Bug fixes:
- The :class:`~ivmodels.summary.Summary` now correctly includes the rank and J test results.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the
New features:
- The Wald test now supports robust covariance estimation.
- New method
for :class:`~ivmodels.confidence_set.ConfidenceSet`.
Other changes:
- One can now pass the tolerance parameter
to the optimization algorithm in :func:`~ivmodels.tests.lagrange_multiplier.lagrange_multiplier_test` and :func:`~ivmodels.tests.lagrange_multiplier.inverse_lagrange_multiplier_test` via thekwargs
. - :class:`~ivmodels.models.kclass.KClass` now raises if
kappa >= 1
(as for the LIML and TSLS estimators) and the number of instruments is less than the number of endogenous regressors. - The :class:`~ivmodels.summary.Summary` now only includes and prints the results of the J-statistic and (multivariate) F-test for instrument strength if this makes sense.
- The docs have been updated and include examples.
New features:
- New test :func:`~ivmodels.tests.j.j_test` of the overidentifying restrictions.
- The tests :func:`~ivmodels.tests.lagrange_multiplier.inverse_lagrange_multiplier_test` and :func:`~ivmodels.tests.conditional_likelihood_ratio.inverse_conditional_likelihood_ratio_test` now possibly return unions of intervals, instead of one conservative large interval.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug in :func:`~ivmodels.models.kclass.KClass.fit` when
is notNone
and M_{[Z, C]} X is not full rank. - Fixed bug in
k == mw + mx
is notNone
. - Fixed bug in :func:`~ivmodels.utils._characteristic_roots` if
b == np.array([[0]])
. This now correctly returnsnp.inf
Other changes:
- The :class:`~ivmodels.summary.Summary` now additionally reports the LIML variant of the J-statistic.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug in :class:`~ivmodels.tests.conditional_likelihood_ratio.inverse_conditional_likelihood_ratio_test`.
New features:
- New functions :func:`~ivmodels.tests.inverse_lagrange_multiplier_test` and :func:`~ivmodels.tests.inverse_conditional_likelihood_ratio_test` to approximate the 1 dimensional confidence sets by inverting the corresponding (subvector) tests.
- New class :class:`~ivmodels.confidence_sets.ConfidenceSet`.
- New class :class:`~ivmodels.summary.Summary` holding information about the model fit.
- New class :class:`~ivmodels.summary.CoefficientTable` holding a table of coefficients and their p-values.
- New method :func:`~ivmodels.models.kclass.KClass.summary` to create a summary of the model fit.
- The :class:`~ivmodels.models.kclass.KClass` gets new attributes after fitting a model:
, andinstrument_names_
. If pandas is installed, there's alsonames_coefs_
. - The tests :func:`~ivmodels.tests.anderson_rubin_test`,
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.likelihood_ratio_test`, and
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.wald_test` and their inverses
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.inverse_likelihood_ratio_test`, and
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.inverse_wald_test` now support an additional parameter
of exogenous covariates to be included in the test. This is not supported for the conditional likelihood ratio test.
Other changes:
- The function :func:`~ivmodels.tests.lagrange_multiplier_test` is now slightly faster.
- :class:`~ivmodels.models.kclass.KClass` now accepts
as arguments toy
New features:
- New method :func:`~ivmodels.simulate.simulate_guggenberger12` to draw from the data generating process of Guggenberger (2012).
- The utility functions :func:`~ivmodels.utils.proj` and :func:`~ivmodels.utils.oproj` now accept multiple args to be projected. Usage of this results in performance improvements.
Other changes:
- The utility functions :func:`~ivmodels.utils.proj` and :func:`~ivmodels.utils.oproj`
now use the
scipy.linalg(..., lapack_driver="gelsy")
. This results in a speedup. - The numerical integration function :func:`~ivmodels.tests.conditional_likelihood_ratio.conditional_likelihood_ratio_critical_value_function` has been reparametrized, yielding a speedup.