The Statistics
namespace contains the StatisticsExplorer
class that reflects the functionality documented at It makes various network statistics available, such as the total number of blocks in existence, next difficulty retarget block, total BTC mined in the past 24 hours etc.
Task<StatisticsResponse> GetStatsAsync()
Get the network statistics.
Task<ChartResponse> GetChartAsync(string chartType, string timespan = null, string rollingAverage = null)
Get a specified chart and a list of its values.
string chartType
- the name of the chart you want to get, e.g. "transactions-per-second"
Optional Parameters:
string timespan
- interval for which to fetch data, can be set to "all" or a period of time, e.g. "2years" or "14d"string rollingAverage
- duration over which data should be averaged, e.g. "8hours"
Task<Dictionary<string, int>> GetPoolsAsync(int timespan = null)
Get a dictionary of mining pools and the total blocks they mined in the last 4 days.
Optional Parameters:
int timespan
- number of days to get data for (default 4, maximum 10)
: doubleTradeVolumeUsd
: doubleMinersRevenueBtc
: doubleMinersRevenueUsd
: doubleMarketPriceUsd
: doubleEstimatedTransactionVolumeUsd
: doubleTotalFeesBtc
: BitcoinValueTotalBtcSent
: BitcoinValueEstimatedBtcSent
; BitcoinValueBtcMined
: BitcoinValueDifficulty
: doubleMinutesBetweenBlocks
: doubleNumberOfTransactions
: longHashRate
: doubleTimestamp
: longMinedBlocks
: longBlocksSize
: longTotalBtc
: BitcoinValueTotalBlocks
: longNextRetarget
: long
: stringUnit
: stringTimespan
: stringDescription
: stringValues
: IEnumerable(ChartValue)
: doubleY
: double
using System;
using Info.Blockchain.API.Client;
using Info.Blockchain.API.Statistics;
namespace TestApp
class Program
private static StatisticsExplorer explorer;
static void Main(string[] args)
explorer = new StatisticsExplorer();
var stats = explorer.GetStatsAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("The current difficulty is {0}. The next retarget will happen in {1} hours",
(int)((stats.NextRetarget - stats.TotalBlocks) * stats.MinutesBetweenBlocks / 60));
// get the chart containing last week's average block size data
var averageBlockSizeChart = explorer.GetChartAsync("avg-block-size", "1w");
catch (ClientApiException e)
Console.WriteLine("Blockchain exception: " + e.Message);