny Five Temperature",
"class": "JohnnyFiveTemperature",
"boardId": "1",
"controller": "SI7020",
"address": "0x40",
"temperatureOffset": -1
"id": "jf-t-2",
"name": "Johnny Five Temperature 2",
"class": "JohnnyFiveTemperature",
"boardId": "1",
"pin": "A0",
"controller": "TINKERKIT",
"offset": -2.75,
"units": "metric"
The Temperature Sensor has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
controller | "TINKERKIT" | String | Controller interface type to be used, one of TINKERKIT, LM35, TMP36, DS18B20, MPU6050, GROVE, BMP180, MPL115A2, MPL3115A2, HTU21D, SI7020 |
pin | "" | String | The pin address. Required if controller is TINKERKIT, optional otherwise |
address | "" | String | If controller is an I2C device and address is not provided the device-specfic default address applies |
boardId | - | String | Id of the board to be used |
interval | 10 | Number | The time interval in seconds at which the sensor will be read |
units | "metric" | String | Defines whether metric, imperial, or standard units shall be used |
offset | 0 | Number | A positive or negative offset value to adjust a deviation of the temperature sensor |
controller | "" | String | Controller interface type if an EVshield is used. Supports 'EVS_EV3' and 'EVS_NXT' shields |
address: description: """ The I2C address. If controller is an I2C device and address is not provided the device-specfic default address applies. """ type: "string" required: false
For wiring examples, see:
- Temperature TINKERKIT
- If you don't have the tinkerkit shield, here's a wiring sketch for the thermistor.
- Temperature MPU6050
See Release History.
The 'johnny-five-icon' files have been created with Inkscape using artwork by Mike Sgier published as part of the Johnny Five project.
Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, 2014 Rick Waldron waldron.rick@gmail.com Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016 The Johnny-Five Authors
MIT-License: /~https://github.com/rwaldron/johnny-five/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT
Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Marcus Wittig and contributors. All rights reserved.