- How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia, by David A. Patterson
- You and Your Research, by Richard Hamming
- Principles of Effective Research, by Michael A. Nielsen
- An Opinionated Guide to ML Research, by John Schulman
- Practicing AI research, by Jason Wei
- Ph.D. Advice: Useful Thoughts about Research, by H.T. Kung
- The Ph.D. Grind, by Philip J. Guo
- A Survival Guide to a PhD, by Andrej Karpathy
- A PhD Is Not Enough!: A Guide to Survival in Science, by Peter J. Feibelman
- How to Read a Paper, by Srinivasan Keshav [Personal Note]
- Efficient Reading of Papers in Science and Technology, by Michael J. Hanson and Dylan J. McNamee
- How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper, by Roy Levin and David D. Redell (9th SOSP Program Committee Co-chairmen)
- The Science of Scientific Writing, by George D. Gopen and Judith A. Swan
- How to write a technical paper or a research paper, by Michael Ernst
- Writing Perfect Papers, by Baochun Li
- 10 tips on how we write papers, by Edward H. Sargent
- The Art of Presentation, by Baochun Li
- Philip’s notes on the tenure-track assistant professor job search, by Philip J. Guo
- Your students are your legacy, by David A. Patterson [中文译本]
- The Bitter Lesson, by Richard S. Sutton