- Fix issues with removal of rounding, sorry folks.
- Remove rounding.
- Fix deprecation warnings.
- Added an !important flag for specificity in some frameworks like IntuitCSS. See pull 146 for details.
- Fixed line breaks in error messaging to be compatable with future versions of Sass.
- Updated version for eyeglass (1.2.1)
- Fixed scss file path for Bower
- Removed
- Fix bug when the exponent is 0
- Fix issue with generic
being used instead ofms-pow()
Core logic re-write along with settings moved to maps so they can be multithreaded and setup responsive scales better.
- Settings moved into a map.
- Multiple settings threads so you can use different scales in tandem.
- Removed the list funciton that outputs a list of values.
- Removed multiple ratio support because it was confusing and you should use multiple threads anyway. This dramatically reduced the core logic and bugs.
- Fluid is the only responsive setting.
- Responsive mixin automatically pulls breakpoints from map threads.
- find ratios based on target sizes at points on the scale.
Bugfix an @else if
Ground-up re-write of ms-respond based on http://madebymike.com.au/writing/precise-control-responsive-typography/
Pixel rounding and responsive mixins
Version to the same release number as bower.
This is a breaking version. You will need to refactor slightly in order to upgrade to this version from a previous version.
- Complete re-write.
- ratios are variables, not functions
- Common variables are scoped to "ms-"
- ms-lists() is the list functions
- No more mixins at all, only functions.
- Increased compatibility with Sass 3.1 and up
- Compatibility with LibSass
- Compass no longer required (non-integer values require Compass)