This code is part of a working paper focused on resampling strategies for categorical data. The premise is that the defacto industry standards of majority rule and nearest neighbor give rise to competing objectives with respect to preserving map structure and map level class proportions.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
To define a minimal example:
- Lets load our spatial/visualization packages,
- Read in the 30 meter resolution, 2016 CONUS National Land Cover Dataset
- Define an area of interest (AOI) around Colorado Springs, and re-project
- and crop the NLCD to this boundary
# Start with a native high resolution dataset
nlcd = brick(nlcd_conus_path)
# Define an Area of Interest and transform to NLCD CRS
AOI = AOI::aoi_get(list("Colorado Springs", 21, 21), km = TRUE) %>%
input = crop(nlcd, AOI, snap = "out")
Three resampling techniques are highlighted which include nearest
neighbor, majority rule and a new method that seeks to preserve both
areal proportions and map structure. Nearest neighbor and majority rule
utilize GDAL near
and mode
For each method, an input raster and desired cell size must be provided.
This is the same principle as the -tr
flag found in GDAL utilities.
Cell size units are given with respect to the input CRS. In our example
this is meters (see below).
#> [1] "m"
## Nearest Neighbor
n = resampleData(input, cellsize = 1000, method = 'nn')
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.271 0.053 0.335
## Majority Rule
m = resampleData(input, cellsize = 1000, method = 'maj')
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.778 0.041 0.837
## Areal Proportion
a = resampleData(input, cellsize = 1000, method = 'area')
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.428 0.053 0.544
Here is a quick view of the maps produced by each method:
b = brick(n,m,a) %>%
resample(input, method = "ngb") %>%
addLayer(input) %>%
setNames(c("Nearest Neighbor", "Majority Rule", "Areal", "NLCD 30m"))
breaks = col_lu$nlcd.code,
col = col_lu$color,
legend = F)
Overall, we can see that in ~46% of the cells, the three methods assigned different categories:
m1 <- cbind(values(a),values(n),values(m))
sum(rowSums(m1==m1[,1])==ncol(m1)) / ncell(a)
#> [1] 0.463138
Looking class by class, it is evdident that not all classes are treated “equally”:
freq(brick(n,a,m), merge = TRUE) %>%
setNames(c("lc", "Nearest Neighbor", "Area Preserving", "Majority Rule"))%>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(-lc) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = value, x = as.factor(lc), fill = name)) +
geom_bar(width=0.5, stat='identity', position = position_dodge(width=0.5)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
labs(y = "Cells", x = "Landcover Class", fill = "Resampling\nMethod") +
The key take away from this research is that majority rule tends to overpredict majority classes at the expense of minority classes leading to maps that lose diversity. Nearest neighbor does a better job at preserving map diversity but at the expense of map structure. An area preserving method seeks to achieve both through an integration of global and zonal statistics.