Flask starter project...This is a demo... https://cloud.docker.com
- Activate a virtualenv
- Install the requirements
Update skeleton/server/config.py, and then run:
$ export APP_SETTINGS="skeleton.server.config.DevelopmentConfig"
$ export APP_SETTINGS="skeleton.server.config.ProductionConfig"
$ python manage.py create_db
$ python manage.py db init
$ python manage.py db migrate
$ python manage.py create_admin
$ python manage.py create_data
$ python manage.py runserver
So access the application at the address http://localhost:5000/
Want to specify a different port?
$ python manage.py runserver -h -p 8080
$ tox
docker run -d -p 8080:5000 imooc-course/docker-cloud-demo:latest
this is a pull request test