To install mapping packages, we recommend using python package manager mamba (faster) or conda:
- mamba:
- conda/miniconda:
All the packages and mapping environment can be created by
# this creates a environment called mapping, containing all packages
mamba env create -f mapping_env.yaml
# activate the enviroment before run mapping
mamba activate mapping
Bismark genome index is built by bismark_genome_preparation
using default parameters, see documentation in:
All genome sequence and related files downloaded from:
The two FASTQ files for a single cell (downsampled) can be used to test the pipeline.
# run snmC mapping
cd snmC_example/
snakemake -j n_cpu --snakefile ./Snakefile
# run snm3C mapping
cd snm3C_example
snakemake -j n_cpu --snakefile ./Snakefile
├── mapping_env.yaml # package information YAML file, can be used by mamba/conda to create mapping environment
├── snm3C_example # minimum snm3C Bismark mapping pipeline example
│ ├── Snakefile
│ ├── fastq
│ │ ├── CEMBA3C_18A3C_R2_P10-1-O5-A2-R1.fq.gz
│ │ └── CEMBA3C_18A3C_R2_P10-1-O5-A2-R2.fq.gz
│ ├── mm10.main.chrom.sizes
│ └── snm3C_steps.svg # visualization of snm3C mapping steps
└── snmC_example # minimum snmC Bismark mapping pipeline example
├── Snakefile
├── fastq
│ ├── CEMBA200707_9E_1-1-A18-A1-R1.fq.gz
│ └── CEMBA200707_9E_1-1-A18-A1-R2.fq.gz
└── snmC_steps.svg # visualization of snmC mapping steps