Although this repo is named 'gradescope-autograder', it is really two things:
- A CI/CD pipeline that smoothly maintains the course and supports the autograder.
- An autograding framework [that seamlessly interoperates with Gradescope].
If you don't want to use the infrastructure framework, see the 'global' repo branch. Otherwise, email mrussell at cs dot tufts dot edu
with a) your eecs utln [note you need to have logged in to at least once using LDAP
with your Tufts eecs utln
and password], b) which course you are working with (e.g. cs15), and c) what term the course will be for (e.g. spring, fall, etc.). He will create the template repo for you and add you as the Owner
. This step will enable your repo to access group-level variables used by the CI/CD pipeline.
This is all of the architecture used here. Aside from setting up the gitlab-runner instance, you will not manually interface with the architecture; your job will only be to push to the repo. 🥳
What happens when a student submits code to Gradscope. This pipeline is automated; you will only update assignment autograding code within the framework detailed below. below.
CI/CD pipeline that runs when you push code to the repo. The steps in orange are handled by Gitlab and the gitlab-runner. The steps in teal have been written by course-staff.
Once you have received the email from mrussell
, clone your repo. The default expected repository structure is as follows. Note that some of these paths are configurable - see config.toml
below for details.
├── assignments
│ ├── my_first_assign
│ │ ├── autograder
│ │ ├── files
│ │ ├── solution
│ │ └── spec
| ...
| |
│ └── my_nth_assign
│ ├── autograder
│ ├── files
│ ├── solution
│ └── spec
├── autograding
│ ├── bin
│ └── etc
├── bin
├── files
├── public_html
├── staff-bin
└── config.toml
contains symlinks to theassignments/${assign_name}/spec/${assign_name}.pdf
spec files.files/
contains symlinks to theassignments/${assign_name}/files
starter code directories.
The script staff-bin/make-symlinks
will create these symlinks for you.
Contains code executable by students
Contains code executable by staff
The config.toml
file contains various essential bits of information related to the directory structure, and your course configuration in general. Please configure it as appropriate.
AUTOGRADING_ROOT = "autograding"
ASSIGN_ROOT = "assignments"
ASSIGN_AG_DIR = "autograder" # e.g. assignments/my_assign/autograder
ASSIGN_SOL_DIR = "solution" # e.g. assignments/my_assign/solution
TERM = "2023s" # CI/CD puts course files to /g/$COURSE_NUM/$TERM
FILE_GROUP = "ta15" # CI/CD chgrps course files as $FILE_GROUP
MANAGE_TOKENS = true # manage tokens or not?
GRACE_TIME = 15 # (in minutes)
TOKEN_TIME = 1440 # (in minutes)
STARTING_TOKENS = 5 # max per-student: modifiable anytime
MAX_PER_ASSIGN = 2 # (this must be 2 for now)
"" = 1 # adjust student max: EXACT email on gradescope
SUBMISSIONS_PER_ASSIGN = 5 # overridable in testset.toml
TEST_USERS = [""] # EXACT gs email
CODE_STYLE_CHECKSET = ['.h', '.cpp']
COLUMNS_STYLE_WEIGHT = 1 # XXX_STYLE_WEIGHT relative points to deduct
TODOS_STYLE_WEIGHT = 0.5 # TODO comments in code
SYMBOL_STYLE_WEIGHT = 0.5 # &&, ||, !, etc.
BREAK_STYLE_WEIGHT = 0.5 # 'break'
BOOLEAN_STYLE_WEIGHT = 0.5 # x == true, y == false
You will need a gitlab-runner
in order for the CI/CD pipeline to run when you git push
. Fortunately, the EECS staff have setup the requisite infrastucture such that getting this ready is straightforward. Note that you may want to use a course-specific user account to set this runner up, since the CI/CD script will otherwise have access to your personal files.
are excellent about creating such accounts promptly; things to tell them: 1) the account will need to be in the group listed in config.toml
[usually, taCOURSENUM
, e.g. ta15
], 2) this group will have to be available on the podman-vm01
Now, open a shell, and run the following commands.
ssh [or the course-specific utln]
ssh vm-podman01
/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install toml-cli toml --user
gitlab-runner register
Here are the variables you'll need:
- GitLab instance URL:
- Registration Token: In the
web interface, navigate to your course repo, click the settings cog (lower-left side of the screen), and then select CI/CD. Expand therunners
section. Copy the token. - Description, Tags, and Maintenance Note: [optional] whatever you'd like
- Executor:
By default, the gitlab runner saves data in the home directory of the user (under ~/.gitlab-runner/builds
). If you are using the pipeline to auto-build docker containers for gradescope, this will not work out-of-the-box because the scripts used by the pipeline to make the builds rely on podman, and podman does not work by default on nfs mounted drives. Also, the builds directory can take up quite a bit of space in your home directory. The /data/
directory on the halligan server is a good directory to use and will avoid both of these issues. This directory is deleted every 30 days, but the gitlab-runner reproduces the necessary folders on its own without issue. In order to update this, you can open the file: ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml
, and, under [[runners]]
, add (or update):
builds_dir = "/data/your_utln/builds/course"
cache_dir = "/data/your_utln/builds/cache"
If you ever want to see 'behind-the-scenes' of the gitlab-runner's working directory, etc. you can do so through the builds_dir here.
Recall that our gitlab-runner will be used to automatically build Docker containers for autograding. Given that we are on RHEL
, which does not have native Docker
support, we will use podman
instead. There are two wrinkles with podman
on our RHEL
instance: you can't use podman
on an nfs mount, and the permissions vis-a-vis UID/GID
issues are tricky. Fortunately there are solutions to both of these problems. Copy the following text and put it in a file on the halligan server located at ~/.config/containers/storage.conf
[make the directories if needed]. Make sure to update your utln for the graphroot
driver = "overlay"
graphroot = "/var/tmp/YOUR_HALLIGAN_UTLN_HERE/containers/storage"
ignore_chown_errors = "true"
The graphroot
directory is where the podman (docker) containers for your course's autograding container will actually be stored - if you receive any odd podman-related errors, nuking this directory is a good first idea [it will be repopulated by podman automatically].
Lastly, run the command:
gitlab-runner run &
At this point the runner will start running.
You can exit out of the terminal, and due to the system configuration this runner will stay alive. Now refresh the web page in the gitlab interface and expand the runners
section again - you should see your runner available. One thing to ensure - select the pencil icon next to the runner name, and make sure Run untagged jobs
is checked. Good! Now, Go back to the CI/CD settings, and expand the variables
section. Add 2 variables here.
Variable Key | Example Value |
Purpose |
autograding |
Directory path in you repo where the autograding folder is - should be the same as the AUTOGRADING_ROOT variable in the config.toml file |
... | Deploy token for your repository. Create one in the gitlab web interface with settings->access tokens. The token must have read_repository and write_repository permissions, and must have at least the maintainer role |
- You can expect that the disk usage on your system will be directly proportional to the number of available processes you provide to your runner, as each separate process has its own clone of the repo.
containers cannot be mounted on nfs drives (e.g. your home directory); this is one of the reasons thestorage.conf
file is necessary above.- Despite that your containers will be built in
, there is still a upper-limit to the storage space. I ran out at ~20gb. A few handypodman
commands in regard to this-
podman system df
-> shows your podman disk usage -
podman system prune --all
-> frees unused space from podman -> the output re: space freed can be misleading (look super large) if your containers share layers. -
podman rmi --all --force
-> cleans any containers that might be in-use (sometimes is an issue if containers-builds are quit mid-process) -
The default behavior of our
scripts that use podman is to automatically runpodman system prune --all --force
andpodman rmi --all --force
to cleanup. This is not the most efficient in that the autograding containers will need to be pulled every time rather than leveraging a cache, but should keep your space on/tmp
from filling up, which would prevent the script from running at all. TODO: update script to run theprune/rmi
commands whenpodman df
reports usage over ~10 (?) gb.
- If the EECS folks have to restart the
server, for now you will have to manually restart your runner (gitlab-runner run &
) [note that this has happened once the first year of the server being up].
The 'magic' here all happens by way of the .gitlab-ci.yml
file, which gitlab works with automatically whenever you run git push
. The file is already configured to do what you'll need to (assuming your config.toml
is set up properly).
To make this all work, the .gitlab-ci.yml
file also relies on some gitlab environment variables that are set at a course-repos group level, and which are automatically accessible by every course under that group. DO NOT MODIFY THESE GROUP-LEVEL VARIABLES! Furthemore, these variables contain sensitive information intended to be visible only to trusted members of the Tufts CS community, so please be careful to whom you give privileged access to your course repository!
For reference, again, the three jobs which will run automatically (if required) on git push
This is done with rsync
. Remember that the runner runs on the halligan servers, so it can do all of this locally. Whichever account created the runner will own the files. They will be chmodded and chgrpd according to config.toml
. The scripts autograding/bin/restore-permissions
and autograding/bin/reveal-current-assignments
will be run to rework the permissions of all the files in the repo, according to the release dates in the file public_html/assignments.toml
Gradescope relies on docker containers to do the autograding for your course. One job that the runner will run is to build the container with a clone of your course repo inside of it; it will then upload that container to a private dockerhub repository at the location: tuftscs/gradescope-autograder:YOUR_COURSE_SLUG
. This will happen automatically, so after it uploads, you simply need to enter this address in gradescope under the manual docker configuration for an autograding assignment. It will work immediately after the CI/CD
job finishes. Note that the names in gradescope for your autograding assignments must match their names in the assignments/
folder, with the exception that space characters on gradecsope are converted to underscores by the autograder.
If you update the solution code or autograder code for a given assignment, the reference output for that assignment will be rebuilt. This works by the runner loading the solution code into a local copy of the autograding docker container, running the solution as the submission, and copying/pushing the resulting output files back to the repo. For relatively new assignments, often it is useful to debug. Yet, pushing these debugging files to/from the repo is a bit excessive. Therefore, these files will be automatically copied to /g/COURSE_NUM/TERM/grading/${ASSIGN_NAME}/results/
. /grading/
is a legacy folder name which is relatively arbitrary here - feel free to update it in the .gitlab-ci.yml
file - the relevant portion is GRADER_DEV_FOLDER: "grading"
; simply update grading
to be that path from your /g/COURSENUM/TERM/
folder on the server which TAs can access. This folder and subfolders/files will be chmodded 770. For details on the debug output for the autograder, see the framework below. Note! for changes to be discovered properly, you will likely want to set git config pull.rebase true
; otherwise, if you have commited changes and need to pull before pushing, the uploaded merge won't correctly identify the changed files.
If you'd like to read more of the details, see that file - it is explained in detail. Tweak it to your heart's content!
See below for a table of problems and solutions for debugging pipeline related issues. These account for almost all of the errors we generally see, but if the solutions here do not solve your problems, please reach out to me.
problem | discussion | solution |
Any git related errors regarding the repo (e.g. "cannot merge binary files", "branch __ not found", "unpack-objects failed" etc.) |
Something has gone kerfluey with the gitlab-runner's cache. Reset it. | In the gitlab web interface, go to CI/CD->Pipelines (CI/CD is the icon that looks like a shield), then press the Clear runner caches button on the top of the page. Then try re-running the job. |
Any kind of Docker or Podman related issues ("Error: creating build container", Docker login problems, etc.) |
The podman cache may need to be reset | ssh to vm-podman01 , and rm -rf /var/tmp/YOUR_UTLN/containers/storage/overlay . If you see any errors, you may need to chmod -R u+rwx that folder prior to removing everything. Podman will automatically repopulate this directory, so no need to worry. After deleting the directory, try re-running the job. |
"There has been a timeout failure or the job got stuck. Check your timeout limits or try again" | EECS server has been reset so we need to restart the runner. | login to RUNNER_ACCT@vm-podman01 (see here for an example) and run the command gitlab-runner run & , then exit and via the web interface restart the job that failed. |
Tokens are handled completely behind-the-scenes by the container, which communicates with a mysql
database hosted on the Tufts EECS servers during non-login sessions into the container [handled by PAM
] (NOTE that this means that no token information is used when TA's ssh into the container; further,any token-related information is removed from the container during a login session via PAM
). This communication occurs via a custom user account created by EECS IT staff. Variables which hold the account's information (username, private key) as well as the location of the tokens server and login information are held at
. Your course's slug (e.g.{COURSE_SLUG}
) and the current semester (e.g. 2024s
) are used together as the database table automatically. In addition to automatic creation of the table, students and assignments are added automatically. The table holds the number of tokens currently used for a given student for each assignment. The information within the table is then used by the autograder (see autograding/bin/
and autograding/bin/
) to validate a student's submission vis-a-vis tokens. You can change the way submissions are validated (e.g. max number of tokens per-student) via the tokens
section of the config.toml
file. You can do this for an individual student or for the entire roster. At this time the maximum number of supported tokens is 2, however the code could certaily be tweaked to allow for N
tokens. If you need to manually access the database, you can do so by ssh'ing to the halligan servers under the account information specified above, and simply run mysql --login-path=eecs_token_db
. Tread lightly as all token info is here for all courses! [...but don't worry too much as the EECS staff make daily backups].
Continue to the next section to learn about the autograding framework, and for a walkthrough to setup an assignment.
The autograding framework is designed to have you writing and deploying tests as quickly as possible. There are three methods of testing a student's submission that this autograder supports
- Tests which are a set of
driver files, each with their ownmain()
. - Tests which send different input files to a student's executable program.
- Run your own code.
In any case above, stdout
can be diff
'd automatically against the output of a reference implementation, you can send a file to stdin
for a test, output can be canonicalized before diff
, and valgrind
can be run on the programs as well. Limits can likewise be set for memory usage, timeout, etc. See details below.
Before getting into the details, here is a summary of the procedure run by bin/
, which is the script that does the autograding.
- Parse input arguments
- Load
file and validate configuration - Create
objects, each of which contains all possible configuration variables. - Build directories required to run tests
- Compile the executable(s) specified in the configuration, and save compilation logs in
- Run each test:
- Save a dump of the initial Test object to
- Execute the specified command
- Run any
s required based on the testing configuration; run canonicalization prior todiff
if specified. - Run
if required. - Determine whether the test passed or not.
- Save a dump of the completed Test object to
- Save a dump of the initial Test object to
- Report the results to
The directories produced by the autograder are
├── build/
├── logs/
├── output/
└── results.json
Inside the build
directory are all of the students submitted files, and any course-staff-provided files which need to be copied over [see copy
and link
directories below]. Also there are the executables produced during the compilation step.
A set of compilation logs and summary files for each test. Each testname.summary
file in the logs/
directory contains a dump of the state of a given test. This is literally a dump of the backend Test
object from the
script, which contains all of the values of the various configuration options (e.g. diff_stdout
, etc.) and results (e.g. stdout_diff_passed
). A first summary is created upon initialization of the test, and it is overwritten after a test finishes with the updated results. summary
files are very useful for debugging!
Output of each test. Files in output
are automatically generated for stdout
and stderr
streams, and are saved as testxx.std{out/err}
. Likewise {testname}.valgrind
files contain valgrind output. .diff
files contain the result of diff
ing the given output against the reference output are also here. If any of the output streams are to-be canonicalized prior to diff
, then a .ccized
file is created for that output stream [e.g. testname.stdout.ccized
], along with the .ccized.diff
, indicating that the files diff
'd are the canoncialized outputs. Also here is a .memtime
file, which contains the result of running /usr/bin/time -v %M %S %U
on the given program. This file is only produced in the case where memory limits are set in the configuration. Lastly, .ofile
files are produced for files written to by the program (see details below). Here's an example of possible outputs:
├── output
│ ├── test01.memtime
│ ├── test01.ofile
│ ├── test01.ofile.ccized
│ ├── test01.ofile.ccized.diff
│ ├── test01.stderr
│ ├── test01.stderr.diff
│ ├── test01.stdout
│ ├── test01.stdout.diff
│ ├── test01.valgrind
| ...
│ ├── testn.memtime
│ ├── testnn.ofile
│ ├── testnn.ofile.ccized
│ ├── testnn.ofile.ccized.diff
│ ├── testnn.stderr
│ ├── testnn.stderr.diff
│ ├── testnn.stdout
│ └── testnn.stdout.diff
is the results file the gradescope parses to produce results in the web interface.
The framework depends on a testset.toml
file ( to specify the testing configuration. testset.toml
must be configured as follows
# common test options go here
# this section can be empty, but is mandatory
# this section must be named "common"
# subsequent sections in the .toml file contain a group of tests to run
# configuration options placed under this section here will override the settings in [common] for these tests
# test group names (e.g. [set_of_tests]) can be anything
# tests in a section must be placed in a list named `tests'
tests = [
{ testname = "test0", description = "my first test" },
{ testname = "test1", description = "my second test" },
# ...
{ testname = "testn", description = "my nth test" },
# each test **must** have testname and description fields
# you may add any other option to a given test
# test-specific options override any 'parent' options
See the section test .toml configuration options
for the full details.
An assignment with course-staff provided .cpp
driver files is the default behavior for the autograder. Using the testset.toml
file above, for example, here is one possible configuration of a corresponding (bare-bones) directory structure
| |---cpp/ [contains .cpp driver files]
| |---makefile/ [contains custom Makefile]
| |---ref_output/ [contains output of reference implementation]
|---testest.toml [testing configuration file]
For this simple grading configuration, the autograder assumes that each testname [e.g. test01
above] corresponds to a file testset/cpp/testname.cpp
which contains its own main()
, and that there is a target named testname
in testset/makefile/Makefile
which produces an executable named testname
; it will run make testname
, and then ./testname
. Then, the default behavior will be to diff
the output of the student's provided submission with the output in ref_output
. Reference output can be generated automatically [see Testing the Autograder
section below].
Note the file
. This is an optional script must call autograde
. Why would you need this, you ask? Great question. It's useful to have a unique script used by each autograding assignment which is separate from run_autograder
. This is so that if you need to make any assignment-specific tweaks - prepping any unusual directories or files, or installing anything special programs, etc., you can simply make the relevant updates in this file and git push
, without having to rebuild the whole autograding container. However, if you do not need to do anything other than run autograde
(the default behavior), then the autograding program will work without this script. Some examples in this repo feature it, but you may remove it as needed.
Here is an example of a corresponding Makefile
, which would be in the directory testset/makefile/
. Note that the make
program will be run from the directory results/build
. This example produces a target for each of test01 ... test59
. Also, note that with this particular Makefile
, the target to build (e.g. make target
) must always be named the same as the program to run (e.g. ./target
# Testing Makefile
CXX = clang++
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 -I .
MYTESTS = $(shell bash -c "echo test{01..59}")
${MYTESTS}: StudentFile.o
${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o $@ $^ ${TESTSOURCEDIR}/$@.cpp
%.o: %.cpp $(shell echo *.h)
${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -c $<
rm -rf test?? *.o *.dSYM
Let's now assume that a student has written code to produce an executable program. A testset.toml
file for such an assignment might look like this
our_makefile = false # NOT DEFAULT -- use the student's Makefile to compile their program
executable = "myprog" # all of the tests will use this executable
tests = [
{ testname = "test01", description = "my first test" },
{ testname = "test02", description = "my second test" },
{ testname = "test03", description = "my third test" }
And the corresponding (bare-bones) directory structure
| [optional script that runs `autograde`]
|---testset/ [everything needed to run tests]
| |---ref_output/ [output of reference implementation]
| |---stdin/ [files to send as stdin to the tests]
|---testest.toml [testing configuration file]
Note that the default behavior of the autograder, regardless of testing format, is for any file in testset/stdin/
that is named <testname>.stdin
will be sent to stdin
for a test with the testname <testname>
. Also here we do not need a makefile
folder - it is assumed we will be using the student's Makefile
For any test, you may specify a variable argv
which is a list of command-line arguments to send to the executable. This is doable with either style of assignment-testing demonstrated above. Note all arvg
arguments must be written as strings, however they will be passed without quotes to the executable. To add "
characters, escape them in the argv
list. For example, the following test will be run as ./test0 1 2 "3"
tests = [
{ testname = "test0", description = "my first test", argv = ["1", "2", "\"3\""] }
You may specify an argv
value for a set of tests as well
# each test in tests[] below will have the argv list sent as its command-line arguments
argv = ["hello", "world!"]
tests = [
{ testname = "test01", description = "my first test" },
{ testname = "test02", description = "my second test" },
{ testname = "test03", description = "my third test" }
# ...
In addition to diff
ing student's stdout
and stderr
against a reference output, this framework supports diff
ing against any number of output files created by the student's program. Specifically
- Such output files must be named
- Such output files must be placed in
In order to make this happen
- The expectation is that the executable will receive the name of the file to produce as a command-line argument to the program.
- In the
file, you can use a special customizable string that will contain the correct output path,including the directory and beginning of the file name:"${test_ofile_path}
So, in practice, your test object might look like this
tests = [
{ testname = "test0", description = "my first test", argv = [ "${test_ofile_path}.one.ofile", "${test_ofile_path}.two.ofile" ] }
You can generalize this functionality to multiple tests as well. In the following example, all of the tests in the group [set_of_tests] will have these two argv arguments specified, whereby the string "${test_ofile_path}"
will be replaced with the full path to the output file (e.g. /autograder/results/output/test01
argv = [ "${test_ofile_path}.cookies.ofile", "${test_ofile_path}.candy.ofile" ]
tests = [
{ testname = "test0", description = "my first test" },
{ testname = "test1", description = "my second test" }
# ...
The autograder supports canonicalization of either of stderr
, stdout
, or any output files generated by the program prior to diff
ing against the reference. Functions which are used by the autograder in this capacity must be in a file
, at the root of the assignment's autograder. Such functions must:
- Take five parameters (which will be provided by the autograder)
- A byte string which will contain the student's output from whichever stream is to be canonicalized
- A byte string which will contain the reference solution's (non-canonicalized) output from whichever stream is to be canonicalized
- A string which will contain the name of the test (e.g.
) - A string which will contain the name of the stream to be canonicalized [
, or the output filename in theargv
list (
in the fist example above)] - A dictionary which will contain any specific configuration options for a test or set of tests (e.g.
{'my_config_var': 10}
- Return a string, which contains the canonicalized output of the student's program
Here's an example testset.toml
file will which canonicalizes of all the possible output streams [ not sure why anyone would actually need to do this :) ]
ccize_stdout = true
ccize_stderr = true
ccize_ofiles = true # canonicalize the output files before diff'ing
ccizer_name = "sort_lines" # use 'sort_lines' function in
ccizer_args = { "random_variable": 10 }
our_makefile = false # use the student's Makefile
executable = "studProg" # all of the tests will run this executable
argv = ["myDataFile", "${test_ofile_path}.one.ofile", "${test_ofile_path}.two.ofile"]
tests = [
{ testname = "test01", description = "my first test" },
And here's a dummy example for
which sorts in order if the stream is stdout/stderr
, but in reverse order if the output is an ofile.
def sort_lines(student_unccd_output, reference_unccd_output, testname, streamname, params):
student_unccd_output = student_unccd_output.decode('utf-8')
if streamname in ['stdout', 'stderr']:
student_ccd = sort(student_unccd_output)
student_ccd = sort(student_unccd_output, reverse=True)
return student_ccd
Note that the output is decoded first. This is required if you want to work with standard text. The binary input here is to maintain flexibility in case your output is originally binary.
Often you will want to give the executable program access to certain folders and/or files provided by the course staff.
- Any files or folders in an optional
directory will be copied to thebuild
directory prior to running tests. - Similarly, any files in an optional
directory will be symlinked-to from thebuild
directory. Symlinking is convenient if you have a particularly large set of directories to work with.
Options exist to limit time and memory usage of student programs. See the test configuration options section below for details.
As expressed above with the simple examples, you will likely not need all of these for a given assignment. Items marked with a * are mandatory in all cases.
| [file with canonicalization function(s)]
| [script that runs `autograde`; only necessary if you need to do anything special, otherwise `autograde` will be run without it]
|---submission/ *[student submission (provided by gradescope, so doesn't need to be in the repo)]
|---testset/ *[everything needed to run tests]
| |---copy/ [files here will be copied to results/build/]
| |---cpp/ [.cpp driver files]
| |---link/ [files here will be symlinked in results/build/]
| |---makefile/ [contains custom Makefile]
| |---ref_output/ *[output of reference implementation]
| |---solution/ [solution code - this location is the default, but can be anywhere]
| |---stdin/ [files here are sent to stdin]
|---testest.toml *[testing configuration file]
These are the configuration options for a test. You may set any of these in [common]
, under a test group, or within a specific test.
option | default | pupose |
max_time |
10 |
maximum time (in seconds) for a test [a test foo is run as timeout max_time ./foo ] |
max_ram |
-1 (unlimited) |
maximum ram (in MB) usage for a test to be considered successful [/usr/bin/time -f %M value is compared with max_ram * 1024] |
valgrind |
true |
run an additional test with valgrind [valgrind tests ignore max_ram ] |
diff_stdout |
true |
test diff of student vs. reference stdout |
diff_stderr |
true |
test diff of student vs. reference stderr |
diff_ofiles |
true |
test diff of student vs. reference output files |
ccize_stdout |
false |
diff canonicalized stdout instead of stdout |
ccize_stderr |
false |
diff canonicalized stderr instead of stderr |
ccize_ofiles |
false |
diff canonicalized ofiles instead of ofiles |
ccizer_name |
"" |
name of canonicalization function to use |
ccizer_args |
{} |
arguments to pass to canonicalization function |
our_makefile |
true |
use testset/makefile/Makefile to build tests |
exitcodepass |
0 |
return code considered successful by the autograder |
pretty_diff |
true |
use icdiff for easy-to-read diffs |
max_score |
1 |
maximum points (on Gradescope) for this test |
visibility |
"after_due_date" |
Gradescope visibility setting |
argv |
[ ] |
argv input to the program - Note: all arguments in the list must be represented as strings (e.g. ["1", "abcd"...]) |
executable |
<testname> |
Name of the executable to build [make ___ is run] and run [./____ is run] |
exec_command |
"" |
Enables 'manual mode' for a given test. In this mode, specify the specific command to-be-run [e.g. python3 ]. Automatic management of stdin/stdout/stderr/ofiles will work as usual; also kill_limit , max_ram , and timeout limits work as normal. Canonicalization will likewise work. Make sure to set valgrind to false if you don't want it to run for these tests. If exec_command is used, the executable argument will be ignored. executable above will be ignored, and make will not be run by default; only the command you provide will be run. |
required_files |
[] |
[common] only setting - List of required files for a given assignment. Submissions provided to the autograder without any files will quit early and show a message to the students with the files they are missing. Such submissions will not count against them if there is a max_submission limit set in the config.toml file. |
max_valgrind_score |
8 |
[common] only setting - maximum valgrind score for this assignment [per-test valgrind score is deduced by default based on this value]. |
valgrind_score_visibility |
"after_due_date" |
[common] only setting - visibility of the test which will hold the total valgrind points for the student. |
kill_limit |
750 |
[common] only setting - test will be killed if it's memory usage exceeds this value (in MB ) - soft and hard rlimit_data will be set to this value in a preexec function to the subprocess call. NOTE: this parameter is specifically intended to keep the container from crashing, and thus is [common] only. Also, if the program exceeds the limit, it will likely receive SIGSEGV or SIGABRT from the os. Unfortunately, nothing is produced on stderr in this case, so while the test will likely fail based on exitcode, it's difficult to 'know' to report an exceeded memory error. However, if valgrind is also run and fails to produce a log file (due to also receiving SIGSEGV /SIGABRT ), the test will be assumed to have exceeded max general, however, this is tricky to debug. In my experience, valgrind will fail to allocate memory but still produce a log file at ~50MB of ram; any lower and no log file will be produced. The default setting of 750 MB should be fine for most tests, and will work with the smallest (default) container. |
max_submissions |
_ | [common] only setting - this value will override the default value of SUBMISSIONS_PER_ASSIGN in the etc/config.toml . If not set for an assignment, the default value for this is ignored, and the SUBMISSIONS_PER_ASSIGN value is used instead. |
max_submission_exceptions |
{} | [common] only setting - dictionary of the form { "Student Gradescope Name" = num_max_submissions , ...}. Note that tomlrequires the dict to be one-line. Alternatively, you can specify [common.max_submission_exceptions]`, with the relevant key-valud pairs underneath. |
required_files |
[] | [common] only setting - List of files required for an assignment. Autograder will quit prior to running if any files are missing, and the submission will not be used in the count for the max_submission value for the student |
style_check |
false |
[common] only setting - Automatically perform style checking. See and update bin/ for details on this. |
manage_tokens |
config.toml 'MANAGE_TOKENS' value |
[common] only setting - whether or not to manage tokens for this specific assignment. Defaults to managing them if specified as such in the coursewide config.toml file, but this is a convenient per-assignment override. |
After running the autograder, our program produces results for Gradescope. A few notes on this:
Gradescope allows each test to have a different visiblity setting - the options are hidden
, after_due_date
, after_published
, or visible
. Their systems are setup such that if any of the options are hidden
, all of the tests will be hidden. The default setting is therefore after_due_date
, which is usable with tests that are also visible
. We often like to show some tests but not others, and this generally works well.
We also decided that we would like to show students their total final autograder score prior to the due date; that is, they could see their 'final score', but only a few of the actual tests. This is not doable by default. In order to facilitate this, added a test00
in bin/
which shows the student's final autograder score. This code is commented out by default, but if you would like to show students their final autograder score without revealing all of the test results then uncomment #make_test00()
in the make_results()
function (line ~250) of bin/
Note that if the max_score
for a test is 0
, then Gradescope assumes that the student passes the test. There's no way around this on our end, so if you want to have 'optional' tests, then just lower the maximum score of the autograder on Gradescope (on - assignment->settings->AUTOGRADER POINTS
That should be enough to get you up and running! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have, and/or any bugs, feature requests, etc. you find. Thanks!
[1.0.1] - Sync updates from 15 2024s
[1.0.0] - Port over from old gradescope-autograding