Things pending or ideas. Don't expect them soon. This is not a roadmap.
- Handle english contractions (i.e combine "dont" and "don't")
- Improve compression or give an option to disable it, since it crashes the browser when exports are too big
- Currently, the timezone is picked from the machine that generates the report, it should be an option.
- Add configuration to reports:
- Timezone
- Whether to filter Stopwords
- Whether to filter long words (currently filtering 1<len≤30)
- Detect misspelling of words (very hard)
- fastText is using like 80% of the generation time, can it be optimized, replaced with something better?
- Weeks are off, currently being calculated as
floor((dayOfMonth - 1) / 7)
which is wrong. - Detect if some ES6 or other API used during generation is not available and show an error early.
- Handle emoticons? (e.g. :D, :P, etc)
- Export data as CSV or dataframes?
- Store words in an efficient format instead of a string[] (radix tree, tries, combine with ngrams maybe?)
- Add other platform parsers like Google Teams, MS Teams, Slack, etc.
- Make cool animations with AnimatedBars, like messages sent over time (like this, very hard to do with the current setup. Should move everything to a canvas)
- Being able to export graphs as images
- New cards:
- option to show the messages sent as a Calendar Map ( seems too bloated for us)
- Messages most replied
- Longest reply chain (don't know how to do it efficiently)
- Lexical diversity
- Response time of authors
- Average (mean is hard) edit time (seconds) per author
- Sentiment per user?
- bigrams, trigrams, n-grams?
- oldest inactive user
- amount of words over time (with dashed number of messages as reference)
- streak of how many days in a row messages have been sent (per user, maybe channels?)
- Data points at the end of the data should be marked as incomplete (with a distinct color, maybe dashed) [not trivial]
- Maybe replace the reactions (which can be a lot) with a "XX reactions" and hover/click to see them all.
- Make the filter menu fixed and being able to show and collapse it