This is a time capsule for the special day that won't repeat!
There are only 2 characters in today's date. But, I wanted to keep a record of today's time as well in the form of tweets. This will generate all the tweets for today that matches all combinations of hour:minute:second.
There will be also NFT entries in different blockchains for time capsule purposes!!!
NOTE: Only proceed after going to to generate the keys and request your tweeter developer account to be "Elevated". First, make sure to get the Elevate account type approved!
The bot now supports writing the tweet to IPFS before sending the tweet as a guarantee of censorship resistence :)
IPFS: At the moment, IFPS Node must be version
as the python client hasn't been updated to support latest 0.12.0.
* Will tweet at 21:49:00
=> Writing the tweet 🐦 to the Blockchain ⛓️ (IPFS)
* Saving tweet to local file-system at logs/02202022214900.tweet
* Saved '273' bytes of the tweet message to local file-system at 'logs/02202022214900.tweet'
* Connecting to IPFS to persist the tweet!
* Recorded tweet from 02202022214900 to IPFS as CID: "This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 21:49:00 only 2 digits on its representation! 🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain ⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022214900 #02202022214900"
* The same tweet was saved in the ⛓️ blockchain IFPS CID=QmeKvLZzcgzov8jMW1Xea9oJoEKgbyQnQuLu2XjBLH2NiQ
* Explore the message after IPFS replication:
=> Twitting: 'This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 21:49:00 represented with only 2 digits 🤖 As asked by my creator @marcellodesales, I've saved it in the blockchain! 🕑 #timecapsule #02202022214900 #IPFS #nft ⛓ #cid_QmeKvLZzcgzov8jMW1Xea9oJoEKgbyQnQuLu2XjBLH2NiQ'
* Tweed saved at
The instructions on how to collect the API keys are in piroor/ (comment)
Collect the config as follows
- Create the file
with the following contents
- Create the file
Go to the developer's page
Copy the
Consumer Keys
andAuthentication Tokens
- Bearer Token is NOT needed for the current version
- Make sure to re-generate the type after changing the type to
when setting up the production app
Add all the values to the different environment apps by dev
and prd
NOTE: You can use these env vars for the dockerized-version as well!
########## PRODUCTION
- It calls
to generate the list of next hours. - Then, it waits until one of the hours is a match to tweet.
- Example:
02/02/2022 at 22:22:00
- Example:
- Running will publish tweets as follows
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:21 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:02:22
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:21 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:02:22
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:21 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:02:22
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:22 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:02:22
########### Unique !!!!! ----
* Will tweet at 02:02:22
=---> Twitting: 'This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:45:20. #02022022204520'
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:22 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:20:00
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:23 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:20:00
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:23 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:20:00
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:23 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:20:00
Current time: 02/02/2022 at 02:02:24 Waiting for 02/02/2022 at 02:20:00
Finished attempting to tweets
- We use python dependency to tweet!
- This lists the tweets from this bot
NOTE: You can from a docker container as well.
$ MODE=list python
🎯 [22:22:22] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:22:22. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022222222
🎯 [22:22:20] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:22:20. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022222220
❌ [22:22:03] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:22:02. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022222202
🎯 [22:22:00] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:22:00. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022222200
❌ [22:21:39] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:20:22. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022222022
❌ [22:21:36] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:20:20. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022222020
❌ [22:21:29] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:20:02. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022222002
❌ [22:21:21] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:20:00. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022222000
🎯 [22:02:22] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:02:22. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022220222
🎯 [22:02:20] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:02:20. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022220220
🎯 [22:02:02] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:02:02. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022220202
🎯 [22:02:00] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:02:00. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022220200
🎯 [22:00:22] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:00:22. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022220022
🎯 [22:00:20] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:00:20. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022220020
🎯 [22:00:02] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:00:02. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022220002
🎯 [22:00:00] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 22:00:00. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022220000
❌ [20:22:23] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:22:22. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022202222
🎯 [20:22:20] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:22:20. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022202220
❌ [20:22:03] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:22:02. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022202202
🎯 [20:22:00] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:22:00. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022202200
❌ [20:20:23] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:20:22. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022202022
🎯 [20:20:20] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:20:20. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022202020
❌ [20:20:04] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:20:02. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022202002
❌ [20:20:01] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:20:00. #nft #timecapsule #nft02022022202000
❌ [20:02:23] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:02:22. #02022022200222
🎯 [20:02:20] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:02:20. #02022022200220
❌ [20:02:03] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:02:02. #02022022200202
🎯 [20:02:00] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:02:00. #02022022200200
❌ [20:00:29] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:00:22. #02022022200022
🎯 [20:00:20] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:00:20. #02022022200020
❌ [20:00:04] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:00:02. #02022022200002
❌ [20:00:01] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:00:00. #02022022200000
❌ [02:22:37] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:22:22. #02022022022222
❌ [02:22:29] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:22:20. #02022022022220
❌ [02:22:11] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:22:02. #02022022022202
❌ [02:22:09] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:22:00. #02022022022200
❌ [02:20:41] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:20:22
❌ [02:20:31] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:20:20
❌ [02:20:27] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:20:02
❌ [02:20:23] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:20:00
❌ [02:02:24] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:02:22
🎯 [02:02:20] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:02:20
❌ [02:02:03] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:02:02
🎯 [02:02:00] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:02:00
❌ [02:00:31] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:00:22
❌ [02:00:21] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:00:20
❌ [02:00:07] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:00:02
❌ [02:00:01] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 02:00:00
❌ [00:22:25] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 00:22:22
❌ [00:22:19] @ This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 00:22:20
$ TWEET_TEST_TIME=204520 MODE=test python
Token 2022-02-02 00:00:00 > Current time is 2022-02-03 20:45:13.920616
Token 2022-02-02 00:00:02 > Current time is 2022-02-03 20:45:13.920682
########### Unique ##########
* Will tweet at 20:45:20
=---> Twitting: 'This is the unique tweet at 02/02/2022 at 20:45:20. #02022022204520'
Finished attempting to tweets
REF: All you must read about IPFS
- /~
We use IPFS to persist the messages before tweeting them. Once written, the content will then be able to be cross-checked.
Current time: 02-20-2022 at 22:22:22 Waiting for 02-20-2022 at 22:22:22
########### Unique ##########
* Will tweet at 22:22:22
Writing the tweet 🐦 to the Blockchain ⛓️ (IPFS)
Saving tweet to local file-system at logs/02202022222222.tweet
Saved '273' bytes of the tweet message to local file-system at 'logs/02202022222222.tweet'
Connecting to IPFS to persist the tweet!
Recorded tweet from 02202022222222 to IPFS as CID: This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation! 🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain ⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222
IPFS message: b'This is a rare tweet time capsule on \xf0\x9f\x93\x85 02/20/2022 at \xe2\x8f\xb0 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation! \xf0\x9f\xa4\x96 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain \xe2\x9b\x93 #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222'
WARNING: tweet message 'This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation! 🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain ⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222' was retrieved from IPFS differently as 'b'This is a rare tweet time capsule on \xf0\x9f\x93\x85 02/20/2022 at \xe2\x8f\xb0 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation! \xf0\x9f\xa4\x96 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain \xe2\x9b\x93 #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222'': Emojis encoded?
The same tweet was saved in the ⛓️ blockchain IFPS CID=QmWfQLTH1ChSFfFjQQMxCoRW9KaMgJgsDKpHuZmiddFVCy
Explore the message after IPFS replication:
IPFS Success: tweet CID=QmWfQLTH1ChSFfFjQQMxCoRW9KaMgJgsDKpHuZmiddFVCy
=---> Twitting: 'This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 represented with only 2 digits 🤖 As asked by my creator @marcellodesales, I've saved it in the blockchain! 🕑 #timecapsule #02202022222222 #IPFS #nft ⛓ #cid_QmWfQLTH1ChSFfFjQQMxCoRW9KaMgJgsDKpHuZmiddFVCy'
Tweed saved at
Tweet Success!!!
Finished attempting to tweets
- We have saved them in the logs and correlated the time with the tweet.
$ cat logs/02202022.log | grep 02202022222222 | grep cid_ | grep -p '#cid.*'
=---> Twitting: 'This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22
represented with only 2 digits 🤖 As asked by my creator @marcellodesales, I've saved it in the blockchain!
🕑 #timecapsule #02202022222222 #IPFS #nft ⛓ #cid_QmWfQLTH1ChSFfFjQQMxCoRW9KaMgJgsDKpHuZmiddFVCy'
- Just, just a few shell manipulations we can have the value for reference.
$ cat logs/02202022.log | grep 02202022222222 | grep cid_ | grep -p '#cid.*' | \
awk -F"cid_" '{ print $2 }' | awk -F"'" '{ print $1 }'
- You have the option to access the node or to use the IPFS APIs
- Let's first look for the content from the node
$ docker exec -ti ipfs-pinner_ipfs_1 ipfs cat QmWfQLTH1ChSFfFjQQMxCoRW9KaMgJgsDKpHuZmiddFVCy
This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation!
🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain
⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222%
- Then, the second option is to call the IPFS HTTP REST API
$ curl -X POST ""
This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation!
🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain
⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222%
NOTE: The binary is with the
operation (note the special padding characters on the returned string)
$ curl -X POST ""
�This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation! 🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain ⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222�
- You can retrieve other matching information such as the size of the message
NOTE: The size of the hash is longer because the emojis are encoded to UTF-8 as shown in the logs above.
$ curl -X POST ""
- Finally, retrieving the message from the endpoint as the ultimate validation:
$ curl -i http://localhost:18080/ipfs/QmWfQLTH1ChSFfFjQQMxCoRW9KaMgJgsDKpHuZmiddFVCy
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Etag: "QmWfQLTH1ChSFfFjQQMxCoRW9KaMgJgsDKpHuZmiddFVCy"
Location: http://bafybeid3vndwaww6lqrrpay5ik3xodu23ifvyct7mtj7ybthdvn2r24p2y.ipfs.localhost:18080/
X-Ipfs-Path: /ipfs/QmWfQLTH1ChSFfFjQQMxCoRW9KaMgJgsDKpHuZmiddFVCy
This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation! 🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain ⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222%
- Links:
PROBLEM: Python's IPFS client is too old, supporting only IPFS server
, while the current servers is0.12.0
. SOLUTION The way to solve this problem was to bootstrap another IPFS container on the same network with this version to keep working with the APIs.
Since we are working with a P2P protocol, then we can quickly suppot the replication of the blocks from one node to another using the peer system. That worked very nicely, as the contents created in the temporary node became available on the newer.
- Just configure the server's config settings
- Add the peer... For instance, the host at
is reached by the main IPFS server.
"Addresses": {
"API": "/ip4/",
"Announce": [],
"AppendAnnounce": [],
"Gateway": "/ip4/",
"NoAnnounce": [],
"Swarm": [
Calling now from both servers can view the content:
- Initial Server
: regular port5001
- Temporary Server
: updated port15001
Calling both servers will serve the object above:
$ curl -X POST "" | jq
"Links": [],
"Data": "\b\u0002\u0012�\u0002This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation! 🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain ⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222\u0018�\u0002"
$ curl -X POST "" | jq
"Links": [],
"Data": "\b\u0002\u0012�\u0002This is a rare tweet time capsule on 📅 02/20/2022 at ⏰ 22:22:22 only 2 digits on its representation! 🤖 My creator @marcellodesales told me to watch for palindrome times! This will also go to #blockchain ⛓ #IPFS #nft #timecapsule #nft02202022222222 #02202022222222\u0018�\u0002"