diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/CMakeLists.txt
rename to CMakeLists.txt
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bd3e3167..d0d9b149 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,162 +1,9 @@
+## linear_feedback_controller
-# linear feedback controller
+ros controller based on the pal_base_ros_controller package.
-This repository contains two packages:
-- the [linear_feedback_controller](./linear_feedback_controller/README.md)
-- the [linear_feedback_controller_msgs](./linear_feedback_controller_msgs/README.md)
+### Test
-These two package are under the license [BSD-2 license](./LICENSE).
-The current versions of this 2 package can be found in their respective `package.xml` file.
-Follows a quick description of these package.
-## The linear_feedback_controller
-In this package we implement a [roscontrol](http://wiki.ros.org/ros_control)
-controller. It is based on the [pal_base_ros_controller](https://gitlab.com/pal-robotics/LAAS/pal_base_ros_controller_tutorials)
-We implement a RosTopic publisher that sends the state of the robot:
-- base configuration
-- base velocity
-- joint positions
-- joint velocities
-- joint efforts (torques applied to the joints)
-We then subscribe to a RosTopic that sends us controls for the robot:
-- A feedback gain matrix
-- A feedforward term in torque
-- The state which was used to linearize the control.
-This allows us, for example,to use it on the Talos (1 and 3) robots with a remote controller
-using a whole body model predictive control based on [croccodyl](/~https://github.com/loco-3d/crocoddyl)
-Please check the [README.md](./linear_feedback_controller/README.md) of the package for more details.
-## The linear_feedback_controller_msgs
-This package contains the external user interface to the linear_feedback_controller
-package. It describes the sensor data exchanged in the previously cited RosTopics.
-And in particular it offers a very simple ROS/[Eigen](https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page)
-conversion. This is made to facilitate further computations with the Sensor
-data. And ease to fill in the Control message.
-Please check the [README.md](./linear_feedback_controller_msgs/README.md) of the package for more details.
-## Example of usage
-### Requirements
-For this example you need to have access to the dockers in https://gitlab.laas.fr/gsaurel/docker-pal/.
-This is a private repository so one need to be part of the LAAS-CNRS french laboratory.
-Further development will provide a new public image in order to use this code in simulation.
-### Build the repository using ROS and docker.
-First of all build or pull the docker from https://gitlab.laas.fr/gsaurel/docker-pal/
-using the branch `gsaurel`.
-docker pull gitlab.laas.fr:4567/gsaurel/docker-pal:gsaurel
-Then run the docker and mount (`-v` docker option) the `src` and `build` folder
-of your workspace in order to get some cache between to run of the container:
- chown -R :gepetto $(YOUR_WS) # you might need sudo if you get errors here
- chmod -R g+rwX $(YOUR_WS) # you might need sudo if you get errors here
- xhost +local:
- docker run --rm -v $(YOUR_WS)/src:/ws/src -v $(PWD)/Makefile:/ws/Makefile -v /home/$(USER)/devel:/home/user/devel -v $(YOUR_WS)/build:/ws/build --gpus all --net host -e DISPLAY -it gitlab.laas.fr:4567/gsaurel/docker-pal:gsaurel
-If you need another terminal to connect to the last docker container ran you can use:
-docker exec --workdir=/ws -u user -it `docker ps --latest --quiet` bash
-Once connected to docker with multiple terminal (5) please run in order:
-- Terminal 1: Start the simulation:
-reset && catkin build linear_feedback_controller && source install/setup.bash && roslaunch talos_pal_physics_simulator talos_pal_physics_simulator_with_actuators.launch robot:=full_v2
-- Terminal 2: Spawn the default controller:
-reset && source install/setup.bash && roslaunch talos_controller_configuration default_controllers.launch
-in the same terminal, once the robot is in the default pose, kill (`ctrl+C`) the roslaunch
-- Terminal 3: Spawn the linear feedback controller:
-reset && source install/setup.bash && roslaunch linear_feedback_controller talos_linear_feedback_controller.launch simulation:=true default_params:=true
-- Terminal 4: For recording logs you can use `rosbag`:
-reset && source install/setup.bash && rosbag record -o src/lfc /linear_feedback_controller/sensor_state /linear_feedback_controller/desired_control
-- Terminal 5: For starting a very simple PD controller via Feedback gains run:
-reset && source install/setup.bash && rosrun linear_feedback_controller pd_controller
-The next paragraph is the same procedure except one can use the Makefile that is
-in the root of this repos to do so.
-### Build the repository using make
-There is also [Makefile](Makefile) to ease the usage of docker and ROS instructions
-in order to execute the demo.
-- Create the workspace and clone the repository
-mkdir -p ~/devel/workspace/src
-cd ~/devel/workspace/src
-git clone --recursive git@github.com:loco-3d/linear-feedback-controller.git
-- Run the docker and build in terminal(1)
-cd ~/devel/workspace/src/linear_feedback_controller
-make docker_pull_and_run
-make build
-- Run the simulation, terminal(1)
-make simu
-- Run the default controller and kill it when the robot is in half-sitting terminal(2)
-make default_ctrl
-- Run the linear feedback controller terminal (2)
-make lf_ctrl
-- Run the PD controller using the lfc terminal (3)
-make pd_ctrl
-### Copyrights and License
-See the BSD-2 LICENSE file.
-For the main authors see the github repository for the main recent contributors.
-Here is the list of the historical main authors:
-- Côme Perrot
-- Maximilien Naveau
-Main maintainers
-- Guilhem Saurel (gsaurel@laas.fr)
-- Maximilien Naveau (maximilien.naveau@gmail.com)
+- start docker
+- `reset && catkin build linear_feedback_controller && catkin run_tests --verbose linear_feedback_controller`
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/config/talos_linear_feedback_controller_params.yaml b/config/talos_linear_feedback_controller_params.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/config/talos_linear_feedback_controller_params.yaml
rename to config/talos_linear_feedback_controller_params.yaml
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/controller_plugins.xml b/controller_plugins.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/controller_plugins.xml
rename to controller_plugins.xml
diff --git a/doc/README.md b/doc/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd3e3167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# linear feedback controller
+This repository contains two packages:
+- the [linear_feedback_controller](./linear_feedback_controller/README.md)
+- the [linear_feedback_controller_msgs](./linear_feedback_controller_msgs/README.md)
+These two package are under the license [BSD-2 license](./LICENSE).
+The current versions of this 2 package can be found in their respective `package.xml` file.
+Follows a quick description of these package.
+## The linear_feedback_controller
+In this package we implement a [roscontrol](http://wiki.ros.org/ros_control)
+controller. It is based on the [pal_base_ros_controller](https://gitlab.com/pal-robotics/LAAS/pal_base_ros_controller_tutorials)
+We implement a RosTopic publisher that sends the state of the robot:
+- base configuration
+- base velocity
+- joint positions
+- joint velocities
+- joint efforts (torques applied to the joints)
+We then subscribe to a RosTopic that sends us controls for the robot:
+- A feedback gain matrix
+- A feedforward term in torque
+- The state which was used to linearize the control.
+This allows us, for example,to use it on the Talos (1 and 3) robots with a remote controller
+using a whole body model predictive control based on [croccodyl](/~https://github.com/loco-3d/crocoddyl)
+Please check the [README.md](./linear_feedback_controller/README.md) of the package for more details.
+## The linear_feedback_controller_msgs
+This package contains the external user interface to the linear_feedback_controller
+package. It describes the sensor data exchanged in the previously cited RosTopics.
+And in particular it offers a very simple ROS/[Eigen](https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page)
+conversion. This is made to facilitate further computations with the Sensor
+data. And ease to fill in the Control message.
+Please check the [README.md](./linear_feedback_controller_msgs/README.md) of the package for more details.
+## Example of usage
+### Requirements
+For this example you need to have access to the dockers in https://gitlab.laas.fr/gsaurel/docker-pal/.
+This is a private repository so one need to be part of the LAAS-CNRS french laboratory.
+Further development will provide a new public image in order to use this code in simulation.
+### Build the repository using ROS and docker.
+First of all build or pull the docker from https://gitlab.laas.fr/gsaurel/docker-pal/
+using the branch `gsaurel`.
+docker pull gitlab.laas.fr:4567/gsaurel/docker-pal:gsaurel
+Then run the docker and mount (`-v` docker option) the `src` and `build` folder
+of your workspace in order to get some cache between to run of the container:
+ chown -R :gepetto $(YOUR_WS) # you might need sudo if you get errors here
+ chmod -R g+rwX $(YOUR_WS) # you might need sudo if you get errors here
+ xhost +local:
+ docker run --rm -v $(YOUR_WS)/src:/ws/src -v $(PWD)/Makefile:/ws/Makefile -v /home/$(USER)/devel:/home/user/devel -v $(YOUR_WS)/build:/ws/build --gpus all --net host -e DISPLAY -it gitlab.laas.fr:4567/gsaurel/docker-pal:gsaurel
+If you need another terminal to connect to the last docker container ran you can use:
+docker exec --workdir=/ws -u user -it `docker ps --latest --quiet` bash
+Once connected to docker with multiple terminal (5) please run in order:
+- Terminal 1: Start the simulation:
+reset && catkin build linear_feedback_controller && source install/setup.bash && roslaunch talos_pal_physics_simulator talos_pal_physics_simulator_with_actuators.launch robot:=full_v2
+- Terminal 2: Spawn the default controller:
+reset && source install/setup.bash && roslaunch talos_controller_configuration default_controllers.launch
+in the same terminal, once the robot is in the default pose, kill (`ctrl+C`) the roslaunch
+- Terminal 3: Spawn the linear feedback controller:
+reset && source install/setup.bash && roslaunch linear_feedback_controller talos_linear_feedback_controller.launch simulation:=true default_params:=true
+- Terminal 4: For recording logs you can use `rosbag`:
+reset && source install/setup.bash && rosbag record -o src/lfc /linear_feedback_controller/sensor_state /linear_feedback_controller/desired_control
+- Terminal 5: For starting a very simple PD controller via Feedback gains run:
+reset && source install/setup.bash && rosrun linear_feedback_controller pd_controller
+The next paragraph is the same procedure except one can use the Makefile that is
+in the root of this repos to do so.
+### Build the repository using make
+There is also [Makefile](Makefile) to ease the usage of docker and ROS instructions
+in order to execute the demo.
+- Create the workspace and clone the repository
+mkdir -p ~/devel/workspace/src
+cd ~/devel/workspace/src
+git clone --recursive git@github.com:loco-3d/linear-feedback-controller.git
+- Run the docker and build in terminal(1)
+cd ~/devel/workspace/src/linear_feedback_controller
+make docker_pull_and_run
+make build
+- Run the simulation, terminal(1)
+make simu
+- Run the default controller and kill it when the robot is in half-sitting terminal(2)
+make default_ctrl
+- Run the linear feedback controller terminal (2)
+make lf_ctrl
+- Run the PD controller using the lfc terminal (3)
+make pd_ctrl
+### Copyrights and License
+See the BSD-2 LICENSE file.
+For the main authors see the github repository for the main recent contributors.
+Here is the list of the historical main authors:
+- Côme Perrot
+- Maximilien Naveau
+Main maintainers
+- Guilhem Saurel (gsaurel@laas.fr)
+- Maximilien Naveau (maximilien.naveau@gmail.com)
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/averaging_filter.hpp b/include/linear_feedback_controller/averaging_filter.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/averaging_filter.hpp
rename to include/linear_feedback_controller/averaging_filter.hpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/averaging_filter.hxx b/include/linear_feedback_controller/averaging_filter.hxx
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/averaging_filter.hxx
rename to include/linear_feedback_controller/averaging_filter.hxx
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/contact_detector.hpp b/include/linear_feedback_controller/contact_detector.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/contact_detector.hpp
rename to include/linear_feedback_controller/contact_detector.hpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/linear_feedback_controller.hpp b/include/linear_feedback_controller/linear_feedback_controller.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/linear_feedback_controller.hpp
rename to include/linear_feedback_controller/linear_feedback_controller.hpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/min_jerk.hpp b/include/linear_feedback_controller/min_jerk.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/include/linear_feedback_controller/min_jerk.hpp
rename to include/linear_feedback_controller/min_jerk.hpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/launch/talos_linear_feedback_controller.launch b/launch/talos_linear_feedback_controller.launch
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/launch/talos_linear_feedback_controller.launch
rename to launch/talos_linear_feedback_controller.launch
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/launch/talos_params.launch b/launch/talos_params.launch
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/launch/talos_params.launch
rename to launch/talos_params.launch
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/README.md b/linear_feedback_controller/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d0d9b149..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-## linear_feedback_controller
-ros controller based on the pal_base_ros_controller package.
-### Test
-- start docker
-- `reset && catkin build linear_feedback_controller && catkin run_tests --verbose linear_feedback_controller`
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/CMakeLists.txt b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c8cbcbe3..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
-# Choosing to build the unittest (Catkin vs Modern CMake vs Ament).
-# Project definition
-project(linear_feedback_controller_msgs LANGUAGES CXX)
-# Dependencies
-find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)
-find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS std_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs
- eigen_conversions message_generation)
-# Generate the messages
-add_message_files(DIRECTORY msg FILES Contact.msg Control.msg Sensor.msg)
-generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs)
-# Export as catkin package (For ROS1 compatibility...).
-# cmake-format: off
- INCLUDE_DIRS include
- CATKIN_DEPENDS std_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs message_runtime eigen_conversions
-# cmake-format: on
-# Main lib.
-set(${PROJECT_NAME}_HEADERS include/${PROJECT_NAME}/eigen_conversions.hpp)
- INTERFACE Eigen3::Eigen ${std_msgs_LIBRARIES} ${sensor_msgs_LIBRARIES}
- ${eigen_conversions_LIBRARIES} ${geometry_msgs_LIBRARIES}
- ${message_generation_LIBRARIES})
- INTERFACE ${std_msgs_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${sensor_msgs_INCLUDE_DIRS}
- ${eigen_conversions_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${geometry_msgs_INCLUDE_DIRS}
- ${message_generation_INCLUDE_DIRS})
- $)
-# Unit tests
- catkin_add_gtest(test_eigen_conversions tests/test_eigen_conversions.cpp
- tests/gtest_main.cpp)
- target_link_libraries(test_eigen_conversions ${PROJECT_NAME})
-# Install
-install(FILES package.xml DESTINATION share/${PROJECT_NAME})
- PATTERN "third_party" EXCLUDE)
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/README.md b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ed6ced55..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ROS msgs that interface the linear_feedback_controller package.
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/include/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/eigen_conversions.hpp b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/include/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/eigen_conversions.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f8806315..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/include/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/eigen_conversions.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-namespace linear_feedback_controller_msgs {
-namespace Eigen {
-struct JointState {
- std::vector name;
- ::Eigen::VectorXd position;
- ::Eigen::VectorXd velocity;
- ::Eigen::VectorXd effort;
-struct Contact {
- bool active;
- std::string name;
- ::Eigen::Matrix wrench;
-struct Sensor {
- ::Eigen::Matrix base_pose;
- ::Eigen::Matrix base_twist;
- JointState joint_state;
- std::vector contacts;
-struct Control {
- ::Eigen::MatrixXd feedback_gain;
- ::Eigen::VectorXd feedforward;
- linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::Sensor initial_state;
-} // namespace Eigen
-// Create an alias to use only one namespace here.
-void matrixEigenToMsg(const ::Eigen::MatrixBase& e,
- std_msgs::Float64MultiArray& m) {
- tf::matrixEigenToMsg(e, m);
-void matrixMsgToEigen(const std_msgs::Float64MultiArray& m,
- ::Eigen::MatrixBase& e) {
- assert(m.layout.dim.size() == 2 && "The ROS message must be a 2D matrix.");
- // verify the input object.
- assert(m.layout.dim[0].stride == e.size() &&
- "Input and output size do not match.");
- assert(m.layout.dim[0].size == e.rows() &&
- "Input and output size do not match.");
- assert(m.layout.dim[1].stride == e.cols() &&
- "Input and output size do not match.");
- assert(m.layout.dim[1].size == e.cols() &&
- "Input and output size do not match.");
- int ii = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < e.rows(); ++i) {
- for (int j = 0; j < e.cols(); ++j) {
- e(i, j) = m.data[ii++];
- }
- }
- * Msg To Eigen.
- */
-inline void jointStateMsgToEigen(
- const sensor_msgs::JointState& m,
- linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::JointState& e) {
- e.name = m.name;
- e.position = ::Eigen::Map(m.position.data(),
- m.position.size());
- e.velocity = ::Eigen::Map(m.velocity.data(),
- m.velocity.size());
- e.effort =
- ::Eigen::Map(m.effort.data(), m.effort.size());
-inline void contactMsgToEigen(
- const linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Contact& m,
- linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::Contact& e) {
- e.active = m.active;
- e.name = m.name;
- tf::wrenchMsgToEigen(m.wrench, e.wrench);
-inline void sensorMsgToEigen(
- const Sensor& m, linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::Sensor& e) {
- e.base_pose(0) = m.base_pose.position.x;
- e.base_pose(1) = m.base_pose.position.y;
- e.base_pose(2) = m.base_pose.position.z;
- e.base_pose(3) = m.base_pose.orientation.x;
- e.base_pose(4) = m.base_pose.orientation.y;
- e.base_pose(5) = m.base_pose.orientation.z;
- e.base_pose(6) = m.base_pose.orientation.w;
- tf::twistMsgToEigen(m.base_twist, e.base_twist);
- jointStateMsgToEigen(m.joint_state, e.joint_state);
- e.contacts.resize(m.contacts.size());
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m.contacts.size(); ++i) {
- contactMsgToEigen(m.contacts[i], e.contacts[i]);
- }
-inline void controlMsgToEigen(
- const Control& m, linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::Control& e) {
- matrixMsgToEigen(m.feedback_gain, e.feedback_gain);
- matrixMsgToEigen(m.feedforward, e.feedforward);
- sensorMsgToEigen(m.initial_state, e.initial_state);
- * Eigen To Msg.
- */
-inline void jointStateEigenToMsg(
- const linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::JointState& e,
- sensor_msgs::JointState& m) {
- m.name = e.name;
- m.position = std::vector(e.position.data(),
- e.position.data() + e.position.size());
- m.velocity = std::vector(e.velocity.data(),
- e.velocity.data() + e.velocity.size());
- m.effort =
- std::vector(e.effort.data(), e.effort.data() + e.effort.size());
-inline void contactEigenToMsg(
- const linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::Contact& e,
- linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Contact& m) {
- m.active = e.active;
- m.name = e.name;
- tf::wrenchEigenToMsg(e.wrench, m.wrench);
-inline void sensorEigenToMsg(
- const linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::Sensor e, Sensor& m) {
- m.base_pose.position.x = e.base_pose(0);
- m.base_pose.position.y = e.base_pose(1);
- m.base_pose.position.z = e.base_pose(2);
- m.base_pose.orientation.x = e.base_pose(3);
- m.base_pose.orientation.y = e.base_pose(4);
- m.base_pose.orientation.z = e.base_pose(5);
- m.base_pose.orientation.w = e.base_pose(6);
- tf::twistEigenToMsg(e.base_twist, m.base_twist);
- jointStateEigenToMsg(e.joint_state, m.joint_state);
- m.contacts.resize(e.contacts.size());
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < e.contacts.size(); ++i) {
- contactEigenToMsg(e.contacts[i], m.contacts[i]);
- }
-inline void controlEigenToMsg(
- const linear_feedback_controller_msgs::Eigen::Control& e, Control& m) {
- matrixEigenToMsg(e.feedback_gain, m.feedback_gain);
- matrixEigenToMsg(e.feedforward, m.feedforward);
- sensorEigenToMsg(e.initial_state, m.initial_state);
-} // namespace linear_feedback_controller_msgs
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Contact.msg b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Contact.msg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ebff8c5..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Contact.msg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-bool active
-string name
-geometry_msgs/Wrench wrench
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Control.msg b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Control.msg
deleted file mode 100644
index 82af471c..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Control.msg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# This is a message that holds data to describe the state of a set of torque controlled joints.
-# The state of each joint (revolute or prismatic) is defined by:
-# * the position of the joint (rad or m),
-# * the velocity of the joint (rad/s or m/s) and
-# * the effort that is applied in the joint (Nm or N).
-# Each joint is uniquely identified by its name
-# The header specifies the time at which the joint states were recorded. All the joint states
-# in one message have to be recorded at the same time.
-# This message consists of a multiple arrays, one for each part of the joint state.
-# The goal is to make each of the fields optional. When e.g. your joints have no
-# effort associated with them, you can leave the effort array empty.
-# All arrays in this message should have the same size, or be empty.
-# This is the only way to uniquely associate the joint name with the correct
-# states.
-# Metadata
-Header header
-# Control data
-# Linear feedback gain matrix.
-std_msgs/Float64MultiArray feedback_gain
-# Vector of the feedforward.
-std_msgs/Float64MultiArray feedforward
-# Initial state
-Sensor initial_state
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Sensor.msg b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Sensor.msg
deleted file mode 100644
index ad5a4833..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/msg/Sensor.msg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# This is a message that holds data to describe the state of a set of torque controlled joints.
-# The state of each joint (revolute or prismatic) is defined by:
-# * the position of the joint (rad or m),
-# * the velocity of the joint (rad/s or m/s) and
-# * the effort that is applied in the joint (Nm or N).
-# Each joint is uniquely identified by its name
-# The header specifies the time at which the joint states were recorded. All the joint states
-# in one message have to be recorded at the same time.
-# This message consists of a multiple arrays, one for each part of the joint state.
-# The goal is to make each of the fields optional. When e.g. your joints have no
-# effort associated with them, you can leave the effort array empty.
-# All arrays in this message should have the same size, or be empty.
-# This is the only way to uniquely associate the joint name with the correct
-# states.
-# Metadata
-Header header
-# Sensory data:
-# Free flyer state.
-geometry_msgs/Pose base_pose
-geometry_msgs/Twist base_twist
-# Joint state.
-sensor_msgs/JointState joint_state
-# Contact state.
-Contact[] contacts
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/package.xml b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/package.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7efa605e..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/package.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- linear_feedback_controller_msgs
- 0.1.0
- ROS msgs that interface the linear_feedback_controller package.
- Guilhem Saurel
- Maximilien Naveau
- BSD-2
- /~https://github.com/loco-3d/linear_feedback_controller_msgs
- catkin
- message_generation
- roscpp
- message_runtime
- roscpp
- rospy
- std_msgs
- geometry_msgs
- sensor_msgs
- eigen_conversions
- rospy
- gtest
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/tests/gtest_main.cpp b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/tests/gtest_main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9996ba02..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/tests/gtest_main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
- auto ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
- return ret;
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/tests/test_eigen_conversions.cpp b/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/tests/test_eigen_conversions.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ef7ec73b..00000000
--- a/linear_feedback_controller_msgs/tests/test_eigen_conversions.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#include "linear_feedback_controller_msgs/Control.h"
-#include "linear_feedback_controller_msgs/Sensor.h"
-#include "linear_feedback_controller_msgs/eigen_conversions.hpp"
-namespace lfc_msgs = linear_feedback_controller_msgs;
-class LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest : public ::testing::Test {
- protected:
- void SetUp() override {}
- void TearDown() override {}
-class DISABLED_LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest
- : public LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest {};
-TEST_F(LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest, checkEigenConstructors) {
- lfc_msgs::Eigen::Sensor s;
- lfc_msgs::Eigen::Control c;
-TEST_F(LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest, checkRosConstructors) {
- lfc_msgs::Sensor s;
- lfc_msgs::Control c;
-TEST_F(LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest, checkRosEigenMatrixConversion) {
- Eigen::MatrixXd eigen_mat = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(5, 6);
- std_msgs::Float64MultiArray ros_mat;
- Eigen::MatrixXd eigen_mat_test;
- lfc_msgs::matrixEigenToMsg(eigen_mat, ros_mat);
- lfc_msgs::matrixMsgToEigen(ros_mat, eigen_mat_test);
- ASSERT_EQ(eigen_mat, eigen_mat_test);
-TEST_F(LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest, checkRosEigenJointStateConversion) {
- lfc_msgs::Eigen::JointState eigen_joint_state;
- sensor_msgs::JointState ros_joint_state;
- lfc_msgs::Eigen::JointState eigen_joint_state_test;
- eigen_joint_state.name = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"};
- eigen_joint_state.position =
- Eigen::VectorXd::Random(eigen_joint_state.name.size());
- eigen_joint_state.velocity =
- Eigen::VectorXd::Random(eigen_joint_state.name.size());
- eigen_joint_state.effort =
- Eigen::VectorXd::Random(eigen_joint_state.name.size());
- lfc_msgs::jointStateEigenToMsg(eigen_joint_state, ros_joint_state);
- lfc_msgs::jointStateMsgToEigen(ros_joint_state, eigen_joint_state_test);
- ASSERT_EQ(eigen_joint_state.name, eigen_joint_state_test.name);
- ASSERT_EQ(eigen_joint_state.position, eigen_joint_state_test.position);
- ASSERT_EQ(eigen_joint_state.velocity, eigen_joint_state_test.velocity);
- ASSERT_EQ(eigen_joint_state.effort, eigen_joint_state_test.effort);
-TEST_F(LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest, checkRosEigenSensorConversion) {
- lfc_msgs::Eigen::Sensor e;
- lfc_msgs::Sensor m;
- lfc_msgs::Eigen::Sensor etest;
- e.base_pose = Eigen::Matrix::Random();
- Eigen::Quaterniond q;
- q.coeffs() = Eigen::Vector4d::Random();
- q.normalize();
- e.base_pose.tail<4>() = q.coeffs();
- e.base_twist = Eigen::Matrix::Random();
- e.joint_state.name = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"};
- e.joint_state.position = Eigen::VectorXd::Random(e.joint_state.name.size());
- e.joint_state.velocity = Eigen::VectorXd::Random(e.joint_state.name.size());
- e.joint_state.effort = Eigen::VectorXd::Random(e.joint_state.name.size());
- lfc_msgs::sensorEigenToMsg(e, m);
- lfc_msgs::sensorMsgToEigen(m, etest);
- ASSERT_TRUE(e.base_pose.isApprox(etest.base_pose));
- ASSERT_EQ(e.base_twist, etest.base_twist);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.joint_state.name, etest.joint_state.name);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.joint_state.position, etest.joint_state.position);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.joint_state.velocity, etest.joint_state.velocity);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.joint_state.effort, etest.joint_state.effort);
-TEST_F(LinearFeedbackControllerMsgsTest, checkRosEigenControlConversion) {
- lfc_msgs::Eigen::Control e;
- lfc_msgs::Control m;
- lfc_msgs::Eigen::Control etest;
- e.initial_state.base_pose = Eigen::Matrix::Random();
- Eigen::Quaterniond q;
- q.coeffs() = Eigen::Vector4d::Random();
- q.normalize();
- e.initial_state.base_pose.tail<4>() = q.coeffs();
- e.initial_state.base_twist = Eigen::Matrix::Random();
- e.initial_state.joint_state.name = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"};
- e.initial_state.joint_state.position =
- Eigen::VectorXd::Random(e.initial_state.joint_state.name.size());
- e.initial_state.joint_state.velocity =
- Eigen::VectorXd::Random(e.initial_state.joint_state.name.size());
- e.initial_state.joint_state.effort =
- Eigen::VectorXd::Random(e.initial_state.joint_state.name.size());
- e.feedback_gain = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(8, 4);
- e.feedforward = Eigen::VectorXd::Random(8);
- lfc_msgs::controlEigenToMsg(e, m);
- lfc_msgs::controlMsgToEigen(m, etest);
- e.initial_state.base_pose.isApprox(etest.initial_state.base_pose));
- ASSERT_EQ(e.initial_state.base_twist, etest.initial_state.base_twist);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.initial_state.joint_state.name,
- etest.initial_state.joint_state.name);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.initial_state.joint_state.position,
- etest.initial_state.joint_state.position);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.initial_state.joint_state.velocity,
- etest.initial_state.joint_state.velocity);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.initial_state.joint_state.effort,
- etest.initial_state.joint_state.effort);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.feedback_gain, etest.feedback_gain);
- ASSERT_EQ(e.feedforward, etest.feedforward);
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/package.xml b/package.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/package.xml
rename to package.xml
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/src/contact_detector.cpp b/src/contact_detector.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/src/contact_detector.cpp
rename to src/contact_detector.cpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/src/linear_feedback_controller.cpp b/src/linear_feedback_controller.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/src/linear_feedback_controller.cpp
rename to src/linear_feedback_controller.cpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/src/min_jerk.cpp b/src/min_jerk.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/src/min_jerk.cpp
rename to src/min_jerk.cpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/src/min_jerk.wxmx b/src/min_jerk.wxmx
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/src/min_jerk.wxmx
rename to src/min_jerk.wxmx
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/src/pd_controller.py b/src/pd_controller.py
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/src/pd_controller.py
rename to src/pd_controller.py
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/src/plugins.cpp b/src/plugins.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/src/plugins.cpp
rename to src/plugins.cpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/tests/ros_gtest_main.cpp b/tests/ros_gtest_main.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/tests/ros_gtest_main.cpp
rename to tests/ros_gtest_main.cpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/tests/rosconsole.conf b/tests/rosconsole.conf
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/tests/rosconsole.conf
rename to tests/rosconsole.conf
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_averaging_filter.cpp b/tests/test_averaging_filter.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_averaging_filter.cpp
rename to tests/test_averaging_filter.cpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller.py b/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller.py
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller.py
rename to tests/test_linear_feedback_controller.py
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller.test b/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller.test
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller.test
rename to tests/test_linear_feedback_controller.test
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller_basic.cpp b/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller_basic.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller_basic.cpp
rename to tests/test_linear_feedback_controller_basic.cpp
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller_basic.test b/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller_basic.test
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_linear_feedback_controller_basic.test
rename to tests/test_linear_feedback_controller_basic.test
diff --git a/linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_min_jerk.cpp b/tests/test_min_jerk.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from linear_feedback_controller/tests/test_min_jerk.cpp
rename to tests/test_min_jerk.cpp