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tf2manu994 edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 16 revisions

Windows (Copied from here)

  1. Download git from here and meteor from here. Windows might get pissy about git being smartscreen bla bla, just ignore that, as long as you got git from the official place. Also, meteor will ask if you want to make an account, don't do that.

  2. Restart your machine.

  3. From start, open up Git Gui

  4. Click "Clone Existing Repository"

  5. For "Source Location", type in /~ For Target Directory, type in C:/PlexRequests or whereever you want plexrequests stored. It should look like this.

  6. Open up the C:/PlexRequests (or whereever you used earlier) folder in windows explorer. Right click on some blank space and click New > Text Document

  7. Title the new text document PlexRequests.vbs. Windows will say that if you change a file extension it might become unusable, just say yes.

  8. Right click on PlexRequests.vbs and paste in the contents of this page.

  9. Go to File > Save. Click it.

  10. Right click on PlexRequests.vbs and click create shortcut.

  11. Right click on the shortcut you just made and click Cut.

  12. Hit the Windows Key and R. It should open a dialog box, in that box type in shell:startup and hit enter.

  13. Paste that shortcut you just made in step 11.

  14. Open the shortcut you just made.

  15. In your browser, go to localhost:3000 and finish the setup.

Mac OS X

Linux (Ubuntu, possibly others)

  • Install meteor:

curl | sh

  • Install 'git' if it is not installed already:

sudo apt-get install git

  • Choose a location to install, /opt for instance, and clone into a directory:

git clone /~ plexrequests

This will clone the project files into /opt/plexrequests

  • If you won't be running plexrequests as root, and instead will be running it as the 'plex' id, change ownership of the directory:

chown -R plex:plex /opt/plexrequests

  • Change to the plexrequests directory and start meteor:

cd /opt/plexrequests


Running as a service with systyemd

Plexrequests is easily run under systemd as a simple service under ubuntu and many other distributions:

  • Step 1:

Create the 'plexrequests.service' file in /etc/systemd/system and copy the following text into it:





  • You may wish to edit the 'User=' entry to reflect which user will be running this daemon.

  • The 'WorkingDirectory' entry should point to where you installed plexrequests.

  • If meteor isn't installed to /usr/local/bin by default, change this location as well. Try running 'which meteor' from a bash prompt to find out where your instance of meteor lives.

  • After you have saved the plexrequests.service file, ensure any manually-started versions of plexrequests are killed/stopped, and enter the following commands:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl enable plexrequests.service

sudo systemctl start plexrequests.service

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