- Please create a short test case
- Test with the latest version
- indicate how you use less - browser/lessc/external tool
- Please search feature requests to see if something similar exists already
- include a use-case - we do not add language features without a reason
- consider whether your language feature would be better as a function
- Please add a feature request first to see if people are pro or con. If it is solving an existing issue, but is different, add a new issue and make sure you get agreement from a couple of the core contributors. Otherwise you risk your hard work being rejected.
- do not change the dist/ folder - we do this when releasing
- tests - please add tests for your work. use
make test
to see if they pass node.js tests andmake browser-test
to see the browser (PhantomJS) tests pass. - spaces not tabs
- end lines in semi-colons - loosely aim towards jslint standards (alot of code fails already - don't just follow this pattern if it is bad practice)
For more info see /~https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js/wiki/Developing-less.js
If you want to take an issue just add a small comment saying you are having a go at something, so we don't get duplication.