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File metadata and controls

62 lines (36 loc) · 3.72 KB



Universe Simulator is simple universe sandbox created in Unity2D. It offers player to create his own universe and play with them slicing them off or just putting some velocity to them. Each level is saved in saves folder (as .json so player can also edit level here easy). So let's take a look at features:

Menu level loader:

Each level can be created thru menu by player. Level data contains informations about planets and photo of your universe at the moment of saving the game:


Sandbox universe creator:

Player can create his own universe by creating or deleting planets and tweeking with them:


Now player is able to:

  • play with look of the planets;
  • change velocity, position, mass and radius of planets;
  • slice planets;

Plans for the future

I'm planning a few features to add, but mainly:

  • Add workshop/community level loader;
  • Add logic levels - just tweek with some planets (or create if necessary) to achieve some target (f.e velocity);
  • Add some better look for planets (raytracing 2D?);
  • Add missing features like settings;

Some facts about code

I started the project with simple idea - I wanted to create my own universe simulator. It very soon turned out that the project is something I just like to work on. As I progressed with it I also progressed with my knowledge in coding and made huge improvements to overall quality of it. Because of that I had to do refactor and actually start over the project from scratch (see biggest pull request called - refactor where I improved code massively). And here we're now - I'm trying to add new features constantly and refactoring the code over the time.


To improve overall look of the project (UI) I've contacted with rovintm on Fiverr and was very happy of our collaboration. It really made project to look more like actual game not like some just prototype project.

But what if you want to contribute to this project?
I would be glad if you would want to do it, so feel free to do it. I'm even working on some code documentation (outdated, but will catch up on some point).


To install actual game you need to wait for beta release of it (then it will be avaiable on or Steam). I would want to release beta when features that I've mentioned earlier will be implemented (or will be known as too hard to implement).

However if you want to just play with the project in Unity, here are some quick guide for you:

  • I'm using Unity 2021.3.9f1 but honestly most of newer versions should work just fine (pretty sure for like > 2018);
  • Clone repository to some destination;
  • Add cloned repository to your projects in Unity Hub and start playing around;

Report an issue

If you found some issue, for example bug, please let me know it in issues section. Please check if issue that you are reporting isn't already reported by someone else.

Closing words

Thanks for reading and feel free to contact me via mail or on my Twitter. Every feedback is appreciated.
If you know any good gif tool for Linux also you can let me know because as you can see background of my gifs are a bit off (using Peek).