- Minikube
- kubectl
- Helm
- Virtualization Software compatible with Minikube (Parallels, VirtualBox, Hyperkit ecc).
- Kubeinvasers 1.9.6
- Ingress addons for Minikube
- x1 Deployment, x1 ReplicaSet, x10 nginx pods in namesapce ns-1
make init-cluster
If no hypervisor is specified within the Makefile, the default will be VirtualBox. Check this link for a complete list of Minikube-compatible drivers Within the makefile, you can specify other configurations as well:
- Number of nodes
- Kubernetes version
make setup-cluster
The two applications can be accessed at the following paths:
- kubeinvaders.local
- nginx.local
However, to reach them, you need to add these two entries to the /etc/hosts file, associating these DNS names with the output obtained from the "minikube ip" command.
minikube ip
and add the following entries to the /etc/hosts file:
<your_minikube_ip> kubeinvaders.local
<your_minikube_ip> nginx.local
More about minikube ip command here
Now you can visit the kubeinvaders.local page and have fun!