- Table of Contents
- Description
- Repositories
- Things working
- Things not working
- To do's
- Additional informations
- Links, references, etc.
- Dependencies
- Notes
Initially a device, which purpose was to optimize power consumption of energy generated by solar power plant, at my family house, by heating water in watre tanks. Rransformed form device to small system, containing multiple devices. Software is still under development, PCBs in versions v1.0 were produced and assembled, but didn't made it to run in target environment. Maybe one day it will come.
As the version 1.0 of this projects waits for its first real life tests, the idea has evolved. The evolution made it from device to small modularized system, in which every module is a device with own MCU, communicating over CAN bus with the main controller, which will be based on STM32F3, or some iMX6 SOM. Haven't decided yet.
- Control algorithm
- Data savings and storage
- Communication - Modbus TCP, RTU and Telnet
- Split all in distributed modules, driven by its own MCUs, which comunicate over CAN bus, and can do some simple logic by itselves.
- Allow to update formware in submodules by master module
- Master module may be changed to some MCU running under custom Yocto Linux distro
The rev. 2 idea was dropped. The MCU was changed to STM32G0B1RET6 (same as nucleo board). Some tries with zephyr os were made, but didn't work out. Existing code was refactored, and ported to G0 MCU. MCUBoot bootloader was added. Updating firmware over ethernet is functional, including updates of Nextion displays.
- Main Controller SW
- Main Controller HW
- Power Supply HW
- Digital IO SW
- Digital IO HW
- AC Phase Controller SW
- AC Phase Controller HW
- Digital signals isolator HW
- Wireless IO SW
- Wireless IO HW
- Energy Meter Reader SW
- Energy Meter Reader HW
- HMI Internal
- HMI External
- None
- None
- None