2017-02-23 -> 2021-03-05
A helper class to get the start date and end date from a directory.
TimeFileUtil is part of the universe framework.
Using the planet installer via light-cli
lt install Ling.TimeFileUtil
Using the uni command.
uni import Ling/TimeFileUtil
If you have timed files, like backup files for instance, then you can use this class to fetch the earliest and latest dates associated with those files.
Imagine you have a directory containing timed files, for instance:
- 20170223-backup.txt
- 20170224-backup.txt
- ...
- 20170412-backup.txt
- 20170413-backup.txt
use Ling\TimeFileUtil\TimeFileUtil;
require_once "bigbang.php";
$dir = "/path/to/dir";
// in this example, files look like this
// 20170223--backup.txt
$tf = TimeFileUtil::create()->setExtractor(function ($fileName) {
$year = substr($fileName, 0, 4);
$month = substr($fileName, 4, 2);
$day = substr($fileName, 6, 2);
return $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
$startDate = $tf->getStartDateByDir($dir);
$endDate = $tf->getEndDateByDir($dir);
a($startDate); // 2017-02-23
a($endDate); // 2017-04-12
Note, you can change the extractor callback to adapt different file formats.
1.0.4 -- 2021-05-31
- Removing trailing plus in lpi-deps file (to work with Light_PlanetInstaller:2.0.0 api
1.0.3 -- 2021-03-05
- update README.md, add install alternative
1.0.2 -- 2020-12-08
- Fix lpi-deps not using natsort.
1.0.1 -- 2020-12-04
- Add lpi-deps.byml file
1.0.0 -- 2017-02-23
- initial commit