Daniel Wells 2018-01-10
This is a package for simulating single cell RNAseq data. The target is a digital gene expression matrix counts matrix C (N cells by L genes). If cells, genes, and cell types are indexed by n, l, and t respectively then:
Where e is the true baseline expression and s is the library size, each of which are drawn from a lognormal distribution. A realistic differential expression profile between cell types can be simulated by multiplying the baseline expression values e by a log-logistic distribution.
new_parameters <- new("dropsim_parameters",
n_genes = 15000L,
n_cells = 1000L,
gene_meanlog = -12,
gene_sdlog = 2.5,
library_meanlog = 10,
library_sdlog = 0.4,
groups = data.table::data.table(
scale = c(0.06,0.06,0.06,0.04),
cells = list(1:200, 201:600, 601:620, sample.int(1000, size=100, replace = TRUE)),
names = c("A","B","C","2")
# Simulate counts
dge <- simulateDGE(new_parameters, seed = 42)$counts
## num [1:15000, 1:1000] 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 ...
## - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
## ..$ gene: chr [1:15000] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
## ..$ cell: chr [1:1000] "cellA2" "cellA2" "cellA" "cellA2" ...
We can then calculate gene-wise summaries and visualise the simulated dataset
# Summarise Counts matrix
summarised_dge <- summariseDGE(dge, name="Simulation 1")
# Plot summary plots
We can also do a PCA analysis to see if the groups separate
# Normalise Counts matrix
normalised_dge <- normaliseDGE(dge)
# Do a PCA to check
dge_pca <- prcomp(normalised_dge)
# Plot PCA
qplot(dge_pca$x[,1], dge_pca$x[,2], colour=rownames(dge_pca$x)) + labs(colour="Group", y="PC2", x="PC1")
If we have multiple datasets we can do comparisons
summarised_dge_2 <- summariseDGE(simulateDGE(dropsim_parameters(), seed=42)$counts, name="Simulation 2")
dispersionDGE(rbind(summarised_dge, summarised_dge_2)) + facet_wrap(~Name)
If you have data you want to match the properties of you can create parameters from them
new_parameters <- fit_parameters(dge)
## An object of class "dropsim_parameters"
## Slot "n_genes":
## [1] 15000
## Slot "n_cells":
## [1] 1000
## Slot "gene_meanlog":
## meanlog
## -12.67007
## Slot "gene_sdlog":
## sdlog
## 2.371764
## Slot "library_meanlog":
## meanlog
## 10.02094
## Slot "library_sdlog":
## sdlog
## 0.4053606
## Slot "groups":
## Empty data.table (0 rows) of 3 cols: scale,cells,names