We recommend that you first open an issue (/~https://github.com/escomp/ctsm/issues/) to discuss the changes or additions that you propose. You should also contact some of the responsible individuals for SLIM and run by the changes with them.
Erik Kluzek -- Software Engineering (erik@ucar.edu)
Marysa Lague -- Originator (marysa.lague@usask.ca)
Isla Simpson -- Principal Investigator (simpson@ucar.edu)
Use the help from the wiki below to setup a fork and personal branch in GitHub to put your developments on and keep up to date with the master branch of SLIM. Once the changes are sufficiently advanced you can form a Pull Request on GitHub. Either from your fork on GitHub, or from the main ESCOMP GitHub page for SLIM (be sure to hit the "compare across forks" link at the top of the page when you first create the pull request).
This allows you to show your proposed changes and start getting feedback on them (even if they aren't finished). This also allows your changes to be planned for and slated for a time to come into SLIM master. In most cases you won't merge the Pull Request yourself, but a software engineer responsible for SLIM will do additional testing and bring the changes to SLIM master.
file for expectations of how to work in the community.