Some people might be new to using Git and GitHub so here is a simple workflow to facilitite Pull Requests which can be reviewed and merged easily.
- Create a forked copy of the microsoft/sdn repo from /~
- Clone that copy to your local machine (git clone /~*GitUserName*/sdn.git)
- Create a new branch on your local machine with a descriptive name to indicate the changes you will be making (git checkout -b DescriptiveName)
- Update and commit docs (git add, git commit, git push) to generate a preview viewable via GitHub (e.g. /~<GitUserName/blob/DescriptiveBranchName/
- Iterate on this branch until satisfied
- Create a Pull Request into the master branch from /~ (Select Pull requests, New pull request) and compare across forks
At this point, the PR will be reviewed and merged into the master branch by one of the Maintainers.