This file contains a list of resources that were suggested but didn't quite make the cut. If you feel that one of these should be included, please open an issue and explain why you think so. Thanks!
- The World of Jupyter — a Tutorial
- A bit dated
- IPython is an ancestor of Jupyter project, and now it's a Python kernel for Jupyter.
- Probably not worth including just for historical reasons; no individual kernels
- Jupyter Notebook cheatsheet
- Obsolete with the Commands tab in JupyterLab
- Jupyter Notebook on Azure
- Article does not seem to exist anymore, page redirects
- Jupyter Notebook on FullStackPython
- Most of the resources on this list are mentioned here anyway
- NBViewer can render your public notebook from GitHub repo or any URL.
- GitHub can render notebooks out-of-the box. This probably makes NBViewer obsolete. Please correct me if that's not the case.
- Using the IPython Notebook as a Teaching Tool
- A bit dated; not all that useful.
- nbTranslate - translate cells of a notebook from one language to another - Adds multi language support.
- not sure if useful; feel free to suggest to include this
- nbtranslate - translate content of Jupyter notebook using gettext tools.
- not sure if useful; feel free to suggest to include this
- [/~]
- not sure if useful; feel free to suggest to include this
- runipy
- deprecated, use Jupyter's execute API instead
- ipynb - Package / Module importer for importing code from Jupyter Notebook files (.ipynb)
- Looks like an anti-pattern, porting code to a library seems preferable
- pypi Jupyter - Packages on pypi that match the search term "Jupyter"
- not a particularly useful way to discover Jupyter packages