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File metadata and controls

85 lines (48 loc) · 2.36 KB


App Screenshot

Retrospect.nvim is a Neovim plugin that simplifies session management by allowing you to save and recall your recent sessions effortlessly. It presents your saved sessions in a list, ordered by last usage, making it easy to jump back to your work exactly where you left off.


  • Save your session from anywhere with a single keybinding without having to worry about where to save and what to name the session
  • Always have access to all sessions regardless of which directory you open neovim from
  • Sessions are sorted by order of usage so your last used session is always on top
  • Preserve the order of buffer usage automagically so plugins like Bufferchad.nvim and Telescope's Buffer View (MRU) still show the same order after restart, something that's not possible with the default session management

What's new

  • Telescope Integration

Packer Install Instruction

To install Retrospect.nvim using Packer.nvim, add the following line to your Lua configuration:

use {"mrquantumcodes/retrospect.nvim"}

Setup Instruction

To configure Retrospect.nvim, add the following code to your Lua Neovim configuration:

local retrospect = require('retrospect')
  saveKey = "<leader>\\", -- The shortcut to save the session, default is leader+backslash(\)
  loadKey = "<leader><BS>", -- The shortcut to load the session
  style = "default", -- default (no dependencies) | modern (requires nui.nvim and dressing.nvim), telescope (requires telescope)

You can customize the saveKey, loadKey and style options to fit your preferences.


To save a session, use:


To load a session, use:


To delete the current session, use:


Additionally, you can use the command :DelSession inside Neovim to delete the current session.


Contributions to Retrospect.nvim are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow our contribution guidelines (link to


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For bug reports, feature requests, or general inquiries, please open an issue on GitHub.

Happy coding with Retrospect.nvim! 🚀