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File metadata and controls

308 lines (211 loc) · 9.3 KB


####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with rundeck
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The rundeck puppet module for installing and managing rundeck (

Build Status

##Module Description

This module provides a way to manage the installation and configuration of rundeck, it's projects, jobs and plugins.


###Classes and Defined Types

####Class: rundeck The rundeck module primary class, guides the basic installation and management of rundeck on your system

Parameters within rundeck: #####package_ensure Ensure the state of the rundeck package, either present, absent or a specific version

#####auth_types The method used to authenticate to Rundeck. Options: file, ldap, active_directory, ldap_shared, active_directory_shared. Default is file.

#####acl_template The template used for admin acl policy. Default is rundeck/aclpolicy.erb.

#####api_template The template used for apitoken acl policy. Default is rundeck/aclpolicy.erb.

#####properties_dir The path to the configuration directory where the properties file are stored.

#####log_dir The path to the directory to store logs.

#####user The user that Rundeck is installed as.

#####group The group that the Rundeck user is a member of.

#####rdeck_base The installation directory for Rundeck.

#####server_web_context Web context path to use, such as "/rundeck". http://host.domain:port/server_web_context

#####ssl_enabled Enable ssl for the Rundeck web application.

#####session_timeout Time limit (in minutes) for a logged in Rundeck web application user which as been inactive for a period of time.

#####projects The hash of projects in your instance.

#####projects_organization The organization value that will be set by default for any projects.

#####projects_description The description that will be set by default for any projects.

#####rd_loglevel The log4j logging level to be set for the Rundeck application.

#####rss_enabled Boolean value if set to true enables RSS feeds that are public (non-authenticated)

#####clustermode_enabled Boolean value if set to true enables cluster mode

#####grails_server_url The url used in sending email notifications.

#####dataSource_config A hash of the data Source configuration.

#####keystore Full path to the java keystore to be used by Rundeck.

#####keystore_password The password for the given keystore.

#####key_password The default key password.

#####truststore The full path to the java truststore to be used by Rundeck.

#####truststore_password The password for the given truststore.

#####service_name The name of the rundeck service.

#####mail_config A hash of the notification email configuraton.

#####security_config A hash of the rundeck security configuration.

#####security_role The name of the role that is required for all users to be allowed access.

#####security_roles_array_enabled Boolean value if set to true enables security_roles_array.

#####security_roles_array Array value if you want to have more role in web.xml

#####manage_yum_repo Whether to manage the YUM repository containing the Rundeck rpm. Defaults to true.

#####file_keystorage_dir The location of stored data like public keys, private keys.

####Define: rundeck::config::aclpolicyfile A definition for creating custom acl policy files

#####acl_policies An array containing ACL policies. See rundeck::params::acl_policies / rundeck::params::api_policies as an example.

#####owner The user that rundeck is installed as.

#####group The group permission that rundeck is installed as.

#####properties_dir The rundeck configuration directory.

####Define: rundeck::config::plugin A definition for installing rundeck plugins

Parameters within rundeck::config::plugin:

#####source The http source or local path from which to get the jar plugin.

#####ensure Default set to 'present' and can be set to 'absent' to remove the plugin for the system

#####timeout Timeout in seconds. Default is set to 300 seconds which is the default for the Exec type.

####Define: rundeck::config::project A definition for managing rundeck projects

Parameters within rundeck::project:

#####file_copier_provider The type of proivder that will be used for copying files to each of the nodes

#####node_executor_provider The type of provider that will be used to gather node resources

#####resource_sources A hash of rundeck::config::resource_source that will be used to specifiy the node resources for this project

#####ssh_keypath The path the the ssh key that will be used by the ssh/scp providers

#####projects_dir The directory where rundeck is configured to store project information

#####user The user that rundeck is installed as.

#####group The group permission that rundeck is installed as.

####Define: rundeck::config::resource_source A definition for managing the resource sources for a given project

Parameters within rundeck::resource_source:

#####project_name The name of the project for which this resource in intended to be a part.

#####number The sequential number of the resource within the project.

#####source_type The source type where resources will come from: file, directory, url or script.

#####include_server_node Boolean value to decide whether or not to include the server node in your list of avaliable nodes.

#####resource_format The format of the resource that will procesed, either resourcexml or resourceyaml.

#####url When the url source_type is specified this is the path to that url.

#####url_timeout An integer value in seconds that rundeck will wait for resources from the url before timing out.

#####url_cache Boolean value. Keep a local cache of the resources pulled from the url.

#####directory When the directory source_type is specified this is the path to that directory.

#####script_file When the script source_type is specified this is the path that that script.

#####script_args A string of the full arguments to pass the the specified script.

#####script_args_quoted Boolean value. Quote the arguments of the script.

#####script_interpreter The interpreter to use in executing the script. Defaults to: '/bin/bash'

#####projects_dir The directory where rundeck is configured to store project information.

#####user The user that rundeck is installed as.

#####group The group permission that rundeck is installed as.


###Configuring shared authentication credentials To perform LDAP authentication and file authorization see example examples/ldap_shared.pp

###Configure a MySQL database

To use an external MySQL database, the database_config hash must be set to override the default values which result in a local file based storage. To enable key and project storage in the database, you must also set the two parameters associated parameters.

class { '::rundeck':
  key_storage_type      => 'db',
  projects_storage_type => 'db',
  database_config       => {
    'type'              => 'mysql',
    'url'               => $db_url,
    'username'          => 'rundeck',
    'password'          => $db_pass,
    'driverClassName'   => 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver',


###Classes ####Public Classes

  • rundeck: Guides the basic installation of rundeck

####Private Classes

###Defines ####Public Defines


This module is tested on the following platforms:

  • CentOS 5
  • CentOS 6
  • CentOS 7
  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • Ubuntu 14.04

It is tested with the OSS version of Puppet only.



Please read for full details on contributing to this project.