This document shows how to install autoDeploy on Ubuntu System
- Create an autodeploy user
# adduser --system --home /opt/autodeploy/home --shell /bin/bash autodeploy
- Add autodeploy to sudoers.
# adduser autodeploy sudo
Download The latest release from github
Expand the downloaded archive to '/opt/autodeploy/home'
Copy the file in UnixConfig to /etc/sudoers.d/
Install the Client Library
# cd client; python install
Edit Server init script so that it points to installation directory
Copy server init script to /etc/init.d
Add the init script to the start defaults
# update-rc.d autodeploy-server start
- Install required Packages
# pip install django==1.8 django-tables2==1.0.4 django-tables2-reports
Configure your database
Create empty database in your DBMS.
Edit Settings file in
. -
Create Database by
$ python migrate
- Start Django Sever
python runserver IP:PORT
TBD: A Guide to show how to configure autodeploy Django webapp with Apache should be done.