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324 lines (202 loc) · 7.51 KB

File metadata and controls

324 lines (202 loc) · 7.51 KB



  • Internals changes that should make query generation 2x 3x faster and more alloc friendly depending on the query


  • Added DROP TYPE


  • Add new cql functions


  • add missing entry point for alter-type. Thanks @acron0 -> #39


  • auto-extend alia protocols if alia is detected


  • allow any sequential in counter/collection ops


  • upgrade to clj 1.7, removed/updated some dependencies

  • Performance improvements (raw speed, mem, allocations)

  • Remove prepared statements generation with values qbits.hayt/->prepared since it's used by nobody now. You can still use the ? placeholer and actually control what's happening ex: (select :foo (where {:id ?})).


  • Add 2.1+ udt support, qbits.hayt/frozen see tests


Release 2.0.0 (check past logs for changes)


  • nil queries are ignored in batch, see #30


  • no longer depend on flatland/useful

2.0.0-rc1 - Cassandra 2.1 features

  • Add qbits.hayt/create-type statement and qbits.hayt/user-type type marker for UDT values
  • Slightly improved perf/ressource use
  • Add tests for UDT litterals


  • use clojure 1.6

  • where1, using, set-columns, values, with now supports cassaforte like signatures (unspliced map (where1 :a 1 :b 2) or (where1 {:a 1 :b 2})}

2.0.0-beta3 - Breaking changes (backward compatible fns available)

  • new where syntax, matches clojure style more closely (prefix notation), it now expects a seq of seq:

    (where [[= :a 1] [> :b 2]])

    It can still receive a map, but it will only assume =, a vector of 2 elements will assume =.

  (where {:a 1 :b 2})
  • where' same as where but allows to skip passing the wrapping vector:
(where' [= :b 2] [> :c 3])
  • where1 is the equivalent of the previous where syntax from v1 and early v2 betas. ex: (where1 {:a [> 2]}}

  • Add support for paging on composite in where

(where [[= :a 1]
        [>= [:b :c :d] [1 2 3]]])
  • qbits.hayt/distinct* is now variadic, thanks @pyr
(select :foo (columns (distinct* :foo :bar :baz)))
  • Add support for secondary index on collections in where CASSANDRA-4511
(where [contains :l 1]}
(where [contains-key :m 2]}
  • Add support for static columns in schemas

  • Add sugar for operations on collections and counters

(update :foo
        (set-columns {:bar 1
                      :baz (inc-by 2)}))

(update :foo
        (set-columns {:bar 1
                      :baz (dec-by 2)}))

(update :foo
        (set-columns {:baz (prepend ["asdf"])})
        (where [[:foo "bar"]]))

(update :foo
        (set-columns {:baz (append ["asdf"])})
        (where [[:foo "bar"]]))


Add support for vectors in set-columns and values. Ex: (insert :foo (values [[:a 1] [:b 2]])) See Issue #19 for details.


Some changes require you to run against Cassandra 2.0+ !!

Breaking changes!

  • Keywords as values are no longer encoded as strings and return a placeholder for a named prepared statement value. See #18

    The following

    (->raw (select :foo (where {:bar :baz})))

    used to generate this: "SELECT FROM foo WHERE bar = 'baz';" and now this: "SELECT FROM foo WHERE bar = :baz;"

  • When using ->prepared the values for using and limit are now parameterized.

  • The IN operator in where clauses when using ->prepared is now variadic (it returns the values as an array in the parameter list and uses a single ? placeholder). This is not backward compatible with C* 2.0-

(where {:foo [:in [1 2 3]]}) -> ["...WHERE foo IN ?;" [[1 2 3]]]
  • apply-map has been removed from qbits.hayt.utils (it didn't make sense since we now have proper named prepared statement placeholders).


  • fix IF NOT EXISTS clauses in create/drop statements
  • add drop-columnfamily, alter-columnfamily
  • Moved ? into utils.clj


  • Added qbits.hayt.fns/? to be used as prepared statement value placeholder when using ->raw to generate prepared statements.


  • Added create-trigger, drop-trigger
  • Added keyspace qualified identifiers (ex: "select * from mykeyspace.mytable;")
  • fix blob->X functions, they now accept bytebuffers and byte array as input and properly encode them


  • Support up to cql 3.1.1 ** Added qbits.hayt.clause/if-exists ** Added qbits.hayt.fns/distinct* ** qbits.hayt.clause/if-not-exists is deprecated, use (qbits.hayt.clause/if-exists false) ** minor code cleanups in qbits.hayt.cql


  • Preserve ns in when using namespaced keywords as values


  • qbits.hayt.fns/token is now variadic, allowing composite token values


  • Dropped dependency on clj 1.5


  • Dropped dependency on cassandra-all, no api changes


  • Add encoding support for byte array values


  • Allow :primary-key :abc (value not wrapped in a vector)


  • Minor perf. improvements


  • ns change: qbits.hayt.dsl.verb becomes qbits.hayt.dsl.statement. This should be backward compatible as long as you don't use them directly, the aliases have been updated.


  • Fix Collection types definitions (they were quoted)

  • Fix DELETE * statement :emit (no * on delete, it now accepts nil column or :*)


  • Internals change to accomodate cassaforte


  • Exposed cql-raw and cql-fn, the former allows to pass arbitrary raw content as value, and the later allows to create function wrappers. These two could be usefull when/if we don't support a feature and/or you need lower level access to value/fn encoding.

  • Added alias support

  • Added ALTER DROP clause support

  • tests, docstrings improvements


  • Joda time support

  • Moved cassandra-all in dev/test profiles


  • CQL 3.0.3 support (create secondary index aka "CREATE CUSTOM INDEX")

  • Added CAS support: if-not-exists only-if clauses

  • Performance/ressource use improvements

  • Added support for null values

  • Added support for Date, blob (ByteBuffer instances), InetAddress literals

  • Added noarg versions of bool clauses

  • Completed/fixed coverage of blobAsX and XAsBlob functions


  • Lift restriction on nil values (supported in C* 1.2.4+)


  • Deprecate q->, since clauses/queries are just maps, use the usual merge/assoc/into. It will be removed in a future version likely 1.0.0

  • Allow to use lowercased/dashed kw for permission, ex: :full-access or :FULL_ACCESS

  • Fix :primary-key to allow composites


  • Fix all permission queries, grant, revoke, list-permission (missing PERMISSION or PERMISSIONS)

  • Renamed list-permission to list-perm


  • cleaner AST and document (briefly) it's use in the readme
  • renamed/updated the auth functions/clauses to match their cql counterpart more closely.


  • Renamed add clause to add-column (breaking change)

  • Fixed bug in batch clause (begin missing), and add missing arguments (UNLOGGED, COUNTER)

  • Added rename-column grant-user, revoke-user, alter-user, create-user, drop-user, list-users, list-permissions

  • Added the following clauses table, keyspace, column-family, logged, counter, resource, user, superuser, password, permission, recursive.