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Loop Recorder

Carl Pillot edited this page Jul 15, 2013 · 37 revisions


Status: This specification is in drafting, however active work will begin immediately and continue through the summer. Please feel free to leave comments.

DJs often may wish to record loops and samples live from available output streams, which can then be used again in samplers and the main decks to play back later. This project aims to implement an easy to use, but powerful loop recorder for Mixxx, which will give DJs another tool to be creative in their live mixes.

This project is being undertaken by Carl Pillot for the Google Summer of Code 2013.


High-Level Overview

There are many possible options for an implementation of a loop recorder---everything from simple recording one section of audio into a sampler to a fully realized remix and slicing engine. As Mixxx is targeted to both beginner and advanced DJs, the best approach for a loop recorder in Mixxx is to create a very simple interface that is easy to understand and use for beginner users, but that can be combined with existing functionality (such as samplers) to give professional users plenty of power and flexibility. Considering the fairly limited time for GSoC and the complexity of the project, the simpler the approach that I take, the likelier it is that I’ll have a polished product by the end of the summer that DJs will actually be able to use.

A loop recorder offers DJs several creative possibilities:

1. Create new songs using existing loop libraries, by layering them together.

Example: DJ B has a set of loops that she’d like to combine into a new mix. She knows that there are a couple different grooves that she would like to use throughout the song. She loads several loops into samplers to create the basic groove for the first section of the song. She starts recording the loop through the headphone out and records 16 beats into the loop recorder. She adds several layers to the groove, then saves the loop, loads it into a main deck and starts playing, while that's playing she repeats the process for a several new grooves, until she has a couple of different sections, which she transitions between to develop the song. She uses more samplers to add extra layers and develop each section.

2. Make mashups/remixes on the fly by recording and layering loops from several different songs/loop libraries.

DJ X has several different sections from different songs that he knows he'd like to combine later in his set. While these songs are playing X records segments from main output to the loop recorder and saves each section he'd like to use. During the set he can also process and recombine some of the recorded loops by using the cue output and different signal processing. When the time comes to use the loops he can load them into samplers to play them back.

3. Create one-shot items from a song or loop on the fly to be triggered by either a hot key (probably in a sampler deck in Mixxx).


When a DJ clicks record for the first time the loop recorder locks the beat number menu, so that it cannot be changed. This is necessary to record second layers.

The recorder will record the specified number of beats then immediately begin playing those recorded beats back through the main output. The dry/wet knob controls the mix between the Main mix and the loop recorder.

If the record button is pressed again, the loop recorder will record a second layer that is punched into the first layer and can be of a length of 0 up to the length of the original loop. The DJ will have to press stop to stop recording the second layer, although I think that it might be good to have it stop automatically when the loop repeats (I’m going back and forth about this).

After a second layer is recorded, the undo button is activated and if pressed it reverts the loop recorder to the previous state before the most recent recording. If clicked, the undo button becomes a redo button. There will be one level of undo/redo available in the loop recorder. When the record button is clicked, the current state is committed, and the new layer being recorded is now what will be removed/restored by undo.

Once a DJ is satisfied with the loop she can save it to disk to be used in a sampler or main deck using the save button. I’ve also toyed with the idea of have a smart export feature which will automatically export the loop and add it to a sampler, but I need to flesh this idea out more.


  • Realtime Recording/Instant Playback
  • Loop is available to playback immediately
  • Record from different input sources (Main out, PFL, decks, microphone, etc.)
  • Record a specific number of beats.
  • Multi-layer recording
  • Record unlimited number of layers in loop recorder (in practice it probably )
  • One level of undo/redo
  • Syncs with currently defined BPM (Merge with Owen's master sync branch?)
  • Export to library/disk
  • Save to disk
  • Export metadata to library
  • Export directly to samplers? - Useful for quick mixing
    * Perhaps also work on code to record directly into samplers - separate from loop recorder, but related, this may be a good starting point for the project...
* Simple to use and understand

New Classes:

LoopRecordingManager - Coordinates the UI and recording and playback of the loop recorder.

EngineLoopRecorder - Handles loop recording in a separate thread, which is fed from the Engine Master. All loops will be recorded as uncompressed audio for performance and quality reasons.

LoopRecorderDeck - subclass of BaseTrackPlayer, which handles playback of loops that have been recorded. Handles special mixing of recorded audio (maybe...).

LoopBuffer - class that provides an interface for manipulating loop buffer recording. Abstracts the details of loop recording away from the rest of the looper code.

Main changes required to Mixxx Engine:

Add audio routing to the loop recorder in Engine Master. This will need to be done in realtime, so the code will probably differ from the existing recording code, which does processing in side chains.

Modify buffering and channel code to allow continuous playback, which switches between buffers. This will be a pretty challenging task.

Implement new SoundSource class for internally stored loops?


Key/Control What it Does
Record On empty loop recorder, initiates loop recording.
Play Plays stored loop, disabled if nothing has been recorded.
Undo/Redo By default undo 1 layer of changes. If clicked undo changes to redo.
Save Save the loop to the Mixxx library.
Clear Clears all recorded loops.
Number of Beats Sets the number of beats to automatically record
Input source Toggles the Mixxx output that is directed into the loop recorder.
Dry/Wet Controls level of recorder sent back into the main mix.

User Interface

Work Breakdown

  1. Core Loop Code
    1. Loop Recorder Manager
      1. Connections to UI controls
      2. Connect signals between controls, LoopRecorder and LoopPlayer
      3. Export to library handling
        1. Database metadata storage
        2. Save audio data to file (can probably reuse some of the existing codebase for this)
    2. Loop Recorder
      1. Buffer Processing (recording and layering)
      2. Undo Operations
      3. Clear operations
      4. BPM Matching
    3. Loop Player
      1. Read audio from buffers and implement switching between the buffers.
      2. Integrate with Engine Master, so that audio is routed back into the mix after it is recording.
      3. Slots for receiving updates from loop recorder and manager
      4. New SoundSource class for internally recorded sounds. (Maybe should be classified as a separate entity in the structure)
  2. GUI integration
    1. Theme modifications
    2. New loop table view for saved loops (could be added as a section in the recordings view)
  3. Documentation
    1. New manual entry for loop recorder


  1. Improve developer documentation for audio engine as I learn more about it.

Current Progress

GSoC 2013 Timeline

June (Program begins June 17)

  • Week 3: Flesh out structure and interface for loop controller objects, begin work on LoopRecorder, put together skeletal GUI
  • Week 4: Continue work on LoopRecorder class, get basic real time recording working


  • Week 1: Focus work on LoopPlayer and LoopRecorderManager
  • Week 2: Continue work on LoopPlayer and LoopRecorderManager, integrate with Loop Recorder
  • Week 3: Have a loop recorder that can record a single layer and play it back by midterm evaluations.
  • Week 4: Carl on vacation, may be able to work a few hours.
  • Week 5 (GSoC Midterm Evaluation Week): Take stock of project progress and revisit planning for the next phase of development. Begin implementing multiple layer support.


  • Week 1 (8/5-8/11):Implement multiple layer support, begin work on final GUI
  • Week 2: Continue implementation of multiple layer support
  • Week 3: Have fully function rough demo
  • Week 4: Implement library export feature and loop table view


  • Week 1: Finalize GUI, documentation and do extensive on final version.
  • Week 2: Finalize GUI, documentation and do extensive on final version.
  • Week 3 (GSoC Suggested pencils down date): Finalize GUI, documentation and do extensive on final version. Fix loose ends.
  • Week 4: All coding done, prepare final report.


  • Carl Pillot (GSoC 2013 Student)
  • Owen Williams (GSoC 2013 Mentor)


Possible way to handle single-level undo/redo

Currently in Progress.

This is a short walkthrough of a possible implementation for recording multiple layers and implementing single-level undo/redo support. It uses buffers to store the different recordings and manipulate the mixing of the loop.

Loop recording must happen in realtime, I don't think that we can spin off an extra process like the current recording code (this has significant performance implications). Right now I'm assuming that the loop recorder object will be updated directly by the Engine Master, so that on each call it's updated with the latest output data from either the master or PFL output streams.

I'm using two buffers referred to as buffer_A, and buffer_B. My idea for controlling playback is to have a loop buffer pointer in the LoopPlayer class, which changes depending on the recording state of the buffer.

If at least one loop has already been recorder, copy buffer_B to buffer_A (commits a previously recorded two layer mix).

set play pointer to buffer_B

Record to buffer_A mixing new audio with previously recorded audio

When recording is finished, set play pointer to buffer_A and signal that recording is done.

Undo functionality resets the play pointer to the buffer_B redo resets it to buffer_A.

This method assumes dynamic memory allocation, which is probably not possible in a realtime environment. I'm currently brainstorming other approaches to this problem.


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